2009 |
148 | EE | Steven Lynden,
Arijit Mukherjee,
Alastair C. Hume,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Paul Watson:
The design and implementation of OGSA-DQP: A service-based distributed query processor.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 25(3): 224-236 (2009) |
147 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Jorge Buenabad Chávez,
Mengsong Chen,
Vijayshankar Raman,
Garret Swart,
Inderpal Narang,
Daniel M. Yellin,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
Autonomic query parallelization using non-dedicated computers: an evaluation of adaptivity options.
VLDB J. 18(1): 119-140 (2009) |
2008 |
146 | EE | Christian Y. A. Brenninkmeijer,
Ixent Galpin,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton:
A Semantics for a Query Language over Sensors, Streams and Relations.
BNCOD 2008: 87-99 |
145 | EE | Norman W. Paton:
Data Integration in the Life Sciences: Fun, Findings and Frustrations.
DILS 2008: 8-10 |
144 | EE | Ixent Galpin,
Christian Y. A. Brenninkmeijer,
Farhana Jabeen,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton:
An Architecture for Query Optimization in Sensor Networks.
ICDE 2008: 1439-1441 |
143 | EE | Daniel M. Yellin,
Jorge Buenabad Chávez,
Norman W. Paton:
Probabilistic adaptive load balancing for parallel queries.
ICDE Workshops 2008: 19-26 |
142 | EE | Cornelia Hedeler,
Norman W. Paton:
A Comparative Evaluation of XML Difference Algorithms with Genomic Data.
SSDBM 2008: 258-275 |
141 | EE | Khalid Belhajjame,
Andrew R. Jones,
Norman W. Paton:
A toolkit for capturing and sharing FuGE experiments.
Bioinformatics 24(22): 2647-2649 (2008) |
140 | EE | David Stead,
Norman W. Paton,
Paolo Missier,
Suzanne M. Embury,
Cornelia Hedeler,
Binling Jin,
Alistair J. P. Brown,
Alun D. Preece:
Information quality in proteomics.
Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(2): 174-188 (2008) |
139 | EE | Norman W. Paton:
Autonomics and data management.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(17): 2075-2088 (2008) |
138 | EE | Khalid Belhajjame,
Suzanne M. Embury,
Norman W. Paton,
Robert Stevens,
Carole A. Goble:
Automatic annotation of Web services based on workflow definitions.
TWEB 2(2): (2008) |
2007 |
137 | EE | Norman W. Paton:
Automation Everywhere: Autonomics and Data Management.
BNCOD 2007: 3-12 |
136 | EE | Intikhab Alam,
Mike Cornell,
Darren M. Soanes,
Cornelia Hedeler,
Han Min Wong,
Magnus Rattray,
Simon J. Hubbard,
Nicholas J. Talbot,
Stephen G. Oliver,
Norman W. Paton:
A Methodology for Comparative Functional Genomics.
J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(3): (2007) |
2006 |
135 | EE | Khalid Belhajjame,
Suzanne M. Embury,
Norman W. Paton:
On Characterising and Identifying Mismatches in Scientific Workflows.
DILS 2006: 240-247 |
134 | EE | Lucas Zamboulis,
Hao Fan,
Khalid Belhajjame,
Jennifer A. Siepen,
Andrew C. Jones,
Nigel J. Martin,
Alexandra Poulovassilis,
Simon J. Hubbard,
Suzanne M. Embury,
Norman W. Paton:
Data Access and Integration in the ISPIDER Proteomics Grid.
DILS 2006: 3-18 |
133 | EE | Kwanchai Eurviriyanukul,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton:
A Foundation for the Replacement of Pipelined Physical Join Operators in Adaptive Query Processing.
EDBT Workshops 2006: 589-600 |
132 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Jim Smith,
Paul Watson:
Practical Adaptation to Changing Resources in Grid Query Processing.
ICDE 2006: 165 |
131 | EE | Khalid Belhajjame,
Suzanne M. Embury,
Norman W. Paton,
Robert Stevens,
Carole A. Goble:
Automatic Annotation of Web Services Based on Workflow Definitions.
