
Iyad Rahwan

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48EEIyad Rahwan, Pavlos Moraitis: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Fifth International Workshop, ArgMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008. Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2009
47EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Peter McBurney: Dialogue games that agents play within a society. Artif. Intell. 173(9-10): 935-981 (2009)
46 Iyad Rahwan, Simon Parsons, Chris Reed: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, 4th International Workshop, ArgMAS 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 15, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2008
45 Iyad Rahwan, Kate Larson: Pareto Optimality in Abstract Argumentation. AAAI 2008: 150-155
44EEIyad Rahwan, Kate Larson: Mechanism design for abstract argumentation. AAMAS (2) 2008: 1031-1038
43 Iyad Rahwan, Bita Banihashemi: Arguments in OWL: A Progress Report. COMMA 2008: 297-310
42EEIyad Rahwan: Mass argumentation and the semantic web. J. Web Sem. 6(1): 29-37 (2008)
41 Nicolas Maudet, Simon Parsons, Iyad Rahwan: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Third International Workshop, ArgMAS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2007
40 Iyad Rahwan, Philippe Pasquier, Liz Sonenberg, Frank Dignum: On the Benefits of Exploiting Underlying Goals in Argument-based Negotiation. AAAI 2007: 116-121
39 Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, Chris Reed: Towards Large Scale Argumentation Support on the Semantic Web. AAAI 2007: 1446-1451
38EEPhilippe Pasquier, Ramon Hollands, Frank Dignum, Iyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg: Exploiting Hierarchical Goals in Bilateral Automated Negotiation: Empirical Study. AMEC/TADA 2007: 46-61
37EEIyad Rahwan, Philippe Pasquier, Liz Sonenberg, Frank Dignum: On the Benefits of Exploiting Hierarchical Goals in Bilateral Automated Negotiation. ArgMAS 2007: 18-30
36EEChristian Guttmann, Iyad Rahwan, Michael Georgeff: A Study of an Approach to the Collective Iterative Task Allocation Problem. IAT 2007: 363-369
35EEPhilippe Pasquier, Ramon Hollands, Frank Dignum, Iyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg: An empirical study of interest-based negotiation. ICEC 2007: 339-348
34EEIyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg, Nicholas R. Jennings, Peter McBurney: STRATUM: A Methodology for Designing Heuristic Agent Negotiation Strategies. Applied Artificial Intelligence 21(6): 489-527 (2007)
33EEIyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, Chris Reed: Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web. Artif. Intell. 171(10-15): 897-921 (2007)
32EEIyad Rahwan, Peter McBurney: Guest Editors' Introduction: Argumentation Technology. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(6): 21-23 (2007)
31 Simon Parsons, Nicolas Maudet, Pavlos Moraitis, Iyad Rahwan: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Second International Workshop, ArgMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 26, 2005, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2006
30EEIyad Rahwan, Leila Amgoud: An argumentation based approach for practical reasoning. AAMAS 2006: 347-354
29EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn: Managing social influences through argumentation-based negotiation. AAMAS 2006: 426-428
28EENicolas Maudet, Simon Parsons, Iyad Rahwan: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Context and Recent Developments. ArgMAS 2006: 1-16
27EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Sarvapali D. Ramchurn: Managing Social Influences Through Argumentation-Based Negotiation. ArgMAS 2006: 107-127
26EEPhilippe Pasquier, Iyad Rahwan, Frank Dignum, Liz Sonenberg: Argumentation and Persuasion in the Cognitive Coherence Theory: Preliminary Report. ArgMAS 2006: 193-210
25EEIyad Rahwan, Leila Amgoud: An Argumentation-Based Approach for Practical Reasoning. ArgMAS 2006: 74-90
24EEPhilippe Pasquier, Iyad Rahwan, Frank Dignum, Liz Sonenberg: Argumentation and Persuasion in the Cognitive Coherence Theory. COMMA 2006: 223-234
23EEIyad Rahwan, P. V. Sakeer: Towards Representing and Querying Arguments on the Semantic Web. COMMA 2006: 3-14
22EEBudhitama Subagdja, Iyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg: Learning as Abductive Deliberations. PRICAI 2006: 11-20
21EEPhilippe Pasquier, Frank Dignum, Iyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg: Interest-Based Negotiation as an Extension of Monotonic Bargaining in 3APL. PRIMA 2006: 327-338
20 Iyad Rahwan, Thomas Juan, Leon Sterling: Integrating social modelling and agent interaction through goal-oriented analysis. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 21(2): (2006)
19EECarlos Iván Chesñevar, Jarred McGinnis, Sanjay Modgil, Iyad Rahwan, Chris Reed, Guillermo Ricardo Simari, Matthew South, Gerard Vreeswijk, Steven Willmott: Towards an argument interchange format. Knowledge Eng. Review 21(4): 293-316 (2006)
18 Iyad Rahwan, Pavlos Moraitis, Chris Reed: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, First International Workshop, ArgMAS 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2005
17EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Timothy J. Norman: Argument-based negotiation in a social context. AAMAS 2005: 1331-1332
16EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Timothy J. Norman: Argument-Based Negotiation in a Social Context. ArgMAS 2005: 104-121
15EEMichael Rovatsos, Iyad Rahwan, Felix A. Fischer, Gerhard Weiß: Practical Strategic Reasoning and Adaptation in Rational Argument-Based Negotiation. ArgMAS 2005: 122-137
14EENishan C. Karunatillake, Nicholas R. Jennings, Iyad Rahwan, Timothy J. Norman: Arguing and Negotiating in the Presence of Social Influences. CEEMAS 2005: 223-235
13EEIyad Rahwan, Fernando Koch, Connor Graham, Anton Kattan, Liz Sonenberg: Goal-Directed Automated Negotiation for Supporting Mobile User Coordination. CONTEXT 2005: 382-395
12EEFernando Koch, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Frank Dignum, Iyad Rahwan: Programming Deliberative Agents for Mobile Services: The 3APL-M Platform. PROMAS 2005: 222-235
11EEIyad Rahwan: Guest Editorial: Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 11(2): 115-125 (2005)
10EEIyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg, Peter McBurney: Bargaining and Argument-Based Negotiation: . ArgMAS 2004: 176-191
9EEFernando Koch, Iyad Rahwan: The Role of Agents in Intelligent Mobile Services. PRIMA 2004: 115-127
8EEIyad Rahwan, Connor Graham, Liz Sonenberg: Supporting Impromptu Coordination Using Automated Negotiation. PRIMA 2004: 217-227
7EEIyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg, Frank Dignum: Towards interest-based negotiation. AAMAS 2003: 773-780
6EETalal Rahwan, Tarek Rahwan, Iyad Rahwan, Ronald Ashri: Agent-Based Support for Mobile Users Using AgentSpeak(L). AOIS 2003: 45-60
5EERonald Ashri, Iyad Rahwan, Michael Luck: Architectures for Negotiating Agents. CEEMAS 2003: 136-146
4EEIyad Rahwan, Liz Sonenberg, Frank Dignum: On Interest-Based Negotiation. Workshop on Agent Communication Languages 2003: 383-401
3EEMichael Rovatsos, Iyad Rahwan: AAMAS 2003. KI 17(4): 62- (2003)
2EEIyad Rahwan, Ryszard Kowalczyk, H. H. Pham: Intelligent Agents for Automated One-to-Many e-Commerce Negotiation. ACSC 2002: 197-203
1EEIyad Rahwan, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Yun Yang: Virtual Enterprise Design - BDI Agents vs. Objects. PRICAI Workshops 2000: 147-157

