
Thuc Duong Nguyen

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8EEThuc Duong Nguyen, Simon Thompson: Intelligent agent framework for order entry and management. AAMAS 2007: 274
7EESimon G. Thompson, Nick Giles, Yang Li, Hamid Gharib, Thuc Duong Nguyen: Using AI and semantic web technologies to attack process complexity in open systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 20(2): 152-159 (2007)
6EEThuc Duong Nguyen, Nicholas R. Jennings: Managing commitments in multiple concurrent negotiations. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4(4): 362-376 (2005)
5EEThuc Duong Nguyen, Nicholas R. Jennings: Coordinating Multiple Concurrent Negotiations. AAMAS 2004: 1064-1071
4EEThuc Duong Nguyen, Nicholas R. Jennings: Reasoning about commitments in multiple concurrent negotiations. ICEC 2004: 77-84
3EETimothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece, Stuart Chalmers, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Luck, Viet Dung Dang, Thuc Duong Nguyen, Vikas Deora, Jianhua Shao, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian: Agent-based formation of virtual organisations. Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(2-4): 103-111 (2004)
2EEThuc Duong Nguyen, Nicholas R. Jennings: Concurrent bi-lateral negotiation in agent systems. DEXA Workshops 2003: 844-849
1 Thuc Duong Nguyen, Nicholas R. Jennings: A heuristic model for concurrent bi-lateral negotiations in incomplete information settings. IJCAI 2003: 1467-1469

Coauthor Index

1Stuart Chalmers [3]
2Viet Dung Dang [3]
3Vikas Deora [3]
4N. J. Fiddian (Nick J. Fiddian) [3]
5Hamid Gharib [7]
6Nick Giles [7]
7W. A. Gray (W. Alex Gray) [3]
8Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Yang Li [7]
10Michael Luck [3]
11Timothy J. Norman [3]
12Alun D. Preece [3]
13Jianhua Shao [3]
14Simon Thompson [8]
15Simon G. Thompson [7]

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