Volume 8,
Number 1,
February 1998
Volume 8,
Number 2,
April 1998
Volume 8,
Number 3,
June 1998
- Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Wooldridge, Fausto Giunchiglia:
231-232 BibTeX
- Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck:
Engineering AgentSpeak(L): A Formal Computational Model.
233-260 BibTeX
- Simon Parsons, Carles Sierra, Nicholas R. Jennings:
Agents That Reason and Negotiate by Arguing.
261-292 BibTeX
- Anand S. Rao, Michael P. Georgeff:
Decision Procedures for BDI Logics.
293-342 BibTeX
- Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge:
Resolution for Temporal Logics of Knowledge.
345-372 BibTeX
- Fabio Massacci:
Tableau Methods for Formal Verification of Multi-Agent Distributed Systems.
373-400 BibTeX
- Massimo Benerecetti, Fausto Giunchiglia, Luciano Serafini:
Model Checking Multiagent Systems.
401-423 BibTeX
- Munindar P. Singh:
Applying the Mu-Calculus in Planning and Reasoning about Action.
425-445 BibTeX
Volume 8,
Number 4,
August 1998
Volume 8,
Number 5,
October 1998
Volume 8,
Number 6,
December 1998
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)