2009 |
120 | EE | Michael Luck,
Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IX, 9th International Workshop, AOSE 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12-13, 2008, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2009 |
2008 |
119 | | Michael Luck,
Lin Padgham:
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII, 8th International Workshop, AOSE 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 14, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2008 |
118 | EE | Michal Jakob,
Michal Pechoucek,
Simon Miles,
Michael Luck:
Case studies for contract-based systems.
AAMAS (Industry Track) 2008: 55-62 |
117 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Simon Miles,
Michael Luck,
Camden Holt,
Malcolm Smith:
Electronic contracting in aircraft aftercare: a case study.
AAMAS (Industry Track) 2008: 63-70 |
116 | EE | Sanjay Modgil,
Michael Luck:
Argumentation Based Resolution of Conflicts between Desires and Normative Goals.
ArgMAS 2008: 19-36 |
115 | EE | Noura Faci,
Sanjay Modgil,
Nir Oren,
Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Simon Miles,
Michael Luck:
Towards a Monitoring Framework for Agent-Based Contract Systems.
CIA 2008: 292-305 |
114 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Leveraging New Plans in AgentSpeak(PL).
DALT 2008: 111-127 |
113 | EE | Jez McKean,
Hayden Shorter,
Michael Luck,
Peter McBurney,
Steven Willmott:
Technology diffusion: analysing the diffusion of agent technologies.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 17(3): 372-396 (2008) |
2007 |
112 | EE | Mariusz Jacyno,
Seth Bullock,
Terry R. Payne,
Michael Luck:
Understanding decentralised control of resource allocation in a minimal multi-agent system.
AAMAS 2007: 208 |
111 | EE | Simon Miles,
Steve Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Luc Moreau:
Modelling the provenance of data in autonomous systems.
AAMAS 2007: 50 |
110 | EE | Jorge Gonzalez-Palacios,
Michael Luck:
Extending Gaia with Agent Design and Iterative Development.
AOSE 2007: 16-30 |
109 | EE | Lin Padgham,
Michael Luck:
Introduction to AOSE Tools for the Conference Management System.
AOSE 2007: 164-167 |
108 | EE | Simon Miles,
Paul T. Groth,
Steve Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Luc Moreau:
AgentPrIMe: Adapting MAS Designs to Build Confidence.
AOSE 2007: 31-43 |
107 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Motivations as an Abstraction of Meta-level Reasoning.
CEEMAS 2007: 204-214 |
106 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Composing High-Level Plans for Declarative Agent Programming.
DALT 2007: 69-85 |
105 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
A Normative Framework for Agent-Based Systems.
Normative Multi-agent Systems 2007 |
104 | EE | Fredrik Espinoza,
David De Roure,
Ola Hamfors,
Lucas Hinz,
Jesper Holmberg,
Carl Gustaf Jansson,
Nick R. Jennings,
Michael Luck,
Peter Lönnqvist,
Gopal Ramchurn,
Anna Sandin,
Mark K. Thompson,
Markus Bylund:
Intrusiveness Management for Focused, Efficient, and Enjoyable Activities.
The Disappearing Computer 2007: 143-157 |
103 | EE | Emanuela Merelli,
Giuliano Armano,
Nicola Cannata,
Flavio Corradini,
Mark d'Inverno,
Andreas Doms,
Phillip W. Lord,
Andrew Martin,
Luciano Milanesi,
Steffen Möller,
Michael Schroeder,
Michael Luck:
Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology.
Briefings in Bioinformatics 8(1): 45-59 (2007) |
102 | EE | Peter McBurney,
Michael Luck:
The Agents Are All Busy Doing Stuff!
IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4): 6-7 (2007) |
101 | EE | Michael Luck,
Lin Padgham:
Report from the Eighth Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop, AAMAS 2007.
IJAOSE 1(3/4): 498-502 (2007) |
2006 |
100 | EE | Jigar Patel,
W. T. Luke Teacy,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck,
Stuart Chalmers,
Nir Oren,
Timothy J. Norman,
Alun D. Preece,
Peter M. D. Gray,
Gareth Shercliff,
Patrick J. Stockreisser,
Jianhua Shao,
W. Alex Gray,
N. J. Fiddian,
Simon G. Thompson:
CONOISE-G: agent-based virtual organisations.
AAMAS 2006: 1459-1460 |
99 | EE | Roxana Belecheanu,
Steve Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Terry R. Payne,
Tim Miller,
Peter McBurney,
Michal Pechoucek:
Commercial applications of agents: lessons, experiences and challenges.
