2007 |
37 | EE | Ronald Morrison,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Flávio Oquendo,
Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood:
An Active Architecture Approach to Dynamic Systems Co-evolution.
ECSA 2007: 2-10 |
36 | EE | Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Ronald Morrison,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Brian Warboys:
Flexible Software Development: From Software Architecture to Process.
WICSA 2007: 14 |
35 | EE | Ronald Morrison,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Kath Mickan,
Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Ian Robertson,
Bob Snowdon:
A framework for supporting dynamic systems co-evolution.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 14(3): 261-292 (2007) |
34 | EE | Robert A. Snowdon,
Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Christopher P. Holland,
P. J. Kawalek,
Duncan R. Shaw:
On the architecture and form of flexible process support.
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 12(1): 21-34 (2007) |
2006 |
33 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Justin Ferris,
Kevin Glover,
Carole A. Goble,
Antoon Goderis,
Duncan Hull,
Darren Marvin,
Peter Li,
Phillip W. Lord,
Matthew R. Pocock,
Martin Senger,
Robert Stevens,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
Taverna: lessons in creating a workflow environment for the life sciences.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(10): 1067-1100 (2006) |
2005 |
32 | EE | Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Ian Robertson,
Ronald Morrison,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Kath Mickan:
The ArchWare Tower: The Implementation of an Active Software Engineering Environment Using a pi-Calculus Based Architecture Description Language.
EWSA 2005: 30-40 |
31 | EE | Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Ronald Morrison,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Kath Mickan,
Brian Warboys,
Ian Robertson,
Bob Snowdon,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Wykeen Seet:
A software architecture approach for structuring autonomic systems.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005) |
30 | EE | Brian Warboys,
Bob Snowdon,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Wykeen Seet,
Ian Robertson,
Ronald Morrison,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Kath Mickan:
An Active-Architecture Approach to COTS Integration.
IEEE Software 22(4): 20-27 (2005) |
2004 |
29 | EE | Jun Zhao,
Chris Wroe,
Carole A. Goble,
Robert Stevens,
Dennis Quan,
R. Mark Greenwood:
Using Semantic Web Technologies for Representing E-science Provenance.
International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 92-106 |
28 | EE | Ronald Morrison,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Kath Mickan,
Flávio Oquendo,
Sorana Cîmpan,
Brian Warboys,
Bob Snowdon,
R. Mark Greenwood:
Support for Evolving Software Architectures in the ArchWare ADL.
WICSA 2004: 69-78 |
27 | EE | Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Ronald Morrison,
Kath Mickan,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Brian Warboys,
Ian Robertson,
Bob Snowdon,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Wykeen Seet:
Support for feedback and change in self-adaptive systems.
WOSS 2004: 18-22 |
26 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
Matthew Addis,
Justin Ferris,
Darren Marvin,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Carole A. Goble,
Anil Wipat,
Peter Li,
Tim Carver:
Delivering web service coordination capability to users.
WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 438-439 |
25 | EE | Thomas M. Oinn,
Matthew Addis,
Justin Ferris,
Darren Marvin,
Martin Senger,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Tim Carver,
Kevin Glover,
Matthew R. Pocock,
Anil Wipat,
Peter Li:
Taverna: a tool for the composition and enactment of bioinformatics workflows.
Bioinformatics 20(17): 3045-3054 (2004) |
24 | EE | Chris Wroe,
Carole A. Goble,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Phillip W. Lord,
Simon Miles,
Juri Papay,
Terry R. Payne,
Luc Moreau:
Automating Experiments Using Semantic Data on a Bioinformatics Grid.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(1): 48-55 (2004) |
2003 |
23 | EE | Luc Moreau,
Simon Miles,
Carole A. Goble,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Vijay Dialani,
Matthew Addis,
M. Nedim Alpdemir,
Rich Cawley,
David De Roure,
Justin Ferris,
Robert J. Gaizauskas,
Kevin Glover,
Chris Greenhalgh,
Peter Li,
Xiaojian Liu,
Phillip W. Lord,
Michael Luck,
Darren Marvin,
Thomas M. Oinn,
Norman W. Paton,
Steve Pettifer,
Milena V. Radenkovic,
Angus Roberts,
Alan J. Robinson,
Tom Rodden,
Martin Senger,
Nick Sharman,
Robert Stevens,
Brian Warboys,
Anil Wipat,
Chris Wroe:
On the Use of Agents in BioInformatics Grid.