International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 116-129 |
130 | EE | Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton,
Jim Smith,
Paul Watson:
Measuring and modelling the performance of a parallel ODMG compliant object database server.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(1): 63-109 (2006) |
129 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
A novel approach to resource scheduling for parallel query processing on computational grids.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 19(2-3): 87-106 (2006) |
128 | EE | Mario Antonioletti,
Amy Krause,
Norman W. Paton,
Andrew Eisenberg,
Simon Laws,
Susan Malaika,
Jim Melton,
Dave Pearson:
The WS-DAI family of specifications for web service data access and integration.
SIGMOD Record 35(1): 48-55 (2006) |
2005 |
127 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Jim Smith,
Norman W. Paton,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Paul Watson:
Adapting to Changing Resource Performance in Grid Query Processing.
DMG 2005: 30-44 |
126 | EE | Mario Antonioletti,
Amy Krause,
Norman W. Paton:
An Outline of the Global Grid Forum Data Access and Integration Service Specifications.
DMG 2005: 71-84 |
125 | EE | M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Arijit Mukherjee,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Paul Watson,
Kevin Glover,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Thomas M. Oinn,
Hannah J. Tipney:
Contextualised Workflow Execution in MyGrid.
EGC 2005: 444-453 |
124 | EE | Kevin L. Garwood,
Phillip W. Lord,
Helen Parkinson,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Pedro Ontology Services: A Framework for Rapid Ontology Markup.
ESWC 2005: 578-591 |
123 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Seung-Hyun Jeong,
Nassima Djafri,
Keith T. Mason:
Spatio-Temporal Databases in Practice: Directly Supporting Previously Developed Land Data Using Tripod.
ICDE 2005: 1135-1136 |
122 | EE | Andrew R. Jones,
Norman W. Paton:
An analysis of extensible modelling for functional genomics data.
BMC Bioinformatics 6: 235 (2005) |
121 | EE | Mario Antonioletti,
Malcolm P. Atkinson,
Robert M. Baxter,
Andrew Borley,
Neil P. Chue Hong,
Brian Collins,
Neil Hardman,
Alastair C. Hume,
Alan Knox,
Mike Jackson,
Amrey Krause,
Simon Laws,
James Magowan,
Norman W. Paton,
Dave Pearson,
Tom Sugden,
Paul Watson,
Martin Westhead:
The design and implementation of Grid database services in OGSA-DAI.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 357-376 (2005) |
120 | EE | Malcolm P. Atkinson,
David De Roure,
Alistair N. Dunlop,
Geoffrey Fox,
Peter Henderson,
Anthony J. G. Hey,
Norman W. Paton,
Steven Newhouse,
Savas Parastatidis,
Anne E. Trefethen,
Paul Watson,
Jim Webber:
Web Service Grids: an evolutionary approach.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 377-389 (2005) |
2004 |
119 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Seung-Hyun Jeong,
Nassima Djafri:
Language Bindings for Spatio-Temporal Database Programming in Tripod.
BNCOD 2004: 216-233 |
118 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
Adaptive Query Processing and the Grid: Opportunities and Challenges.
DEXA Workshops 2004: 506-510 |
117 | EE | M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Arijit Mukherjee,
Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Desmond J. Fitzgerald:
OGSA-DQP: A Service for Distributed Querying on the Grid.
EDBT 2004: 858-861 |
116 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
Resource Scheduling for Parallel Query Processing on Computational Grids.
GRID 2004: 396-401 |
115 | EE | Norman W. Paton:
Databases and the Grid: JDBC in WSDL, or Something Altogether Different?
ICSNW 2004: 1-13 |
114 | EE | M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Arijit Mukherjee,
Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Rizos Sakellariou,
Paul Watson,
Peter Li:
Using OGSA-DQP to Support Scientific Applications for the Grid.
SAG 2004: 13-24 |
113 | EE | Seung-Hyun Jeong,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Tony Griffiths:
A Generic Algorithmic Framework for Aggregation of Spatio-Temporal Data.
SSDBM 2004: 245-254 |
112 | EE | Kevin L. Garwood,
Chris F. Taylor,
Kai J. Runte,
Andy Brass,
Stephen G. Oliver,
Norman W. Paton:
Pedro: a configurable data entry tool for XML.
Bioinformatics 20(15): 2463-2465 (2004) |
111 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Robert Barr:
The Tripod spatio-historical data model.
Data Knowl. Eng. 49(1): 23-65 (2004) |
110 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Rizos Sakellariou:
Self-monitoring query execution for adaptive query processing.