AAMAS 2006: 1549-1555 |
98 | EE | Maíra Riveiro Rodrigues,
Michael Luck:
Evaluating Dynamic Services in Bioinformatics.
CIA 2006: 183-197 |
97 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Terry R. Payne,
Michael Luck,
Mike Surridge,
Carles Sierra,
Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,
Pablo Noriega:
Using Electronic Institutions to Secure Grid Environments.
CIA 2006: 461-475 |
96 | EE | Armando Robles P,
Pablo Noriega,
Michael Luck,
Francisco J. Cantú Ortiz:
Using MAS Technologies for Intelligent Organizations: A Report of Bottom-Up Results.
MICAI 2006: 1116-1127 |
95 | EE | Jorge Gonzalez-Palacios,
Michael Luck:
Towards Compliance of Agents in Open Multi-agent Systems.
SELMAS 2006: 132-147 |
94 | EE | W. T. Luke Teacy,
Jigar Patel,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck:
TRAVOS: Trust and Reputation in the Context of Inaccurate Information Sources.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12(2): 183-198 (2006) |
93 | EE | Steve Munroe,
Tim Miller,
Roxana Belecheanu,
Michal Pechoucek,
Peter McBurney,
Michael Luck:
Crossing the agent technology chasm: Lessons, experiences and challenges in commercial applications of agents.
Knowledge Eng. Review 21(4): 345-392 (2006) |
2005 |
92 | | Andrzej Skowron,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Michael Luck,
Takahira Yamaguchi,
Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux,
Jiming Liu,
Ning Zhong:
2005 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2005), 19-22 September 2005, Compiegne, France
IEEE Computer Society 2005 |
91 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Sarvapali D. Ramchurn,
Jordi Sabater,
Michael Luck,
Nicholas R. Jennings:
Trust evaluation through relationship analysis.
AAMAS 2005: 1005-1011 |
90 | EE | Jigar Patel,
W. T. Luke Teacy,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck,
Stuart Chalmers,
Nir Oren,
Timothy J. Norman,
Alun D. Preece,
Peter M. D. Gray,
Gareth Shercliff,
Patrick J. Stockreisser,
Jianhua Shao,
W. A. Gray,
N. J. Fiddian,
Simon G. Thompson:
Agent-based virtual organisations for the Grid.
AAMAS 2005: 1151-1152 |
89 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck:
Balancing conflict and cost in the selection of negotiation opponents.
AAMAS 2005: 1217-1218 |
88 | EE | W. T. Luke Teacy,
Jigar Patel,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck:
Coping with inaccurate reputation sources: experimental analysis of a probabilistic trust model.
AAMAS 2005: 997-1004 |
87 | EE | Thomas Wagner,
Les Gasser,
Michael Luck:
Impact for agents.
AAMAS Industrial Applications 2005: 93-99 |
86 | EE | Arturo Avila-Rosas,
Michael Luck:
A Direct Reputation Model for VO Formation.
CEEMAS 2005: 460-469 |
85 | EE | Maíra Riveiro Rodrigues,
Michael Luck:
Analysing Partner Selection Through Exchange Values.
MABS 2005: 24-40 |
84 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
A Normative Framework for Agent-Based Systems.
NORMAS 2005: 24-35 |
83 | EE | Michael Luck,
Peter McBurney,
Jorge Gonzalez-Palacios:
Agent-Based Computing and Programming of Agent Systems.
PROMAS 2005: 23-37 |
82 | EE | Richard Lawley,
Michael Luck,
Luc Moreau:
Modelling and Simulating Chained Negotiation to Enable Sharing of Notifications.
Web Intelligence 2005: 479-482 |
81 | EE | Jigar Patel,
W. T. Luke Teacy,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck:
A Probabilistic Trust Model for Handling Inaccurate Reputation Sources.
iTrust 2005: 193-209 |
80 | EE | Peter Wegner,
Farhad Arbab,
Dina Q. Goldin,
Peter McBurney,
Michael Luck,
David Robertson:
The Role of Agent Interaction in Models of Computing: Panelist Reviews.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(5): 181-198 (2005) |
79 | EE | Michael Luck,
Emanuela Merelli:
Agents in bioinformatics.