CCGRID 2003: 653-668 |
22 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Sorana Cîmpan,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Kath Mickan,
Ronald Morrison,
Flávio Oquendo,
Ian Robertson,
Wykeen Seet,
Bob Snowdon,
Brian Warboys,
Evangelos Zirintsis:
Process Support for Evolving Active Architectures.
EWSPT 2003: 112-127 |
21 | EE | Chris Wroe,
Robert Stevens,
Carole A. Goble,
Angus Roberts,
R. Mark Greenwood:
A Suite of Daml+Oil Ontologies to Describe Bioinformatics Web Services and Data.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(2): 197-224 (2003) |
2002 |
20 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Chris Wroe,
Robert Stevens,
Carole A. Goble,
Matthew Addis:
Position Paper: Are Bioinformaticians doing e-Business?
EuroWeb 2002 |
2001 |
19 | EE | Vincenzo Ambriola,
R. Mark Greenwood:
8th European workshop on software process technology: report and future directions.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2001: 307-308 |
18 | EE | Jin Sa,
Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Ian Robertson:
Modeling a Support Framework for Dynamic Organizations as a Process Pattern Using UML.
EWSPT 2001: 203-216 |
17 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Ken Mayes,
Ronald Morrison,
Wykeen Seet,
Brian Warboys,
Evangelos Zirintsis:
Reflection and Reification in Process System Evolution: Experience and Opportunity.
EWSPT 2001: 27-38 |
16 | EE | Pierre-Yves Cunin,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Laurent Francou,
Ian Robertson,
Brian Warboys:
The PIE Methodology - Concept and Application.
EWSPT 2001: 3-26 |
2000 |
15 | | R. Mark Greenwood,
Ian Robertson,
Brian Warboys:
A Support Framework for Dynamic Organizations.
EWSPT 2000: 6-20 |
14 | | Christelle Chaudet,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Flávio Oquendo,
Brian Warboys:
Architecture-driven software engineering: Specifying, generating, and evolving component- based software systems.
IEE Proceedings - Software 147(6): 203-214 (2000) |
13 | | Ronald Morrison,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Ken Mayes,
David S. Munro,
Brian Warboys:
A compliant persistent architecture.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(4): 363-386 (2000) |
1999 |
12 | EE | Brian Warboys,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Ken Mayes,
Ronald Morrison,
David S. Munro:
Collaboration and Composition: Issues for a Second Generation Process Language.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1999: 75-90 |
11 | EE | David Graham Wastell,
Luuk Groenewegen,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Peter Kawalek,
Ian Robertson:
Software Process: Key Issues and Future Directions.
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 201-226 |
10 | | Brian Warboys,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Peter Kawalek:
Case for an explicit co-ordination layer in modern business information systems architectures.
IEE Proceedings - Software 146(3): 160-166 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Brian Warboys,
Rachel Harrison,
Peter Henderson:
An Empirical Study of the Evolution of a Software System.
ASE 1998: 293-296 |
8 | | Brian Warboys,
Dharini Balasubramaniam,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Graham N. C. Kirby,
Ken Mayes,
Ronald Morrison,
David S. Munro:
Instances and Connectors: Issues for a Second Generation Process Language.
EWSPT 1998: 137-142 |
1996 |
7 | | R. Mark Greenwood,
Brian Warboys:
ProcessWeb - Process Support for the World Wide Web.
EWSPT 1996: 82-85 |
6 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Brian Warboys,
Jin Sa:
Cooperating Evolving Components: A Rigorous Approach to Evolving Large Software Systems.
ICSE 1996: 428-437 |
5 | EE | R. Mark Greenwood,
Peter Kawalek,
Ian Robertson,
Brian Warboys:
An asset view on the software process.
ISPW 1996: 66-67 |
1995 |
4 | | R. Mark Greenwood:
Coordination Theory and Software Process Technology.
EWSPT 1995: 209-213 |
1994 |
3 | | Neil Berrington,
David De Roure,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Peter B. Henderson:
Distribution and Change: Investigating Two Challenges for Process Enactment Systems.
EWSPT 1994: 152-162 |
2 | | R. Mark Greenwood:
Modelling Processes with Constraints.
EWSPT 1994: 167-170 |
1992 |
1 | | R. Mark Greenwood:
Using CSP and System Dynamics as Process Engineering Tools.
EWSPT 1992: 138-145 |