Data Knowl. Eng. 51(3): 325-348 (2004) |
109 | EE | Jim Smith,
Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Paul Watson,
Norman W. Paton:
The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an ODMG Compliant, Parallel Object Database Server.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 16(3): 275-319 (2004) |
108 | | J. E. Mabey,
M. J. Anderson,
P. F. Giles,
Crispin J. Miller,
Terri K. Attwood,
Norman W. Paton,
Erich Bornberg-Bauer,
G. D. Robson,
Stephen G. Oliver,
D. W. Denning:
CADRE: the Central Aspergillus Data REpository.
Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 401-405 (2004) |
2003 |
107 | EE | Luc Moreau,
Simon Miles,
Carole A. Goble,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Vijay Dialani,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Rich Cawley,
David De Roure,
Justin Ferris,
Robert J. Gaizauskas,
Kevin Glover,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Peter Li,
Xiaojian Liu,
Phillip W. Lord,
Michael Luck,
Darren Marvin,
Thomas M. Oinn,
Norman W. Paton,
Steve Pettifer,
Milena V. Radenkovic,
Angus Roberts,
Alan J. Robinson,
Tom Rodden,
Martin Senger,
Nick Sharman,
Robert Stevens,
Brian Warboys,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid.
CCGRID 2003: 653-668 |
106 | EE | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Norman W. Paton:
Improving UML Support for User Interface Design: A Metric Assessment of UMLi.
ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI 2003: 76-83 |
105 | EE | M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Arijit Mukherjee,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Anastasios Gounaris,
Jim Smith:
Service-Based Distributed Querying on the Grid.
ICSOC 2003: 467-482 |
104 | EE | Arun Jagatheesan,
Reagan Moore,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson:
Grid Data Management Systems & Services.
VLDB 2003: 1150 |
103 | EE | Martin Peim,
Enrico Franconi,
Norman W. Paton:
Estimating the quality of answers when querying over description logic ontologies.
Data Knowl. Eng. 47(1): 105-129 (2003) |
102 | EE | M. Akhtar Ali,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton:
MOVIE: An incremental maintenance system for materialized object views.
Data Knowl. Eng. 47(2): 131-166 (2003) |
101 | EE | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Norman W. Paton:
User Interface Modeling in UMLi.
IEEE Software 20(4): 62-69 (2003) |
100 | EE | Peter J. Barclay,
Tony Griffiths,
Jo McKirdy,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Richard Cooper,
Norman W. Paton,
Philip D. Gray:
Teallach - a flexible user-interface development environment for object database applications.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 14(1): 47-77 (2003) |
2002 |
99 | EE | Nassima Djafri,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Tony Griffiths:
Spatio-temporal evolution: querying patterns of change in databases.
ACM-GIS 2002: 35-41 |
98 | EE | Anastasios Gounaris,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Rizos Sakellariou:
Adaptive Query Processing: A Survey.
BNCOD 2002: 11-25 |
97 | EE | Martin Peim,
Enrico Franconi,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Querying Objects with Description Logics.
Description Logics 2002 |
96 | EE | Jim Smith,
Paul Watson,
Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton:
Speeding Up Navigational Requests in a Parallel Object Database System.
Euro-Par 2002: 332-341 |
95 | EE | Jim Smith,
Anastasios Gounaris,
Paul Watson,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Rizos Sakellariou:
Distributed Query Processing on the Grid.
GRID 2002: 279-290 |
94 | EE | Martin Peim,
Enrico Franconi,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Querying Objects with Description Logics.
KRDB 2002 |
93 | EE | Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton,
Jim Smith,
Paul Watson:
Validated Cost Models for Parallel OQL Query Processing.
OOIS 2002: 60-75 |
92 | | Martin Peim,
Enrico Franconi,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Query Processing with Description Logic Ontologies over Object-Wrapped Databases.
SEBD 2002: 42-49 |
91 | EE | Martin Peim,
Enrico Franconi,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Query Processing with Description Logic Ontologies Over Object-Wrapped Databases.
SSDBM 2002: 27-36 |
90 | | Erich Bornberg-Bauer,
Norman W. Paton:
Conceptual data modelling for bioinformatics.
