2008 |
44 | EE | Les Gasser,
Walt Scacchi:
Towards a Global Research Infrastructure for Multidisciplinary Study of Free/Open Source Software Development.
OSS 2008: 143-158 |
43 | EE | Besiki Stvilia,
Les Gasser:
An activity theoretic model for information quality change.
First Monday 13(4): (2008) |
42 | EE | Besiki Stvilia,
Michael B. Twidale,
Linda C. Smith,
Les Gasser:
Information quality work organization in wikipedia.
JASIST 59(6): 983-1001 (2008) |
2007 |
41 | EE | Kiran Lakkaraju,
Les Gasser:
A unified framework for multi-agent agreement.
AAMAS 2007: 21 |
40 | EE | Besiki Stvilia,
Les Gasser,
Michael B. Twidale,
Linda C. Smith:
A framework for information quality assessment.
JASIST 58(12): 1720-1733 (2007) |
2006 |
39 | | Kiran Lakkaraju,
Les Gasser:
Population and Agent Based Models for Language Convergence.
AAAI 2006 |
38 | EE | Jun Wang,
Les Gasser,
Jim Houk:
Convergence analysis for collective vocabulary development.
AAMAS 2006: 1378-1380 |
37 | EE | Samarth Swarup,
Kiran Lakkaraju,
Les Gasser:
Learning a common language through an emergent interaction topology.
AAMAS 2006: 1381-1383 |
36 | EE | Samarth Swarup,
Kiran Lakkaraju,
Sylvian R. Ray,
Les Gasser:
Symbol Grounding Through Cumulative Learning.
EELC 2006: 180-191 |
35 | EE | Samarth Swarup,
Les Gasser:
Noisy Preferential Attachment and Language Evolution.
SAB 2006: 765-776 |
34 | EE | Kiran Lakkaraju,
Les Gasser:
The Complexity of Finding an Optimal Policy for Language Convergence.
SAB 2006: 804-815 |
33 | EE | Samarth Swarup,
Les Gasser:
The Role of Anticipation in the Emergence of Language.
SAB ABiALS 2006: 35-56 |
32 | EE | William Turner,
Geoffrey C. Bowker,
Les Gasser,
Manuel Zacklad:
Information Infrastructures for Distributed Collective Practices.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 15(2-3): 93-110 (2006) |
2005 |
31 | | Toru Ishida,
Les Gasser,
Hideyuki Nakashima:
Massively Multi-Agent Systems I, First International Workshop, MMAS 2004, Kyoto, Japan, December 10-11, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Springer 2005 |
30 | EE | Thomas Wagner,
Les Gasser,
Michael Luck:
Impact for agents.
AAMAS Industrial Applications 2005: 93-99 |
29 | EE | Robert J. Sandusky,
Les Gasser:
Negotiation and the coordination of information and activity in distributed software problem management.
GROUP 2005: 187-196 |
28 | EE | Besiki Stvilia,
Michael B. Twidale,
Linda C. Smith,
Les Gasser:
Assessing Information Quality of a Community-Based Encyclopedia.
IQ 2005 |
27 | EE | Michael N. Huhns,
Munindar P. Singh,
Mark H. Burstein,
Keith S. Decker,
Edmund H. Durfee,
Timothy W. Finin,
Les Gasser,
Hrishikesh J. Goradia,
Nicholas R. Jennings,
Kiran Lakkaraju,
Hideyuki Nakashima,
H. Van Dyke Parunak,
Jeffrey S. Rosenschein,
Alicia Ruvinsky,
Gita Sukthankar,
Samarth Swarup,
Katia P. Sycara,
Milind Tambe,
Thomas Wagner,
Rosa Laura Zavala Gutierrez:
Research Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems.
IEEE Internet Computing 9(6): 65-70 (2005) |
2004 |
26 | EE | Jun Wang,
Les Gasser:
Multi-Agent Service Description/Discovery Games.
AAMAS 2004: 1460-1461 |
25 | | Besiki Stvilia,
Les Gasser,
Michael B. Twidale,
Sarah L. Shreeves,
Timothy W. Cole:
Metadata Quality For Federated Collections.
