
Vijay Dialani

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6EEVijayshankar Raman, Garret Swart, Lin Qiao, Frederick Reiss, Vijay Dialani, Donald Kossmann, Inderpal Narang, Richard Sidle: Constant-Time Query Processing. ICDE 2008: 60-69
5EEJing Zhou, Wendy Hall, David De Roure, Vijay Dialani: Supporting ad-hoc resource sharing on the Web: A peer-to-peer approach to hypermedia link services. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 7(2): (2007)
4EEVijay Dialani, Inderpal Narang: Incorporating Support for Event Algebra in Relational Stream Systems. SCW 2006: 84-85
3EELuc Moreau, Simon Miles, Carole A. Goble, R. Mark Greenwood, Vijay Dialani, Matthew Addis, M. Nedim Alpdemir, Rich Cawley, David De Roure, Justin Ferris, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Kevin Glover, Chris Greenhalgh, Peter Li, Xiaojian Liu, Phillip W. Lord, Michael Luck, Darren Marvin, Thomas M. Oinn, Norman W. Paton, Steve Pettifer, Milena V. Radenkovic, Angus Roberts, Alan J. Robinson, Tom Rodden, Martin Senger, Nick Sharman, Robert Stevens, Brian Warboys, Anil Wipat, Chris Wroe: On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid. CCGRID 2003: 653-668
2EESimon Miles, Juri Papay, Vijay Dialani, Michael Luck, Keith Decker, Terry R. Payne, Luc Moreau: Personalised Grid service discovery. IEE Proceedings - Software 150(4): 252-256 (2003)
1EEVijay Dialani, Simon Miles, Luc Moreau, David De Roure, Michael Luck: Transparent Fault Tolerance for Web Services Based Architectures. Euro-Par 2002: 889-898

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Addis [3]
2M. Nedim Alpdemir [3]
3Rich Cawley [3]
4Keith S. Decker (Keith Decker) [2]
5Justin Ferris [3]
6Robert J. Gaizauskas [3]
7Kevin Glover [3]
8Carole A. Goble [3]
9Chris Greenhalgh [3]
10R. Mark Greenwood [3]
11Wendy Hall [5]
12Donald Kossmann [6]
13Peter Li [3]
14Xiaojian Liu [3]
15Phillip W. Lord [3]
16Michael Luck [1] [2] [3]
17Darren Marvin [3]
18Simon Miles [1] [2] [3]
19Luc Moreau [1] [2] [3]
20Inderpal Narang [4] [6]
21Thomas M. Oinn (Tom Oinn) [3]
22Juri Papay [2]
23Norman W. Paton [3]
24Terry R. Payne [2]
25Steve Pettifer [3]
26Lin Qiao [6]
27Milena Radenkovic (Milena V. Radenkovic) [3]
28Vijayshankar Raman [6]
29Frederick Reiss [6]
30Angus Roberts [3]
31Alan J. Robinson [3]
32Tom Rodden [3]
33David De Roure [1] [3] [5]
34Martin Senger [3]
35Nick Sharman [3]
36Richard Sidle [6]
37Robert Stevens (Robert D. Stevens) [3]
38Garret Swart [6]
39Brian Warboys [3]
40Anil Wipat [3]
41Chris Wroe [3]
42Jing Zhou [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)