Briefings in Bioinformatics 3(2): 166-180 (2002) |
2001 |
89 | | Tony Griffiths,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Keith T. Mason,
Bo Huang,
Michael F. Worboys,
Chris Johnson,
John G. Stell:
Tripod: A Comprehensive System for the Management of Spatial and Aspatial Historical Objects.
ACM-GIS 2001: 118-123 |
88 | | Mike Cornell,
Norman W. Paton,
Shengli Wu,
Carole A. Goble,
Crispin J. Miller,
Paul Kirby,
Karen Eilbeck,
Andy Brass,
Andrew Hayes,
Stephen G. Oliver:
GIMS - A Data Warehouse for Storage and Analysis of Genome Sequence and Functional Data.
BIBE 2001: 15-22 |
87 | | Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Jim Smith,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson:
Experimenting with Object Navigation in Parallel Object Databases.
DEXA Workshop 2001: 103-109 |
86 | EE | M. Akhtar Ali,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Incremental Materialized View Maintenance in Object Databases.
DaWaK 2001: 240-253 |
85 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
Keith T. Mason,
Bo Huang,
Michael F. Worboys:
Tripod: A Comprehensive Model for Spatial and Aspatial Historical Objects.
ER 2001: 84-102 |
84 | EE | Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Jim Smith,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson:
An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Join Algorithms for Parallel Object Databases.
Euro-Par 2001: 280-290 |
83 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Nassima Djafri,
Norman W. Paton:
A Query Calculus for Spatio-Temporal Object Databases.
TIME 2001: 101-110 |
82 | | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Norman W. Paton:
A UML-Based Design Environment for Interactive Applications.
UIDIS 2001: 60-71 |
81 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Information Management for Genome Level Bioinformatics.
VLDB 2001 |
80 | EE | Carole A. Goble,
Robert Stevens,
Gary Ng,
Sean Bechhofer,
Norman W. Paton,
Patricia G. Baker,
Martin Peim,
Andy Brass:
Transparent access to multiple bioinformatics information sources.
IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 532-551 (2001) |
79 | | Tony Griffiths,
Peter J. Barclay,
Norman W. Paton,
Jo McKirdy,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Philip D. Gray,
Richard Cooper,
Carole A. Goble,
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva:
Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases.
Interacting with Computers 14(1): 31-68 (2001) |
2000 |
78 | | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Tony Griffiths,
Norman W. Paton:
Generating User Interface Code in a Model Based User Interface Development Environment.
Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 155-160 |
77 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
K. Dietrich,
Olive Liew,
Andrew Dinn,
A. Patrick:
VESPA: A Benchmark for Vector Spatial Databases.
BNCOD 2000: 81-101 |
76 | EE | Jim Smith,
Paul Watson,
Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton:
Polar: An Architecture for a Parallel ODMG Compliant Object Database.
CIKM 2000: 352-359 |
75 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Tony Griffiths:
Spatio-Temporal Databases: Contentions, Components and Consolidation.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 851-855 |
74 | EE | M. Akhtar Ali,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton:
Incremental Maintenance of Materialized OQL Views.
DOLAP 2000: 41-48 |
73 | | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Norman W. Paton:
User Interface Modelling with UML.
EJC 2000: 203-217 |
72 | | Norman W. Paton:
Challenges of Functional Genomic Data for Database Systems.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 123-124 |
71 | EE | Paulo Pinheiro da Silva,
Norman W. Paton:
UMLi: The Unified Modeling Language for Interactive Applications.
UML 2000: 117-132 |
70 | | Richard Cooper,
Jo McKirdy,
Tony Griffiths,
Peter J. Barclay,
Norman W. Paton,
Philip D. Gray,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Carole A. Goble:
Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces.
VDB 2000: 129- |
69 | | Robert Stevens,
Patricia G. Baker,
Sean Bechhofer,
Gary Ng,
Alex Jacoby,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble,
Andy Brass:
TAMBIS: Transparent Access to Multiple Bioinformatics Information Sources.
Bioinformatics 16(2): 184-186 (2000) |
68 | | Norman W. Paton,
Shakeel A. Khan,
Andrew Hayes,
Fouzia Moussouni,
Andy Brass,
Karen Eilbeck,
Carole A. Goble,
Simon J. Hubbard,
Stephen G. Oliver:
Conceptual modelling of genomic information.
