2008 |
52 | | Helwig Hauser,
Steffen Straßburger,
Holger Theisel:
Simulation and Visualization 2008 (SimVis 2008), 18-29 Februar 2008, Magdeburg
SCS Publishing House e.V. 2008 |
51 | EE | Kresimir Matkovic,
Wolfgang Freiler,
Denis Gracanin,
Helwig Hauser:
ComVis: A Coordinated Multiple Views System for Prototyping New Visualization Technology.
IV 2008: 215-220 |
50 | EE | Harald Piringer,
Wolfgang Berger,
Helwig Hauser:
Quantifying and Comparing Features in High-Dimensional Datasets.
IV 2008: 240-245 |
49 | EE | Philipp Muigg,
Johannes Kehrer,
Steffen Oeltze,
Harald Piringer,
Helmut Doleisch,
Bernhard Preim,
Helwig Hauser:
A Four-level Focus+Context Approach to Interactive Visual Analysis of Temporal Features in Large Scientific Data.
Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 775-782 (2008) |
48 | EE | Raphael Fuchs,
Ronald Peikert,
Helwig Hauser,
Filip Sadlo,
Philipp Muigg:
Parallel Vectors Criteria for Unsteady Flow Vertices.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(3): 615-626 (2008) |
47 | EE | Wolfgang Freiler,
Kresimir Matkovic,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Visual Analysis of Set-Typed Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1340-1347 (2008) |
46 | EE | Johannes Kehrer,
Florian Ladstädter,
Philipp Muigg,
Helmut Doleisch,
Andrea Steiner,
Helwig Hauser:
Hypothesis Generation in Climate Research with Interactive Visual Data Exploration.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1579-1586 (2008) |
45 | EE | Kresimir Matkovic,
Denis Gracanin,
Mario Jelovic,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Visual Steering - Rapid Visual Prototyping of a Common Rail Injection System.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1699-1706 (2008) |
2007 |
44 | EE | Raphael Buerger,
Philipp Muigg,
Martin Ilcík,
Helmut Doleisch,
Helwig Hauser:
Integrating Local Feature Detectors in the Interactive Visual Analysis of Flow Simulation Data.
EuroVis 2007: 171-178 |
43 | EE | Michael Wohlfart,
Helwig Hauser:
Story Telling for Presentation in Volume Visualization.
EuroVis 2007: 91-98 |
42 | EE | Kresimir Matkovic,
Denis Gracanin,
Zoltan Konyha,
Helwig Hauser:
Color LinesView: AnApproach toVisualization of Families of Function Graphs.
IV 2007: 59-64 |
41 | EE | Steffen Oeltze,
Helmut Doleisch,
Helwig Hauser,
Philipp Muigg,
Bernhard Preim:
Interactive Visual Analysis of Perfusion Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1392-1399 (2007) |
40 | EE | Philipp Muigg,
Markus Hadwiger,
Helmut Doleisch,
Helwig Hauser:
Scalable Hybrid Unstructured and Structured Grid Raycasting.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1592-1599 (2007) |
39 | EE | Ove Daae Lampe,
Ivan Viola,
Nathalie Reuter,
Helwig Hauser:
Two-Level Approach to Efficient Visualization of Protein Dynamics.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1616-1623 (2007) |
2006 |
38 | EE | Kuangyu Shi,
Holger Theisel,
Tino Weinkauf,
Helwig Hauser,
Hans-Christian Hege,
Hans-Peter Seidel:
Path Line Oriented Topology for Periodic 2D Time-Dependent Vector Fields.
EuroVis 2006: 139-146 |
37 | EE | Robert S. Laramee,
Christoph Garth,
Jürgen Schneider,
Helwig Hauser:
Texture Advection on Stream Surfaces: A Novel Hybrid Visualization Applied to CFD Simulation Results.
EuroVis 2006: 155-162 |
36 | EE | Daniel Weiskopf,
Helwig Hauser:
Cycle shading for the assessment and visualization of shape in one and two codimensions.
Graphics Interface 2006: 219-226 |
35 | EE | Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Visual Analysis - an Opportunity for Industrial Simulation.
SimVis 2006: 1-6 |
34 | EE | Robert Kosara,
Fabian Bendix,
Helwig Hauser:
Parallel Sets: Interactive Exploration and Visual Analysis of Categorical Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(4): 558-568 (2006) |
33 | EE | Matej Novotny,
Helwig Hauser:
Outlier-Preserving Focus+Context Visualization in Parallel Coordinates.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 893-900 (2006) |
32 | EE | Zoltan Konyha,
Kresimir Matkovic,
Denis Gracanin,
Mario Jelovic,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Visual Analysis of Families of Function Graphs.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(6): 1373-1385 (2006) |
2005 |
31 | EE | Robert S. Laramee,
Christoph Garth,
Helmut Doleisch,
Jürgen Schneider,
Helwig Hauser,
Hans Hagen:
Visual Analysis and Exploration of Fluid Flow in a Cooling Jacket.
IEEE Visualization 2005: 79 |
30 | EE | Fabian Bendix,
Robert Kosara,
Helwig Hauser:
Parallel Sets: Visual Analysis of Categorical Data.
INFOVIS 2005: 18 |
29 | | Helmut Doleisch,
Michael Mayer,
Martin Gasser,
Peter Priesching,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Feature Specification for Simulation Data on Time-Varying Grids.
SimVis 2005: 291-304 |
2004 |
28 | EE | Robert S. Laramee,
Daniel Weiskopf,
Jürgen Schneider,
Helwig Hauser:
Investigating Swirl and Tumble Flow with a Comparison of Visualization Techniques.
