
Constance L. Heitmeyer

Connie Heitmeyer

Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA

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63EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Myla Archer, Elizabeth I. Leonard, John McLean: Applying Formal Methods to a Certifiably Secure Software System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(1): 82-98 (2008)
62EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Ralph D. Jeffords, Ramesh Bharadwaj, Myla Archer: RE Theory Meets Software Practice: Lessons from the Software Development Trenches. RE 2007: 265-268
61EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: On the Utility of Formal Methods in the Development and Certification of Software. TPHOLs 2007: 1-2
60EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Jean-Pierre Talpin: Guest editorial. Formal Methods in System Design 30(1): 1-3 (2007)
59EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Formal Methods for Specifying, Validating, and Verifying Requirements. J. UCS 13(5): 607-618 (2007)
58EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Myla Archer, Elizabeth I. Leonard, John D. McLean: Formal specification and verification of data separation in a separation kernel for an embedded system. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2006: 346-355
57EETom Rothamel, Yanhong A. Liu, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Elizabeth I. Leonard: Generating optimized code from SCR specifications. LCTES 2006: 135-144
56EETevfik Bultan, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Analyzing tabular requirements specifications using infinite state model checking. MEMOCODE 2006: 7-16
55EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Developing High Quality Software with Formal Methods: What Else Is Needed? FORTE 2005: 13-19
54EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: A Panacea or Academic Poppycock: Formal Methods Revisited. HASE 2005: 3-7
53EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Klaus Pohl: Introduction to the experience reports track. ICSE 2005: 480
52EETevfik Bultan, Constance L. Heitmeyer, John O'Leary: Panel on design for verification. MEMOCODE 2005: 232-235
51 Constance L. Heitmeyer, Myla Archer, Ramesh Bharadwaj, Ralph D. Jeffords: Tools for constructing requirements specifications: the SCR Toolset at the age of nine. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 20(1): (2005)
50EEJames Robertson, Connie Heitmeyer: Point/Counterpoint. IEEE Software 22(1): 48-51 (2005)
49EESandeep K. Shukla, Tevfik Bultan, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Panel: given that hardware verification has been an uphill battle, what is the future of software verification? MEMOCODE 2004: 157-158
48EEJan Jürjens, Eduardo B. Fernández, Robert B. France, Bernhard Rumpe, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Critical Systems Development Using Modeling Languages (CSDUML-04): Current Developments and Future Challenges (Report on the Third International Workshop). UML Satellite Activities 2004: 76-84
47EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Managing Complexity in Software Development with Formally Based Tools. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 108: 11-19 (2004)
46EERalph D. Jeffords, Constance L. Heitmeyer: A strategy for efficiently verifying requirements. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 28-37
45EEMartin S. Feather, Allen P. Nikora, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Nancy R. Mead: ICSE 2003 Workshop on Software Engineering for High Assurance Systems: Synergies between Process, Product, and Profiling (SEHAS 2003). ICSE 2003: 787-788
44EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Developing High Assurance Systems: On the Role of Software Tools. SAFECOMP 2003: 159-164
43EEElizabeth I. Leonard, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Program Synthesis from Formal Requirements Specifications Using APTS. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 16(1-2): 63-92 (2003)
42 Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Elvinia Riccobene: Proving Invariants of I/O Automata with TAME. Autom. Softw. Eng. 9(3): 201-232 (2002)
41EEHermann Kaindl, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Janis A. Bubenko Jr., Barbara Farbey, Sol J. Greenspan, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, Nancy R. Mead, John Mylopoulos, Jawed I. A. Siddiqi: Requirements Engineering and Technology Transfer: Obstacles, Incentives and Improvement Agenda. Requir. Eng. 7(3): 113-123 (2002)