Bioinformatics 16(6): 548-557 (2000) |
67 | EE | Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton:
Query processing in DOQL: A deductive database language for the ODMG model.
Data Knowl. Eng. 35(1): 1-38 (2000) |
66 | | Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble,
Sean Bechhofer:
Knowledge based information integration systems.
Information & Software Technology 42(5): 299-312 (2000) |
65 | | Norman Murray,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble,
Joanne Bryce:
Kaleidoquery-A Flow-based Visual Language and its Evaluation.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 11(2): 151-189 (2000) |
1999 |
64 | | Norman W. Paton:
Active Rules in Database Systems
Springer, New York 1999 |
63 | | Peter J. Barclay,
Tony Griffiths,
Jo McKirdy,
Norman W. Paton,
Richard Cooper,
Jessie B. Kennedy:
The Teallach Tool: Using Models for Flexible User Interface Design.
CADUI 1999: 139-158 |
62 | EE | Fouzia Moussouni,
Norman W. Paton,
Andy Hayes,
Steve Oliver,
Carole A. Goble,
Andy Brass:
Database Challenges for Genome Information in the Post Sequencing Phase.
DEXA 1999: 540-549 |
61 | EE | Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton,
Paul Watson,
Jim Smith:
A Parallel Algebra for Object Databases.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 56-60 |
60 | | Tony Griffiths,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble,
Adrian West:
Task Modelling for Database Interface Development.
HCI (1) 1999: 1033-1037 |
59 | | Karen Eilbeck,
Andy Brass,
Norman W. Paton,
Charlie Hodgman:
INTERACT: An Object Oriented Protein-Protein Interaction Database.
ISMB 1999: 87-94 |
58 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Robert Stevens,
Patricia G. Baker,
Carole A. Goble,
Sean Bechhofer,
Andy Brass:
Query Processing in the TAMBIS Bioinformatics Source Integration System.
SSDBM 1999: 138-147 |
57 | EE | Robert Stevens,
Norman W. Paton,
Patricia G. Baker,
Gary Ng,
Carole A. Goble,
Sean Bechhofer,
Andy Brass:
TAMBIS Online: A Bioinformatics Source Integration Tool.
SSDBM 1999: 280 |
56 | EE | Tony Griffiths,
Peter J. Barclay,
Jo McKirdy,
Norman W. Paton,
Philip D. Gray,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Richard Cooper,
Carole A. Goble,
Adrian West,
Michael Smyth:
Teallach: A Model-Based User Interface Development Environment for Object Databases.
UIDIS 1999: 86-96 |
55 | | Norman W. Paton,
Oscar Díaz:
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 3-27 |
54 | | Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
RAP: The ROCK & ROLL Active Programming System.
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 323-336 |
53 | | Norman W. Paton:
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 429-434 |
52 | | Norman W. Paton,
Andrew Dinn,
M. Howard Williams:
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 69-80 |
51 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Oscar Díaz:
Active Database Systems.
ACM Comput. Surv. 31(1): 63-103 (1999) |
50 | | Patricia G. Baker,
Carole A. Goble,
Sean Bechhofer,
Norman W. Paton,
Robert Stevens,
Andy Brass:
An ontology for bioinformatics applications.
Bioinformatics 15(6): 510-520 (1999) |
49 | EE | Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
Active Rule Analysis and Optimisation in the Rock & Roll Deductive Object-Oriented Database.
Inf. Syst. 24(4): 327-353 (1999) |
48 | EE | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Olive Liew:
Extending a deductive object-oriented database system with spatial data handling facilities.
Information & Software Technology 41(8): 483-497 (1999) |
47 | | Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton:
A Deductive Extension for ODMG Compliant Object Databases.
L'OBJET 5(1): (1999) |
1998 |
46 | EE | Norman Murray,
Norman W. Paton,
Carole A. Goble:
Kaleidoquery: a visual query language for object databases.
AVI 1998: 247-257 |
45 | EE | Norman W. Paton,
Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio:
Extending the ODMG Architecture with a Deductive Object Query Language.
BNCOD 1998: 149-164 |
44 | | Tony Griffiths,
Jo McKirdy,
Norman W. Paton,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Richard Cooper,
Peter J. Barclay,
Carole A. Goble,
Philip D. Gray,
Michael Smyth,
Adrian West,
Andrew Dinn:
An Open-Model-Based Interface Development System: The Teallach Approach.
