1. ICMAS 1995:
San Francisco,
Victor R. Lesser, Les Gasser (Eds.):
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems, June 12-14, 1995, San Francisco, California, USA.
The MIT Press 1995, ISBN 0-262-62102-9 BibTeX
editor = {Victor R. Lesser and
Les Gasser},
title = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent
Systems, June 12-14, 1995, San Francisco, California, USA},
booktitle = {ICMAS},
publisher = {The MIT Press},
year = {1995},
isbn = {0-262-62102-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Sivaram Balasubramanian, Douglas H. Norrie:
A Multi-Agent Intelligent Design System Integrating Manufacturing and Shop-Floor Control.
3-9 BibTeX
- Tucker R. Balch, Ronald C. Arkin:
Motor Schema-Based Formation Control for Multiagent Robot Teams.
10-24 BibTeX
- Mihai Barbuceanu, Mark S. Fox:
COOL: A Language for Describing Coordination in Multi Agent Systems.
17-24 BibTeX
- Frances M. T. Brazier, Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Nick R. Jennings, Jan Treur:
Formal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems: A Real-World Case.
25-32 BibTeX
- Norman Carver, Victor R. Lesser:
The DRESUN Testbed for Research in FA/C Distributed Situation Assessment: Extensions to the Model of External Evidence.
33-40 BibTeX
- Cristiano Castelfranchi:
Commitments: From Individual Intentions to Groups and Organizations.
41-48 BibTeX
- Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Sandra Carberry:
Communication for Conflict Resolution in Multi-Agent Collaborative Planning.
49-56 BibTeX
- Alessandro Cimatti, Luciano Serafini:
Multiagent Reasoning with Belief Contexts II: Elaboration Tolerance.
57-64 BibTeX
- Philip R. Cohen, Hector J. Levesque:
Communicative Actions for Artificial Agents.
65-72 BibTeX
- Keith Decker, Victor R. Lesser:
Designing a Family of Coordination Algorithms.
73-80 BibTeX
- Jörg Denzinger:
Knowledge-Based Distributed Search Using Teamwork.
81-88 BibTeX
- Love Ekenberg, Magnus Boman, Mats Danielson:
A Tool for Coordinating Autonomous Agents with Conflicting Goals.
89-93 BibTeX
- Eithan Ephrati, Martha E. Pollack, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
A Tractable Heuristic that Maximizes Global Utility through Local Plan Combination.
94-101 BibTeX
- Maier Fenster, Sarit Kraus, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Coordination without Communication: Experimental Validation of Focal Point Techniques.
102-108 BibTeX
- Klaus Fischer, Jörg P. Müller, Markus Pischel, Darius Schier:
A Model for Cooperative Transportation Scheduling.
109-116 BibTeX
- Natalie S. Glance, Tad Hogg:
Dilemmas in Computational Societies.
117-124 BibTeX
- Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Edmund H. Durfee:
A Rigorous, Operational Formalization of Recursive Modeling.
125-132 BibTeX
- Afsaneh Haddadi:
Towards a Pragmatic Theory of Interactions.
133-139 BibTeX
- Kôiti Hasida, Katashi Nagao, Takashi Miyata:
A Game-Theoretic Account of Collaboration in Communication.
140-147 BibTeX
- Barbara Hayes-Roth, Lee Brownston, Robert van Gent:
Multiagent Collaboration in Directed Improvisation.
148-154 BibTeX
- Katsutoshi Hirayama, Jun'ichi Toyoda:
Forming Coalitions for Breaking Deadlocks.
155-162 BibTeX
- Marcus J. Huber, Edmund H. Durfee:
Deciding When to Commit to Action During Observation-Based Coordination.
163-170 BibTeX
- Bernardo A. Huberman, Scott H. Clearwater:
A Multi-Agent System for Controlling Building Environments.
171-176 BibTeX
- Matthew M. Huntbach, Nick R. Jennings, Graem A. Ringwood:
How Agents Do It in Stream Logic Programming.
177-184 BibTeX
- Toru Ishida:
Two is Not Always Better than One: Experiences in Real-Time Bidirectional Search.
185-192 BibTeX
- Hideki Isozaki:
Reasoning about Belief Based on Common Knowledge of Observability of Actions.
