2008 |
12 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Simon Miles,
Michael Luck,
Camden Holt,
Malcolm Smith:
Electronic contracting in aircraft aftercare: a case study.
AAMAS (Industry Track) 2008: 63-70 |
11 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi:
Extending agent languages for autonomy.
AAMAS (PhD) 2008: 1744-1745 |
10 | EE | Noura Faci,
Sanjay Modgil,
Nir Oren,
Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Simon Miles,
Michael Luck:
Towards a Monitoring Framework for Agent-Based Contract Systems.
CIA 2008: 292-305 |
9 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Leveraging New Plans in AgentSpeak(PL).
DALT 2008: 111-127 |
2007 |
8 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Motivations as an Abstraction of Meta-level Reasoning.
CEEMAS 2007: 204-214 |
7 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Michael Luck:
Composing High-Level Plans for Declarative Agent Programming.
DALT 2007: 69-85 |
2005 |
6 | EE | Ana Cristina Benso da Silva,
João Batista S. de Oliveira,
Fernando Tarlá Martins Mano,
Thiago B. Silva,
Leonardo Luceiro Meirelles,
Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Fabio Giannetti:
Support for arbitrary regions in XSL-FO.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2005: 64-73 |
5 | EE | Avelino F. Zorzo,
Felipe Rech Meneguzzi:
An agent model for fault-tolerant systems.
SAC 2005: 60-65 |
4 | EE | Ana Cristina Benso da Silva,
João Batista S. de Oliveira,
Fernando Tarlá Martins Mano,
Thiago B. Silva,
Leonardo Luceiro Meirelles,
Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Fabio Giannetti:
Support for arbitrary regions in XSL-FO: a proposal for extending XSL-FO semantics and processing model.
WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1066-1067 |
2004 |
3 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Avelino F. Zorzo,
Michael C. Móra:
Mapping Mental States into Propositional Planning.
AAMAS 2004: 1514-1515 |
2 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Leonardo Luceiro Meirelles,
Fernando Tarlá Martins Mano,
João Batista S. de Oliveira,
Ana Cristina Benso da Silva:
Strategies for document optimization in digital publishing.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2004: 163-170 |
1 | EE | Felipe Rech Meneguzzi,
Avelino F. Zorzo,
Michael da Costa Móra:
Propositional planning in BDI agents.
SAC 2004: 58-63 |