2008 |
14 | EE | Jennifer Hallinan,
Anil Wipat:
Network motifs in context: An exploration of the evolution of oscillatory dynamics in transcriptional networks.
CIBCB 2008: 83-89 |
2007 |
13 | EE | Jennifer Hallinan,
Anil Wipat:
Motifs and Modules in Fractured Functional Yeast Networks.
CIBCB 2007: 189-196 |
12 | EE | L. Jason Steggles,
Richard Banks,
Oliver Shaw,
Anil Wipat:
Qualitatively modelling and analysing genetic regulatory networks: a Petri net approach.
Bioinformatics 23(3): 336-343 (2007) |
11 | EE | Yudong Sun,
Anil Wipat,
Matthew R. Pocock,
P. A. Lee,
K. Flanagan,
J. T. Worthington:
Exploring Microbial Genome Sequences to Identify Protein Families on the Grid.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(4): 435-442 (2007) |
10 | EE | Allyson L. Lister,
Matthew R. Pocock,
Anil Wipat:
Integration of constraints documented in SBML, SBO, and the SBML Manual facilitates validation of biological models.
J. Integrative Bioinformatics 4(3): (2007) |
2006 |
9 | EE | Jennifer Hallinan,
Anil Wipat:
Clustering and Cross-talk in a Yeast Functional Interaction Network.
CIBCB 2006: 1-8 |
8 | EE | L. Jason Steggles,
Richard Banks,
Anil Wipat:
Modelling and Analysing Genetic Networks: From Boolean Networks to Petri Nets.
CMSB 2006: 127-141 |
7 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Justin Ferris,
Kevin Glover,
Carole A. Goble,
Antoon Goderis,
Duncan Hull,
Darren Marvin,
Peter Li,
Phillip W. Lord,
Matthew R. Pocock,
Martin Senger,
Robert Stevens,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
Taverna: lessons in creating a workflow environment for the life sciences.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(10): 1067-1100 (2006) |
6 | EE | Oliver Shaw,
L. Jason Steggles,
Anil Wipat:
Automatic Parameterisation of Stochastic Petri Net Models of Biological Networks.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 151(3): 111-129 (2006) |
2005 |
5 | EE | Yudong Sun,
Anil Wipat,
Matthew R. Pocock,
P. A. Lee,
P. Watson,
K. Flanagan,
J. T. Worthington:
A grid-based system for microbial genome comparison and analysis.
CCGRID 2005: 977-984 |
2004 |
4 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
Matthew Addis,
Justin Ferris,
Darren Marvin,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Carole A. Goble,
Anil Wipat,
Peter Li,
Tim Carver:
Delivering web service coordination capability to users.
WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 438-439 |
3 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
Matthew Addis,
Justin Ferris,
Darren Marvin,
Martin Senger,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Tim Carver,
Kevin Glover,
Matthew R. Pocock,
Anil Wipat,
Peter Li:
Taverna: a tool for the composition and enactment of bioinformatics workflows.
Bioinformatics 20(17): 3045-3054 (2004) |
2 | EE | O. J. Shaw,
Colin Harwood,
L. Jason Steggles,
Anil Wipat:
SARGE: a tool for creation of putative genetic networks.
Bioinformatics 20(18): 3638-3640 (2004) |
2003 |
1 | EE | Luc Moreau,
Simon Miles,
Carole A. Goble,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Vijay Dialani,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Rich Cawley,
David De Roure,
Justin Ferris,
Robert J. Gaizauskas,
Kevin Glover,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Peter Li,
Xiaojian Liu,
Phillip W. Lord,
Michael Luck,
Darren Marvin,
Thomas M. Oinn,
Norman W. Paton,
Steve Pettifer,
Milena V. Radenkovic,
Angus Roberts,
Alan J. Robinson,
Tom Rodden,
Martin Senger,
Nick Sharman,
Robert Stevens,
Brian Warboys,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid.
CCGRID 2003: 653-668 |