IQ 2004: 111-125 |
24 | EE | Les Gasser,
Kelvin Kakugawa,
Brant Chee,
Marc Esteva:
Smooth Scaling Ahead: Progressive MAS Simulation from Single PCs to Grids.
MABS 2004: 1-10 |
2003 |
23 | EE | Michael J. Prietula,
Kathleen M. Carley,
Les Gasser:
Simulating Organizations: Computational Models of Institutions and Groups.
J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 6(2): (2003) |
2002 |
22 | EE | Jun Wang,
Les Gasser:
Mutual online concept learning for multiple agents.
AAMAS 2002: 362-369 |
21 | EE | Les Gasser,
Kelvin Kakugawa:
MACE3J: fast flexible distributed simulation of large, large-grain multi-agent systems.
AAMAS 2002: 745-752 |
20 | EE | Jun Wang,
Bei Yu,
Les Gasser:
Concept Tree Based Clustering Visualization with Shaded Similarity Matrices.
ICDM 2002: 697-700 |
19 | EE | M. Lynne Markus,
Ann Majchrzak,
Les Gasser:
A Design Theory for Systems That Support Emergent Knowledge Processes.
MIS Quarterly 26(3): (2002) |
2001 |
18 | EE | Les Gasser:
Perspectives on Organizations in Multi-agent Systems.
EASSS 2001: 1-16 |
2000 |
17 | EE | Les Gasser:
MAS Infrastructure: Definitions, Needs and Prospects.
Agents Workshop on Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems 2000: 1-11 |
1997 |
16 | | David Kinny,
Jan Treur,
Les Gasser,
Steve Clark,
Jörg P. Müller:
Panel: Methodologies for Multi-Agent Systems.
ATAL 1997: 1 |
1995 |
15 | | Victor R. Lesser,
Les Gasser:
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems, June 12-14, 1995, San Francisco, California, USA
The MIT Press 1995 |
14 | | Les Gasser:
Computational Organization Research.
ICMAS 1995: 414-415 |
13 | EE | Carol E. Brown,
Les Gasser,
Daniel E. O'Leary,
Alan Sangster:
AI on the WWW : Supply and Demand Agents.
IEEE Expert 10(4): 50-55 (1995) |
1993 |
12 | | Les Gasser,
Ingemar A. E. Hulthage,
Brian Leverich,
Jon Lieb,
Ann Majchrzak:
Organizations as Complex, Dynamic Design Problems.
EPIA 1993: 1-12 |
11 | | Les Gasser:
Social Knowledge and Social Action: Heterogeneity in Practice.
IJCAI 1993: 751-757 |
1992 |
10 | | Ursula M. Schwuttke,
Les Gasser:
Real-time Metareasoning with Dynamic Trade-off Evaluation.
AAAI 1992: 500-506 |
1991 |
9 | | Les Gasser,
Toru Ishida:
A Dynamic Organizational Architecture for Adaptive Problem Solving.
AAAI 1991: 185-190 |
8 | | James A. Hendler,
Daniel G. Bobrow,
Les Gasser,
Carl Hewitt,
Marvin Minsky:
Multiple Approaches to Multiple Agent Problem Solving.
IJCAI 1991: 553-554 |
7 | | Ann Majchrzak,
Les Gasser:
On Using Artificial Intelligence to Integrate the Design of Organizational and Process Change in US Manufacturing.
AI Soc. 5(4): 321-338 (1991) |
6 | | Les Gasser:
Social Conceptions of Knowledge and Action: DAI Foundations and Open Systems Semantics.
Artif. Intell. 47(1-3): 107-138 (1991) |
1990 |
5 | | Toru Ishida,
Makoto Yokoo,
Les Gasser:
An Organizational Approach to Adaptive Production Systems.
AAAI 1990: 52-58 |
1989 |
4 | EE | Les Gasser:
MACE: High-level distributed objects in a flexible testbed for distributed AI research.
SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 108-110 (1989) |
1988 |
3 | | Les Gasser:
Distribution and Coordination of Tasks Among Intelligent Agents.
SCAI 1988: 189-204 |
1987 |
2 | | Les Gasser:
The 1985 Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence (Report).
AI Magazine 8(2): 91-97 (1987) |
1986 |
1 | EE | Les Gasser:
The Integration of Computing and Routine Work.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 4(3): 205-225 (1986) |