193-200 BibTeX
- Akira Ito, Hiroyuki Yano:
The Emergence of Cooperation in a Society of Autonomous Agents - The Prisoner's Dilemma Game under the Disclosure of Contract Histories.
201-208 BibTeX
- Tatsuaki Itoh, Takashi Watanabe, Takahira Yamaguchi:
Self Organizational Approach for Integration of Distributed Expert Systems.
209-216 BibTeX
- Froduald Kabanza:
Synchronizing Multiagent Plans Using Temporal Logic Specifications.
217-224 BibTeX
- Alois Knoll, Jens Meinköhn:
Hierarchical and Lateral Coordination in MAS: An Analysis of Message Traffic Flow.
225-232 BibTeX
- Michael Kolb:
A Cooperation Language.
233-238 BibTeX
- Daniel Kuokka, Larry Harada:
On Using KQML for Matchmaking.
239-245 BibTeX
- Jyi-Shane Liu, Katia P. Sycara:
Exploiting Problem Structure for Distributed Constraint Optimization.
246-253 BibTeX
- Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno:
A Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy.
254-260 BibTeX
- Andreas Lux, Donald Steiner:
Understanding Cooperation: An Agent's Perspective.
261-268 BibTeX
- Dario Maio, Stefano Rizzi:
Unsupervised Multi-Agent Exploration of Structured Environments.
269-275 BibTeX
- Yishay Mor, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Time and the Prisoner's Dilemma.
276-282 BibTeX
- Tracy Mullen, Michael P. Wellman:
A Simple Computational Market for Network Information Services.
283-289 BibTeX
- Chisato Numaoka:
Introducing the Blind Hunger Dilemma: Agents' Properties and Performance.
290-296 BibTeX
- Eiichi Osawa:
A Metalevel Coordination Strategy for Reactive Cooperative Planning.
297-303 BibTeX
- Yongyuth Permpoontanalarp, John Yuejun Jiang:
Generalised Proof-Theory for Multi-Agent Autoepistemic Reasoning.
304-311 BibTeX
- Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff:
BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice.
312-319 BibTeX
- J. Alfredo Sánchez, Flávio S. Azevedo, John J. Leggett:
PARAgente: Exploring the Issues in Agent-Based User Interfaces.
320-327 BibTeX
- Tuomas Sandholm, Victor R. Lesser:
Issues in Automated Negotiation and Electronic Commerce: Extending the Contract Net Framework.
328-335 BibTeX
- Sandip Sen, Edmund H. Durfee:
Unsupervised Surrogate Agents and Search Bias Change in Flexible Distributed Scheduling.
336-343 BibTeX
- Weiming Shen, Jean-Paul A. Barthès:
DIDE: A Multi-Agent Environment for Engineering Design.
344-351 BibTeX
- Jaime Simão Sichman, Yves Demazeau:
Exploiting Social Reasoning to Deal with Agency Level Inconsistency.
352-359 BibTeX
- Toshiharu Sugawara:
Reusing Past Plans in Distributed Planning.
360-367 BibTeX
- Milind Tambe:
Recursive Agent and Agent-Group Tracking in a Real-Time Dynamic Environment.
368-375 BibTeX
- José M. Vidal, Edmund H. Durfee:
Recursive Agent Modeling Using Limited Rationality.
376-383 BibTeX
- Adam Walker, Michael Wooldridge:
Understanding the Emergence of Conventions in Multi-Agent Systems.
384-389 BibTeX
- Y. Xiang:
Distributed Scheduling of Multiagent Communication.
390-397 BibTeX
- Michael Youssefmir, Bernardo A. Huberman:
Resource Contention in Multiagent Systems.
398-405 BibTeX
Invited Speaker Talks
- Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz:
Knowledge and Behavior in Multiagent Systems.
434 BibTeX
- Matthew Anderton, Jim Cunningham, Jeremy Pitt:
A Multi-Agent Framework for Inter-Organizational Applications.
435 BibTeX
- Sachiyo Arai:
Rational Balancing of Planning and Communication in the Dynamic Multi-Agents World.
436 BibTeX
- Pierre Azéma, François Vernadat, Jean Luc Albacete:
A Communication Protocol for Conflict Resolution.
437 BibTeX
- Joachim Baczewski, Mario Tokoro:
Linear Prediction in a Multi-Agent Environment.