Knowledge Eng. Review 20(2): 117-125 (2005) |
78 | EE | Jigar Patel,
W. T. Luke Teacy,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck,
Stuart Chalmers,
Nir Oren,
Timothy J. Norman,
Alun D. Preece,
Peter M. D. Gray,
Gareth Shercliff,
Patrick J. Stockreisser,
Jianhua Shao,
W. Alex Gray,
Nick J. Fiddian,
Simon Thompson:
Agent-based virtual organisations for the Grid.
Multiagent and Grid Systems 1(4): 237-249 (2005) |
2004 |
77 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Identifying Opportunities and Constraints for Goal Achievement through Relationship Analysis.
AAMAS 2004: 1452-1453 |
76 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Motivation-Based Selection of Negotiation Partners.
AAMAS 2004: 1520-1521 |
75 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Normative Agent Reasoning in Dynamic Societies.
AAMAS 2004: 732-739 |
74 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Michael Luck:
An Agent Construction Model for Ubiquitous Computing Devices.
AOSE 2004: 158-173 |
73 | EE | Jorge Gonzalez-Palacios,
Michael Luck:
A Framework for Patterns in Gaia: A Case-Study with Organisations.
AOSE 2004: 174-188 |
72 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck:
Motivation-Based Selection of Negotiation Opponents.
ESAW 2004: 119-138 |
71 | EE | Sarvapali D. Ramchurn,
Benjamin Deitch,
Mark K. Thompson,
David De Roure,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck:
Minimising Intrusiveness in Pervasive Computing Environments Using Multi-Agent Negotiation.
MobiQuitous 2004: 364-372 |
70 | EE | Paul T. Groth,
Michael Luck,
Luc Moreau:
A Protocol for Recording Provenance in Service-Oriented Grids.
OPODIS 2004: 124-139 |
69 | EE | Michael Luck,
Steve Munroe,
Ronald Ashri,
Fabiola López y López:
Trust and norms for interaction.
SMC (2) 2004: 1944-1949 |
68 | EE | Mark d'Inverno,
Carles Sierra,
Franco Zambonelli,
Michael Luck,
Steven Willmott:
Best Papers From Eumas 2003: The 1st European Workshop On Multi-Agent Systems.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(9-10): 775-778 (2004) |
67 | EE | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck,
Michael P. Georgeff,
David Kinny,
Michael Wooldridge:
The dMARS Architecture: A Specification of the Distributed Multi-Agent Reasoning System.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 9(1-2): 5-53 (2004) |
66 | EE | Michael Luck:
Guest Editorial: Challenges for Agent-Based Computing.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 9(3): 199-201 (2004) |
65 | EE | Michael Luck,
Peter McBurney,
Chris Preist:
A Manifesto for Agent Technology: Towards Next Generation Computing.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 9(3): 203-252 (2004) |
64 | EE | Franco Zambonelli,
Michael Luck:
Agent Hell: A Scenario of Worst Practices.
IEEE Computer 37(3): 96-98 (2004) |
63 | EE | Alexandra M. Coddington,
Michael Luck:
A motivation-based planning and execution framework.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 13(1): 5-25 (2004) |
62 | EE | Timothy J. Norman,
Alun D. Preece,
Stuart Chalmers,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Michael Luck,
Viet Dung Dang,
Thuc Duong Nguyen,
Vikas Deora,
Jianhua Shao,
W. A. Gray,
N. J. Fiddian:
Agent-based formation of virtual organisations.
Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(2-4): 103-111 (2004) |
61 | EE | Simon Miles,
Juri Papay,
Terry R. Payne,
Michael Luck,
Luc Moreau:
Towards a protocol for the attachment of metadata to grid service descriptions and its use in semantic discovery.
Scientific Programming 12(4): 201-211 (2004) |
2003 |
60 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Towards a motivation-based approach for evaluating goals.
AAMAS 2003: 1074-1075 |
59 | EE | Nathan Griffiths,
Michael Luck:
Coalition formation through motivation and trust.
AAMAS 2003: 17-24 |
58 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck:
3M Motivational Taxonomy.
Agents and Computational Autonomy 2003: 55-67 |
57 | EE | Luc Moreau,
Simon Miles,
Carole A. Goble,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Vijay Dialani,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Rich Cawley,
David De Roure,
Justin Ferris,
Robert J. Gaizauskas,
Kevin Glover,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Peter Li,
Xiaojian Liu,
Phillip W. Lord,
Michael Luck,
Darren Marvin,
Thomas M. Oinn,
Norman W. Paton,
Steve Pettifer,
Milena V. Radenkovic,
Angus Roberts,
Alan J. Robinson,
Tom Rodden,
Martin Senger,
Nick Sharman,
Robert Stevens,
Brian Warboys,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid.