40EECarl E. Landwehr, Constance L. Heitmeyer, John D. McLean: A Security Model for Military Message Systems: Retrospective. ACSAC 2001: 174-190
39EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Applying Practical Formal Methods to the Specification and Analysis of Security Properties. MMM-ACNS 2001: 84-89
38EERalph D. Jeffords, Constance L. Heitmeyer: An Algorithm for Strengthening State Invariants Generated from Requirements Specifications. RE 2001: 182-193
37EEMichael G. Hinchey, James A. Hendler, Charles Pecheur, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Diana F. Gordon, Michael Luck, Walt Truszkowski: Panel Discussion: Future Directions. FAABS 2000: 354-368
36EEMyla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Elvinia Riccobene: Using TAME to prove invariants of automata models: Two case studies. FMSP 2000: 25-36
35EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Transferring Research Results in Requirements to Practice: Obstacles and Incentives. ICRE 2000: 71-72
34EEMonica Brockmeyer, Farnam Jahanian, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Elly Winner: A Flexible, Extensible Simulation Environment for Testing Real-Time Specifications. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(11): 1184-1201 (2000)
33EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Ramesh Bharadwaj: Applying the SCR Requirements Method to the Light Control Case Study. J. UCS 6(7): 650-678 (2000)
32EEJames Kirby, Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer: SCR: A Practical Approach to Building a High Assurance COMSEC System. ACSAC 1999: 109-118
31EEAngelo Gargantini, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Using Model Checking to Generate Tests from Requirements Specifications. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1999: 146-162
30EEJames Kirby Jr., Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Applying Formal Methods to an Information Security Device: An Experience Report. HASE 1999: 81-88
29 Constance L. Heitmeyer: Formal Methods for Developing Software Specifications: Paths to Wider Usage. PDPTA 1999: 1047-1053
28EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Increasing the Role of RE in the Development of Dependable Systems Naval Research Laboratory. RE 1999: 191-
27 Ramesh Bharadwaj, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Model Checking Complete Requirements Specifications Using Abstraction. Autom. Softw. Eng. 6(1): 37-68 (1999)
26 Constance L. Heitmeyer, James Kirby, Bruce G. Labaw, Ramesh Bharadwaj: SCR*: A Toolset for Specifying and Analyzing Software Requirements. CAV 1998: 526-531
25EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, James Kirby, Bruce G. Labaw: Applying the SCR requirements method to a weapons control panel: an experience report. FMSP 1998: 92-102
24EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: On the Need for Practical Formal Methods. FTRTFT 1998: 18-26
23EERalph D. Jeffords, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Automatic Generation of State Invariants from Requirements Specifications. SIGSOFT FSE 1998: 56-69
22EEConstance L. Heitmeyer: Using the SCR* Toolset to Specify Software Requirements. WIFT 1998: 12-
21EEMats Per Erik Heimdahl, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Formal Methods For Developing High Assurance Computer Systems: Working Group Report. WIFT 1998: 60-
20EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, James Kirby, Bruce G. Labaw, Myla Archer, Ramesh Bharadwaj: Using Abstraction and Model Checking to Detect Safety Violations in Requirements Specifications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(11): 927-948 (1998)
19 Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Verifying Hybrid Systems Modeled as Timed Automata: A Case Study. HART 1997: 171-185
18EEMonica Brockmeyer, Farnam Jahanian, Elly Winner, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Bruce G. Labaw: A. Software Environment for Custom Simulation and Monitoring of Real-Time Specifications. HASE 1997: 78-84
17EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, James Kirby, Bruce G. Labaw: The SCR Method for Formally Specifying, Verifying, and Validating Requirements: Tool Support. ICSE 1997: 610-611
16EEStuart R. Faulk, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Rigorous Requirements for Real-Time Systems: Evolution and Application of the SCR Method (Tutorial). ICSE 1997: 637-638