438 BibTeX
- Ana L. C. Bazan:
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Control of Traffic Signals.
439 BibTeX
- Raghu R. Bhat:
An Agent Approach for Case Adaptation.
440 BibTeX
- Rafael H. Bordini, Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa, Jomi Fred Hübner, Rosa Maria Viccari:
Linguistic Support for Agent Migration.
441 BibTeX
- Fumihiko Chimura, Mario Tokoro:
Map Making as a Support for Cooperation.
442 BibTeX
- Thouraya Daouas, Khaled Ghédira, Jean-Pierre Müller:
Distributed Flow Shop Scheduling Problem - Global versus Local Optimization.
443 BibTeX
- William B. Day:
The Consensus Scheduling Model: Negotiation among Peers.
444 BibTeX
- Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Anna Radzikowska:
Actions with Typical Effects: Epistemic Characterization of Scenarios.
445 BibTeX
- Klaus Fischer, Jörg P. Müller, Markus Pischel:
Unifying Control in a Layered Agent Architecture.
446 BibTeX
- Graça Gaspar, Helder Coelho:
Deriving Goals and Intentions.
447 BibTeX
- Enrico Giunchiglia, Fausto Giunchiglia, Luciano Serafini:
Agents as Reasoners, Observers, or Arbitrary Believers.
448 BibTeX
- Cheng Gu, Toru Ishida:
A Quantitative Analysis of the Contract Net Protocol.
449 BibTeX
- Thomas Haynes, Roger L. Wainwright, Sandip Sen:
Evolving Cooperation Strategies.
450 BibTeX
- Rajiv Khosla, Tharam S. Dillon:
Distributed Symbolic-SubSymbolic Agent Architecture for Configuring Power Network Faults.
451 BibTeX
- Alexander Kick:
An Agent Algebra for the Formal Description and Verification of Multi Agent Systems.
452 BibTeX
- Matthias Klusch:
Coalition-Based Cooperation between Intelligent Agents for a Contextual Recognition of Interdatabase Dependencies.
453 BibTeX
- Satoshi Kurihara, Michio Okada:
Self-Organization Based on Coordinated Actions of Autonomous Agents.
454 BibTeX
- Kazuhiro Kuwabara, Toru Ishida, Nobuyasu Osato:
AgenTalk: Coordination Protocol Description for Multiagent Systems.
455 BibTeX
- John E. Laird, Randolph M. Jones, Paul E. Nielsen:
Multiagent Coordination in Distributed Interactive Battlefield Simulations.
456 BibTeX
- Jaeho Lee, Edmund H. Durfee:
A Microeconomic Approach to Intelligent Resource Sharing in Multiagent Systems.
457 BibTeX
- Judith Masthoff, Rudy Van Hoe:
A View on the Architecture and Design of Highly Autonomous and Situated Agents.
458 BibTeX
- Hideyuki Nakashima, Itsuki Noda, Ichiro Osawa:
Organic Programming for Multi-Agents.
459 BibTeX
- Carla Simone, Monica Divitini, Kjeld Schmidt, Peter Carstersen:
A Multi-Agent Approach to the Design of Coordination Mechanisms.
460 BibTeX
- Lorenzo Sommaruga, Nadia Catenazzi:
Some Principles in Designing Cooperative Architectures of Autonomous Agents.
461 BibTeX
- Toshiharu Sugawara, Victor R. Lesser:
Learning Coordination Plans in Distributed Problem-Solving Environments.
462 BibTeX
- Walt Truszkowski, Jidé B. Odubiyi, Ed Ruberton:
An Agent Model in a Multiagent System Architecture for Automating Distributed Systems.
463 BibTeX
- Elpida Tzafestas:
Beyond Cooperation-ism and Competition-ism (Exploring Social Phenomena with a Generalized Tit-For-Tat Model).
464 BibTeX
- Ipke Wachsmuth, Britta Lenzmann, Yong Cao:
VIENA: A Multiagent Interface to a Virtual Environment.
465 BibTeX
- Ronald R. Yager:
Automated Multiagent Preference Aggregation Using Fuzzy Quantifiers.
466 BibTeX
- Makoto Yokoo:
Asynchronous Weak-Commitment Search for Solving Large-Scale Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
467 BibTeX
- Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang:
The Consensus of Uncertainties in Distributed Expert Systems.
468 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:20:27 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)