CCGRID 2003: 653-668 |
56 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Iyad Rahwan,
Michael Luck:
Architectures for Negotiating Agents.
CEEMAS 2003: 136-146 |
55 | EE | Stephen J. Munroe,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Towards Motivation-Based Decisions for Worth Goals.
CEEMAS 2003: 17-28 |
54 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck:
Modelling Norms for Autonomous Agents.
ENC 2003: 238-245 |
53 | EE | Richard Lawley,
Keith Decker,
Michael Luck,
Terry R. Payne,
Luc Moreau:
Automated Negotiation for Grid Notification Services.
Euro-Par 2003: 384-393 |
52 | | Alexandra M. Coddington,
Michael Luck:
Towards Motivation-based Plan Evaluation.
FLAIRS Conference 2003: 298-302 |
51 | | Ronald Ashri,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
On Identifying and Managing Relationships in Multi-Agent Systems.
IJCAI 2003: 743-748 |
50 | | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Unifying Agent Systems.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 37(1-2): 131-167 (2003) |
49 | EE | Simon Miles,
Juri Papay,
Vijay Dialani,
Michael Luck,
Keith Decker,
Terry R. Payne,
Luc Moreau:
Personalised Grid service discovery.
IEE Proceedings - Software 150(4): 252-256 (2003) |
48 | EE | Richard Lawley,
Michael Luck,
Keith Decker,
Terry R. Payne,
Luc Moreau:
Automated Negotiation Between Publishers And Consumers Of Grid Notifications.
Parallel Processing Letters 13(4): 537-548 (2003) |
2002 |
47 | | Vladimír Marík,
Olga Stepánková,
Hana Krautwurmova,
Michael Luck:
Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications II, 9th ECCAI-ACAI/EASSS 2001, AEMAS 2001, HoloMAS 2001, Selected Revised Papers
Springer 2002 |
46 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck,
Michael Fisher,
Chris Preist:
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers
Springer 2002 |
45 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Constraining autonomy through norms.
AAMAS 2002: 674-681 |
44 | EE | Simon Miles,
Mike Joy,
Michael Luck:
Towards a Methodology for Coordination Mechanism Selection in Open Systems.
ESAW 2002: 241-256 |
43 | EE | Vijay Dialani,
Simon Miles,
Luc Moreau,
David De Roure,
Michael Luck:
Transparent Fault Tolerance for Web Services Based Architectures.
Euro-Par 2002: 889-898 |
42 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Infrastructure Support for Agent-Based Development.
Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems 2002: 73-88 |
41 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck:
Empowered Situations of Autonomous Agents.
IBERAMIA 2002: 585-595 |
40 | EE | Fabiola López y López,
Michael Luck:
A Model of Normative Multi-agent Systems and Dynamic Relationships.
RASTA 2002: 259-280 |
39 | EE | Nathan Griffiths,
Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Annotating Cooperative Plans with Trusted Agents.
Trust, Reputation, and Security 2002: 87-107 |
38 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Paul Howells,
Michael J. Hu,
Michael Luck:
Soft-link hypertext for information retrieval.
Information & Software Technology 44(2): 101-112 (2002) |
2001 |
37 | | Michael Luck,
Vladimír Marík,
Olga Stepánková,
Robert Trappl:
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications, 9th ECCAI Advanced Course ACAI 2001 and Agent Link's 3rd European Agent Systems Summer School, EASSS 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2-13, 2001, Selected Tutorial Papers
Springer 2001 |
36 | EE | Alexander Poylisher,
Michael Luck:
Modelling and Simulation of Aggregation Nets.
CCGRID 2001: 456-463 |
35 | EE | Sorabain Wolfheart de Lioncourt,
Michael Luck:
Towards Requirements Analysis for Autonomous Agent Behaviour.
CEEMAS 2001: 179-186 |
34 | EE | Sorabain Wolfheart de Lioncourt,
Michael Luck:
Motivated Agent Behaviour and Requirements Applied to Virtual Emergencies.
Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications 2001: 44-60 |
33 | | Kevin Bryson,
Michael Luck,
Mike Joy,
David T. Jones:
Agent Interaction for Bioinformatics Data Management.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(10): 917-947 (2001) |
32 | EE | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
A Conceptual Framework for Agent Definition and Development.