Coauthor Index

1Leila Amgoud [25] [30]
2Ronald Ashri [5] [6]
3Bita Banihashemi [43]
4Carlos Iván Chesñevar [19]
5Frank Dignum (F. P. M. Dignum) [4] [7] [12] [21] [24] [26] [35] [37] [38] [40]
6Felix A. Fischer [15]
7Michael Georgeff [36]
8Connor Graham [8] [13]
9Christian Guttmann [36]
10Ramon Hollands [35] [38]
11Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [14] [16] [17] [27] [29] [34] [47]
12Thomas Juan [20]
13Nishan C. Karunatillake [14] [16] [17] [27] [29] [47]
14Anton Kattan [13]
15Fernando Koch [9] [12] [13]
16Ryszard Kowalczyk [1] [2]
17Kate Larson [44] [45]
18Michael Luck [5]
19Nicolas Maudet [28] [31] [41]
20Peter McBurney [10] [32] [34] [47]
21Jarred McGinnis [19]
22John-Jules Ch. Meyer [12]
23Sanjay Modgil [19]
24Pavlos Moraitis [18] [31] [48]
25Timothy J. Norman [14] [16] [17]
26Simon Parsons [28] [31] [41] [46]
27Philippe Pasquier [21] [24] [26] [35] [37] [38] [40]
28H. H. Pham [2]
29Talal Rahwan [6]
30Tarek Rahwan [6]
31Sarvapali D. Ramchurn [27] [29]
32Chris Reed [18] [19] [33] [39] [46]
33Michael Rovatsos [3] [15]
34P. V. Sakeer [23]
35Guillermo Ricardo Simari [19]
36Liz Sonenberg [4] [7] [8] [10] [13] [21] [22] [24] [26] [34] [35] [37] [38] [40]
37Matthew South [19]
38Leon Sterling [20]
39Budhitama Subagdja [22]
40Gerard Vreeswijk [19]
41Gerhard Weiß [15]
42Steven Willmott [19]
43Yun Yang [1]
44Fouad Zablith [33] [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)