15EEMonica Brockmeyer, Farnam Jahanian, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Bruce G. Labaw: A Flexible, Extensible Simulation Environment for Testing Real-Time Specifications. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1997: 125-135
14EEStuart R. Faulk, Constance L. Heitmeyer: The SCR Approach to Requirements Specification and Analysis. RE 1997: 263
13 Myla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Human-Style Theorem Proving Using PVS. TPHOLs 1997: 33-48
12 Constance L. Heitmeyer: Formal Methods: A Panacea or Academic Poppycock? ZUM 1997: 3-9
11EEMyla Archer, Constance L. Heitmeyer: Mechanical verification of timed automata: a case study. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1996: 192-203
10EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Ralph D. Jeffords, Bruce G. Labaw: Automated Consistency Checking of Requirements Specifications. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 5(3): 231-261 (1996)
9 Constance L. Heitmeyer: Requirements Specifications for Hybrid Systems. Hybrid Systems 1995: 304-314
8 Aloysius K. Mok, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Kevin Jeffay, Michael B. Jones, C. Douglas Locke, Ragunathan Rajkumar: Future Distributed Embedded and Real-Time Applications Will Be Adaptive: Meanings, Challenges and Research Paradigms (Panel). ICDCS 1995: 182-184
7EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Bruce G. Labaw, Daniel L. Kiskis: Consistency checking of SCR-style requirements specifications. RE 1995: 56-65
6 Constance L. Heitmeyer, Nancy A. Lynch: The Generalized Railroad Crossing: A Case Study in Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 120-131
5 Paul C. Clements, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Bruce G. Labaw, A. T. Rose: MT: A Toolset for Specifying and Analyzing Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1993: 12-22
4EEJames A. Ballas, Constance L. Heitmeyer, Manuel A. Pérez: Evaluating Two Aspects of Direct Manipulation in Advanced Cockpits. CHI 1992: 127-134
3 John D. McLean, Carl E. Landwehr, Constance L. Heitmeyer: A Formal Statement of the MMS Security Model. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 188-194
2EECarl E. Landwehr, Constance L. Heitmeyer, John D. McLean: A Security Model for Military Message Systems ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 2(3): 198-222 (1984)
1 Constance L. Heitmeyer, John D. McLean: Abstract Requirements Specification: A New Approach and Its Application. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(5): 580-589 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Myla Archer [11] [13] [19] [20] [30] [32] [36] [42] [51] [58] [62] [63]
2James A. Ballas [4]
3Ramesh Bharadwaj [20] [26] [27] [33] [51] [62]
4Sjaak Brinkkemper [41]
5Monica Brockmeyer [15] [18] [34]
6Janis A. Bubenko Jr. [41]
7Tevfik Bultan [49] [52] [56]
8Paul C. Clements [5]
9Barbara Farbey [41]
10Stuart R. Faulk [14] [16]
11Martin S. Feather [45]
12Eduardo B. Fernández [48]
13Robert B. France [48]
14Angelo Gargantini [31]
15Sol J. Greenspan [41]
16Mats Per Erik Heimdahl [21]
17James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [37]
18Michael G. Hinchey (Mike Hinchey) [37]
19Farnam Jahanian [15] [18] [34]
20Kevin Jeffay [8]
21Ralph D. Jeffords [10] [23] [38] [46] [51] [62]
22Michael B. Jones [8]
23Jan Jürjens [48]
24Hermann Kaindl [41]
25James Kirby [17] [20] [25] [26] [32]
26James Kirby Jr. [30]
27Daniel L. Kiskis [7]
28Bruce G. Labaw [5] [7] [10] [15] [17] [18] [20] [25] [26]
29Carl E. Landwehr [2] [3] [40]
30Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite [41]
31Elizabeth I. Leonard [43] [57] [58] [63]
32Yanhong A. Liu [57]
33C. Douglas Locke [8]
34Michael Luck [37]
35Nancy A. Lynch [6]
36John McLean [63]
37John D. McLean [1] [2] [3] [40] [58]
38Nancy R. Mead [41] [45]
39Aloysius K. Mok [8]
40John Mylopoulos [41]
41Allen P. Nikora [45]
42John O'Leary [52]
43Charles Pecheur [37]
44Manuel A. Pérez [4]
45Klaus Pohl [53]
46Ragunathan Rajkumar [8]
47Elvinia Riccobene [36] [42]
48James Robertson [50]
49A. T. Rose [5]
50Tom Rothamel [57]
51Bernhard Rumpe [48]
52Sandeep K. Shukla [49]
53Jawed I. A. Siddiqi [41]
54Diana F. Spears (Diana F. Gordon-Spears, Diana F. Gordon) [37]
55Jean-Pierre Talpin [60]
56Walter Truszkowski (Walt Truszkowski) [37]
57Elly Winner [18] [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)