Comput. J. 44(1): 1-20 (2001) |
2000 |
31 | EE | Simon Miles,
Mike Joy,
Michael Luck:
Designing Agent-Oriented Systems by Analysing Agent Interactions.
AOSE 2000: 171-184 |
30 | EE | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Plan Analysis for Autonomous Sociological Agents.
ATAL 2000: 182-197 |
29 | EE | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Autonomy: A Nice Idea in Theory.
ATAL 2000: 351-353 |
28 | | Kevin Bryson,
Michael Luck,
Mike Joy,
David T. Jones:
Applying Agents to Bioinformatics in GeneWeaver.
CIA 2000: 60-71 |
27 | EE | Ronald Ashri,
Michael Luck:
Paradigma: Agent Implementation through Jini.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 453-457 |
26 | | Koen V. Hindriks,
Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Architecture for Agent Programming Languages.
ECAI 2000: 363-367 |
25 | EE | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Formal Agent Development: Framework to System.
FAABS 2000: 133-147 |
24 | EE | Michael G. Hinchey,
James A. Hendler,
Charles Pecheur,
Constance L. Heitmeyer,
Diana F. Gordon,
Michael Luck,
Walt Truszkowski:
Panel Discussion: Future Directions.
FAABS 2000: 354-368 |
23 | EE | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Sociological Agents for Effective Social Action.
ICMAS 2000: 379-380 |
22 | EE | Mark d'Inverno,
Koen V. Hindriks,
Michael Luck:
A Formal Architecture for the 3APL Agent Programming Language.
ZB 2000: 168-187 |
21 | | Michael Luck,
Ruth Aylett:
Guest Editorial: Intelligent Virtual Environments.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(1): 1-2 (2000) |
20 | | Michael Luck,
Ruth Aylett:
Applying Artificial Intelligence to Virtual Reality: Intelligent Virtual Environments.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(1): 3-32 (2000) |
1999 |
19 | | Nathan Griffiths,
Michael Luck:
Cooperative Plan Selection Through Trust.
MAAMAW 1999: 162-174 |
18 | | Michael Luck,
Mike Joy:
A Secure On-line Submission System.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 29(8): 721-740 (1999) |
1998 |
17 | | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Motivated Behavior for Goal Adoption.
DAI 1998: 58-73 |
16 | | Mark d'Inverno,
David Kinny,
Michael Luck:
Interaction Protocols in Agentis.
ICMAS 1998: 112-119 |
15 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Engineering AgentSpeak(L): A Formal Computational Model.
J. Log. Comput. 8(3): 233-260 (1998) |
14 | | Michael Luck:
Elements of Machine Learning, Pat Langley.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7(1): 103-105 (1998) |
1997 |
13 | | Mark d'Inverno,
David Kinny,
Michael Luck,
Michael Wooldridge:
A Formal Specification of dMARS.
ATAL 1997: 155-176 |
12 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Development and Application of a Formal Agent Framework.
ICFEM 1997: 222-231 |
11 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck,
Michael Wooldridge:
Cooperation Structures.
IJCAI (1) 1997: 600-605 |
10 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Mark Priestley,
Michael Luck:
Formal framework for hypertext systems.
IEE Proceedings - Software 144(3): 175-184 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | | Michael Luck,
Nathan Griffiths,
Mark d'Inverno:
From Agent Theory to Agent Construction: A Case Study.
ATAL 1996: 49-63 |
8 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Making and Breaking Engagements: An Operational Analysis of Agent Relationships.
DAI 1996: 48-62 |
7 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Understanding Autonomous Interaction.
ECAI 1996: 529-533 |
6 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
Formalising the Contract Net as a Goal-Directed System.
MAAMAW 1996: 72-85 |
1995 |
5 | | Mark d'Inverno,
Michael Luck:
A Formal View of Social Dependence Networks.
DAI 1995: 115-129 |
4 | | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Engagement and Cooperating in Motivated Agent Modelling.
DAI 1995: 70-84 |
3 | | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
A Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy.
ICMAS 1995: 254-260 |
2 | | Michael Luck,
Mark d'Inverno:
Structuring a Z Specification to Provide a Formal Framework for Autonomous Agent Systems.
ZUM 1995: 47-62 |
1993 |
1 | | Michael Luck:
Evaluating Evidence for Motivated Discovery.
EPIA 1993: 324-339 |