DSV-IS (2) 1998: 34-50 |
43 | | Patricia G. Baker,
Andy Brass,
Sean Bechhofer,
Carole A. Goble,
Norman W. Paton,
Robert Stevens:
TAMBIS: Transparent Access to Multiple Bioinformatics Information Sources.
ISMB 1998: 25-34 |
42 | | Tony Griffiths,
Jo McKirdy,
G. Forrester,
Norman W. Paton,
Jessie B. Kennedy,
Peter J. Barclay,
Richard Cooper,
Carole A. Goble,
Philip D. Gray:
Exploiting Model-based Techniques for User Interfaces to Databases.
VDB 1998: 21-46 |
41 | | Norman Murray,
Carole A. Goble,
Norman W. Paton:
Kaleidoscape: A 3D Environment for Querying ODMG Compliant Databases.
VDB 1998: 85-101 |
40 | EE | Oscar Díaz,
Norman W. Paton,
Jon Iturrioz:
Formalizing and Validating Behavioral Models Through the Event Calculus.
Inf. Syst. 23(3-4): 179-196 (1998) |
39 | | Norman Murray,
Carole A. Goble,
Norman W. Paton:
A Framework for Describing Visual Interfaces to Databases.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 9(4): 429-456 (1998) |
1997 |
38 | | Oscar Díaz,
Norman W. Paton:
Stimuli and Business Policies as Modelling Constructs: Their Definition and Validation Through the Event Calculus.
CAiSE 1997: 33-46 |
37 | EE | Andrew Dinn,
M. Howard Williams,
Norman W. Paton:
ROCK & ROLL: A Deductive Object-Oriented Database with Active and Spatial Extensions.
ICDE 1997: 582 |
36 | | Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio,
Norman W. Paton:
Deductive Object-Oriented Database Systems: A Survey.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 1-19 |
35 | | M. Howard Williams,
Norman W. Paton:
From OO Through Deduction to Active Databases - ROCK, ROLL & RAP.
SOFSEM 1997: 313-330 |
34 | EE | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
The formalisation of ROCK & ROLL: A deductive object-oriented database system.
Information & Software Technology 39(6): 379-389 (1997) |
33 | EE | Jack Campin,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
Specifying Active Database Systems in an Object-Oriented Framework.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 7(1): 101-123 (1997) |
32 | | Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja:
The Implementation of a Deductive Query Language Over an OODB.
Journal of Systems Integration 7(3/4): 231-261 (1997) |
31 | | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
M. Howard Williams,
Norman W. Paton:
A Logic-Based Integration of Active and Deductive Databases.
New Generation Comput. 15(2): 205-244 (1997) |
1996 |
30 | | Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes:
An Active Rule Language for ROCK & ROLL.
BNCOD 1996: 36-55 |
29 | | Norman W. Paton,
Khoa Doan,
Oscar Díaz,
Arturo Jaime:
Exploitation of Object-Oriented and Active Constructs in Database Interface Development.
IDS 1996: 1 |
1995 |
28 | | Andrew Dinn,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja:
The Implementation of a Deductive Query Language over an OODB.
DOOD 1995: 143-160 |
27 | | Norman W. Paton,
Jack Campin,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
M. Howard Williams:
Formal Specification of Active Database Functionality: A Survey.
Rules in Database Systems 1995: 21-37 |
26 | | Norman W. Paton:
Extending Database Technology.
SOFSEM 1995: 146-165 |
25 | EE | Maria L. Barja,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Andrew Dinn,
Alia I. Abdelmoty:
Design and implementation of ROCK & ROLL: a deductive object-oriented database system.
Inf. Syst. 20(3): 185-211 (1995) |
24 | | Dac Khoa Doan,
Norman W. Paton,
Alistair C. Kilgour,
Ghassan al-Qaimari:
Multi-Paradigm Query Interface to an Object-Oriented Database.
Interacting with Computers 7(1): 25-47 (1995) |
23 | EE | Dac Khoa Doan,
Norman W. Paton,
Alistair C. Kilgour:
Design and User Testing of a Multi-Paradigm Query Interface to an Object-Oriented Database.