IEEE Visualization 2004: 51-58 |
27 | | Robert Kosara,
Fabian Bendix,
Helwig Hauser:
TimeHistograms for Large, Time-Dependent Data.
VisSym 2004: 45-54, 340 |
26 | | Robert S. Laramee,
Jürgen Schneider,
Helwig Hauser:
Texture-Based Flow Visualization on Isosurfaces.
VisSym 2004: 85-90, 342 |
25 | | Helmut Doleisch,
Michael Mayer,
Martin Gasser,
Roland Wanker,
Helwig Hauser:
Case Study: Visual Analysis of Complex, Time-Dependent Simulation Results of a Diesel Exhaust System.
VisSym 2004: 91-96, 343 |
24 | | Robert Kosara,
Gerald N. Sahling,
Helwig Hauser:
Linking Scientific and Information Visualization with Interactive 3D Scatterplots.
WSCG (Short Papers) 2004: 133-140 |
23 | EE | Robert S. Laramee,
Helwig Hauser,
Helmut Doleisch,
Benjamin Vrolijk,
Frits H. Post,
Daniel Weiskopf:
The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-Based Techniques.
Comput. Graph. Forum 23(2): 203-222 (2004) |
22 | EE | Robert S. Laramee,
Jarke J. van Wijk,
Bruno Jobard,
Helwig Hauser:
ISA and IBFVS: Image Space-Based Visualization of Flow on Surfaces.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 637-648 (2004) |
2003 |
21 | | Robert S. Laramee,
Bruno Jobard,
Helwig Hauser:
Image Space Based Visualization of Unsteady Flow on Surfaces.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 131-138 |
20 | | Markus Hadwiger,
Christoph Berger,
Helwig Hauser:
High-Quality Two-Level Volume Rendering of Segmented Data Sets on Consumer Graphics Hardware.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 301-308 |
19 | | Zoltan Konyha,
Kresimir Matkovic,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive 3D Visualization Of Rigid Body Systems.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 539-546 |
18 | | Helwig Hauser,
Matej Mlejnek:
Interactive Volume Visualization of Complex Flow Semantics.
VMV 2003: 191-198 |
17 | | Stefan Bruckner,
Dieter Schmalstieg,
Helwig Hauser,
Eduard Gröller:
The Inverse Warp: Non-Invasive Integration of Shear-Warp Volume Rendering into Polygon Rendering Pipelines.
VMV 2003: 529-536 |
16 | | Helmut Doleisch,
Martin Gasser,
Helwig Hauser:
Interactive Feature Specification for Focus+Context Visualization of Complex Simulation Data.
VisSym 2003 |
15 | EE | Markus Hadwiger,
Helwig Hauser,
Torsten Möller:
Quality Issues of Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Filtering on PC Graphics Hardware.
WSCG 2003 |
14 | EE | Frits H. Post,
Benjamin Vrolijk,
Helwig Hauser,
Robert S. Laramee,
Helmut Doleisch:
The State of the Art in Flow Visualisation: Feature Extraction and Tracking.
Comput. Graph. Forum 22(4): 775-792 (2003) |
2002 |
13 | EE | Helwig Hauser,
Florian Ledermann,
Helmut Doleisch:
Angular Brushing of Extended Parallel Coordinates.
INFOVIS 2002: 127-130 |
12 | EE | Kresimir Matkovic,
Helwig Hauser,
Reinhard Sainitzer,
Eduard Gröller:
Process Visualization with Levels of Detail.
INFOVIS 2002: 67-70 |
11 | | Markus Hadwiger,
Ivan Viola,
Thomas Theußl,
Helwig Hauser:
Fast and Flexible High-Quality Texture Filtering With Tiled High-Resolution Filters.
VMV 2002: 155-162 |
10 | EE | Helmut Doleisch,
Helwig Hauser:
Smooth Brushing for Focus+Context Visualization of Simulation Data in 3D.
WSCG 2002: 147-154 |
9 | EE | Robert Kosara,
Silvia Miksch,
Helwig Hauser:
Focus and Context Taken Literally.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22(1): 22-29 (2002) |
2001 |
8 | EE | Lukas Mroz,
Helwig Hauser:
RTVR - A Flexible Java Library for Interactive Volume Rendering.
IEEE Visualization 2001 |
7 | EE | Robert Kosara,
Silvia Miksch,
Helwig Hauser:
Semantic Depth of Field.
INFOVIS 2001: 97-104 |
6 | EE | Markus Hadwiger,
Thomas Theußl,
Helwig Hauser,
Eduard Gröller:
Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Reconstruction on PC Hardware.
VMV 2001: 105-112 |
5 | | Balázs Csébfalvi,
Lukas Mroz,
Helwig Hauser,
Andreas König,
Eduard Gröller:
Fast Visualization of Object Contours by Non-Photorealistic Volume Rendering.
Comput. Graph. Forum 20(3): (2001) |
4 | EE | Helwig Hauser,
Lukas Mroz,
Gian Italo Bischi,
Eduard Gröller:
Two-Level Volume Rendering.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 7(3): 242-252 (2001) |
2000 |
3 | EE | Helwig Hauser,
Lukas Mroz,
Gian Italo Bischi,
Eduard Gröller:
Two-level volume rendering &mdash fusing MIP and DVR.
IEEE Visualization 2000: 211-218 |
2 | EE | Thomas Theußl,
Helwig Hauser,
Eduard Gröller:
Mastering windows: improving reconstruction.
Volviz 2000: 101-108 |
1 | | Lukas Mroz,
Helwig Hauser,
Eduard Gröller:
Interactive High-Quality Maximum Intensity Projection.
Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000) |