
Juri Papay

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11EEChris Wroe, Carole A. Goble, Antoon Goderis, Phillip W. Lord, Simon Miles, Juri Papay, Pinar Alper, Luc Moreau: Recycling workflows and services through discovery and reuse. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(2): 181-194 (2007)
10EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Mike Surridge: The role of performance engineering techniques in the context of the Grid. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 297-316 (2005)
9EEJohn R. Gurd, Anthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Graham D. Riley: Special Issue: Grid Performance. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 95-98 (2005)
8EESimon Miles, Juri Papay, Terry R. Payne, Keith Decker, Luc Moreau: Towards a Protocol for the Attachment of Semantic Descriptions to Grid Services. European Across Grids Conference 2004: 230-239
7EEChris Wroe, Carole A. Goble, R. Mark Greenwood, Phillip W. Lord, Simon Miles, Juri Papay, Terry R. Payne, Luc Moreau: Automating Experiments Using Semantic Data on a Bioinformatics Grid. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(1): 48-55 (2004)
6EESimon Miles, Juri Papay, Terry R. Payne, Michael Luck, Luc Moreau: Towards a protocol for the attachment of metadata to grid service descriptions and its use in semantic discovery. Scientific Programming 12(4): 201-211 (2004)
5EESimon Miles, Juri Papay, Vijay Dialani, Michael Luck, Keith Decker, Terry R. Payne, Luc Moreau: Personalised Grid service discovery. IEE Proceedings - Software 150(4): 252-256 (2003)
4EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Andy J. Keane, Simon J. Cox: Component Based Problem Solving Environment. Euro-Par 2002: 105-112
3 Tony Hey, Juri Papay: Performance engineering, PSEs and the GRID. Scientific Programming 10(1): 3-17 (2002)
2EENick Floros, Anthony J. G. Hey, K. E. Meacham, Juri Papay, Mike Surridge: Predictive resource management for meta-applications. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(5-6): 723-734 (1999)
1EEJuri Papay, T. J. Atherton, M. J. Zemerly, Graham R. Nudd: Performance Prediction of Parallel Self Consistent Field Computation. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 10(1-2): 127-143 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Pinar Alper [11]
2T. J. Atherton [1]
3Simon J. Cox [4]
4Keith S. Decker (Keith Decker) [5] [8]
5Vijay Dialani [5]
6Nick Floros [2]
7Carole A. Goble [7] [11]
8Antoon Goderis [11]
9R. Mark Greenwood [7]
10John R. Gurd [9]
11Anthony J. G. Hey (Tony Hey) [2] [3] [4] [9] [10]
12Andy J. Keane [4]
13Phillip W. Lord [7] [11]
14Michael Luck [5] [6]
15K. E. Meacham [2]
16Simon Miles [5] [6] [7] [8] [11]
17Luc Moreau [5] [6] [7] [8] [11]
18Graham R. Nudd [1]
19Terry R. Payne [5] [6] [7] [8]
20Graham D. Riley [9]
21Mike Surridge [2] [10]
22Chris Wroe [7] [11]
23M. J. Zemerly [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)