SIGMOD Record 24(3): 12-17 (1995) |
1994 |
22 | | Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
Rules in Database Systems. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Rules in Database Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 August - 1 September 1993
Springer 1994 |
21 | | Norman W. Paton,
Ghassan al-Qaimari,
Khoa Doan:
On Interface Objects In Object-Oriented Databases.
BNCOD 1994: 153-169 |
20 | | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Andrew Dinn,
Imara P. Diaz,
Alia I. Abdelmoty:
ROCK & ROLL: A Deductive Object-Oriented Database System.
DAISD 1994: 25-32 |
19 | | Alia I. Abdelmoty,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja,
Andrew Dinn:
Geographic Data Handling in a Deductive Object-Oriented Database.
DEXA 1994: 445-454 |
18 | | Norman W. Paton,
Ghassan al-Qaimari,
Khoa Doan,
Alistair C. Kilgour:
Techniques for the Effective Evaluation of Database Interfaces.
IDS 1994: 343-357 |
17 | EE | Maria L. Barja,
Norman W. Paton,
Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
M. Howard Williams,
Andrew Dinn:
An Effective Deductive Object-Oriented Database Through Language Integration.
VLDB 1994: 463-474 |
16 | EE | Oscar Díaz,
Norman W. Paton:
Extending ODBMSs Using Metaclasses.
IEEE Software 11(3): 40-47 (1994) |
15 | EE | Oscar Díaz,
Arturo Jaime,
Norman W. Paton,
Ghassan al-Qaimari:
Supporting Dynamic Displays Using Active Rules.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 21-26 (1994) |
1993 |
14 | | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Maria L. Barja,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
A Deductive Object-Oriented Database For Data Intensive Application Development.
BNCOD 1993: 176-198 |
13 | | Oscar Díaz,
Arturo Jaime,
Norman W. Paton:
DEAR: a DEbugger for Active Rules in an object-oriented context.
Rules in Database Systems 1993: 180-193 |
12 | | Alvaro A. A. Fernandes,
Norman W. Paton,
M. Howard Williams:
A Logical Query Language for an Object-Oriented Data Model.
Rules in Database Systems 1993: 234-250 |
11 | | Norman W. Paton,
Oscar Díaz,
M. Howard Williams,
Jack Campin,
Andrew Dinn,
Arturo Jaime:
Dimensions of Active Behaviour.
Rules in Database Systems 1993: 40-57 |
10 | EE | Alia I. Abdelmoty,
M. Howard Williams,
Norman W. Paton:
Deduction and Deductive Databases for Geographic Data Handling.
SSD 1993: 443-464 |
9 | | Norman W. Paton,
Oscar Díaz,
Maria L. Barja:
Combining Active Rules and Metaclasses for Enhanced Extensibility in Object-Oriented Systems.
Data Knowl. Eng. 10: 45-63 (1993) |
1992 |
8 | | Norman W. Paton,
Ghassan al-Qaimari,
Alistair C. Kilgour:
An Extensible Interface to an Extensible Object-Oriented Database System.
IDS 1992: 265-281 |
1991 |
7 | | Oscar Díaz,
Norman W. Paton:
Sharing Behaviour in an Object-Oriented Database using a Rule-Based Mechanism.
BNCOD 1991: 17-37 |
6 | EE | Oscar Díaz,
Norman W. Paton,
Peter M. D. Gray:
Rule Management in Object Oriented Databases: A Uniform Approach.
VLDB 1991: 317-326 |
1990 |
5 | | Norman W. Paton,
Oscar Díaz:
Metaclasses in Object-Oriented Databases.
DS-4 1990: 331-347 |
4 | | Norman W. Paton,
Peter M. D. Gray:
Optimising and Executing DAPLEX Queries Using Prolog.
Comput. J. 33(6): 547-555 (1990) |
1988 |
3 | EE | Peter M. D. Gray,
David S. Moffat,
Norman W. Paton:
A Prolog Interface to a Functional Data Model Database.
EDBT 1988: 34-48 |
2 | | Norman W. Paton,
Peter M. D. Gray:
Identification of Database Objects by Key.
OODBS 1988: 280-285 |
1 | | Norman W. Paton,
Peter M. D. Gray:
An Object-Oriented Database for Storage and Analysis of Protein Structure Data.
Prolog and Databases 1988: 251-266 |