
Mark d'Inverno

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48EEFabiola López y López, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: A Normative Framework for Agent-Based Systems. Normative Multi-agent Systems 2007
47EEEmanuela Merelli, Giuliano Armano, Nicola Cannata, Flavio Corradini, Mark d'Inverno, Andreas Doms, Phillip W. Lord, Andrew Martin, Luciano Milanesi, Steffen Möller, Michael Schroeder, Michael Luck: Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology. Briefings in Bioinformatics 8(1): 45-59 (2007)
46 Mark d'Inverno: Theory and application of intelligent agent systems. ICINCO-ICSO 2006
45 Mark d'Inverno: Agents, emergence and modelling: What value for communication networks? ICETE 2005
44EEFabiola López y López, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: A Normative Framework for Agent-Based Systems. NORMAS 2005: 24-35
43EEMark d'Inverno, Jane Prophet: Multidisciplinary Investigation into Adult Stem Cell Behavior. T. Comp. Sys. Biology: 49-64 (2005)
42EERonald Ashri, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Identifying Opportunities and Constraints for Goal Achievement through Relationship Analysis. AAMAS 2004: 1452-1453
41EEStephen J. Munroe, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Motivation-Based Selection of Negotiation Partners. AAMAS 2004: 1520-1521
40EEFabiola López y López, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Normative Agent Reasoning in Dynamic Societies. AAMAS 2004: 732-739
39EEHenrik Lörstad, Mark d'Inverno, John Eacott: The intelligent street: responsive sound environments for social interaction. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 155-162
38EEMark d'Inverno, Rob Saunders: Agent-Based Modelling of Stem Cell Self-organisation in a Niche. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2004: 52-68
37EEMark d'Inverno, Carles Sierra, Franco Zambonelli, Michael Luck, Steven Willmott: Best Papers From Eumas 2003: The 1st European Workshop On Multi-Agent Systems. Applied Artificial Intelligence 18(9-10): 775-778 (2004)
36EEMark d'Inverno, Michael Luck, Michael P. Georgeff, David Kinny, Michael Wooldridge: The dMARS Architecture: A Specification of the Distributed Multi-Agent Reasoning System. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 9(1-2): 5-53 (2004)
35EEStephen J. Munroe, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Towards a motivation-based approach for evaluating goals. AAMAS 2003: 1074-1075
34EEStephen J. Munroe, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Towards Motivation-Based Decisions for Worth Goals. CEEMAS 2003: 17-28
33 Ronald Ashri, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: On Identifying and Managing Relationships in Multi-Agent Systems. IJCAI 2003: 743-748
32 Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Unifying Agent Systems. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 37(1-2): 131-167 (2003)
31 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck, Michael Fisher, Chris Preist: Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers Springer 2002
30EEFabiola López y López, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Constraining autonomy through norms. AAMAS 2002: 674-681
29EERonald Ashri, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Infrastructure Support for Agent-Based Development. Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems 2002: 73-88
28EENathan Griffiths, Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Annotating Cooperative Plans with Trusted Agents. Trust, Reputation, and Security 2002: 87-107
27 Mark d'Inverno, Paul Howells, Michael J. Hu, Michael Luck: Soft-link hypertext for information retrieval. Information & Software Technology 44(2): 101-112 (2002)
26EEMichael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: A Conceptual Framework for Agent Definition and Development. Comput. J. 44(1): 1-20 (2001)
25EEMichael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Plan Analysis for Autonomous Sociological Agents. ATAL 2000: 182-197
24EEMichael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Autonomy: A Nice Idea in Theory. ATAL 2000: 351-353
23 Koen V. Hindriks, Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Architecture for Agent Programming Languages. ECAI 2000: 363-367
22EEMark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Formal Agent Development: Framework to System. FAABS 2000: 133-147
21EEMark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Sociological Agents for Effective Social Action. ICMAS 2000: 379-380
20EEMark d'Inverno, Koen V. Hindriks, Michael Luck: A Formal Architecture for the 3APL Agent Programming Language. ZB 2000: 168-187
19 Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Motivated Behavior for Goal Adoption. DAI 1998: 58-73
18 Mark d'Inverno, David Kinny, Michael Luck: Interaction Protocols in Agentis. ICMAS 1998: 112-119
17 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Engineering AgentSpeak(L): A Formal Computational Model. J. Log. Comput. 8(3): 233-260 (1998)
16 Mark d'Inverno, David Kinny, Michael Luck, Michael Wooldridge: A Formal Specification of dMARS. ATAL 1997: 155-176
15 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Development and Application of a Formal Agent Framework. ICFEM 1997: 222-231
14 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck, Michael Wooldridge: Cooperation Structures. IJCAI (1) 1997: 600-605
13 Mark d'Inverno, Michael J. Hu: A Z Specification of the Soft-Link Hypertext Model. ZUM 1997: 297-316
12 Mark d'Inverno, Mark Priestley, Michael Luck: Formal framework for hypertext systems. IEE Proceedings - Software 144(3): 175-184 (1997)
11 Michael Luck, Nathan Griffiths, Mark d'Inverno: From Agent Theory to Agent Construction: A Case Study. ATAL 1996: 49-63
10 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Making and Breaking Engagements: An Operational Analysis of Agent Relationships. DAI 1996: 48-62
9 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Understanding Autonomous Interaction. ECAI 1996: 529-533
8EEMark d'Inverno, George R. Ribeiro-Justo, Paul Howells: A Formal Framework for Specifying Design Methods. HICSS (1) 1996: 741-
7 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: Formalising the Contract Net as a Goal-Directed System. MAAMAW 1996: 72-85
6 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck: A Formal View of Social Dependence Networks. DAI 1995: 115-129
5 Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Engagement and Cooperating in Motivated Agent Modelling. DAI 1995: 70-84
4 Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: A Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy. ICMAS 1995: 254-260
3 Michael Luck, Mark d'Inverno: Structuring a Z Specification to Provide a Formal Framework for Autonomous Agent Systems. ZUM 1995: 47-62
2 Mark d'Inverno, Mark Priestley: Structuring Specification in Z to Build a Unifying Framework for Hypertext Systems. ZUM 1995: 83-102
1 Mark d'Inverno, Jon Crowcroft: Specification, Design and Implementation of an Interactive Conferencing System. INFOCOM 1991: 1114-1126

Coauthor Index

1Giuliano Armano [47]
2Ronald Ashri [29] [33] [42]
3Nicola Cannata [47]
4Flavio Corradini [47]
5Jon Crowcroft [1]
6Andreas Doms [47]
7John Eacott [39]
8Michael Fisher [31]
9Michael P. Georgeff [36]
10Nathan Griffiths [11] [28]
11Koen V. Hindriks [20] [23]
12Paul Howells [8] [27]
13Michael J. Hu [13] [27]
14David Kinny [16] [18] [36]
15Fabiola López y López [30] [40] [44] [48]
16Phillip W. Lord [47]
17Henrik Lörstad [39]
18Michael Luck [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [40] [41] [42] [44] [47] [48]
19Andrew Martin [47]
20Emanuela Merelli [47]
21Luciano Milanesi [47]
22Steffen Möller [47]
23Stephen J. Munroe [34] [35] [41]
24Chris Preist [31]
25Mark Priestley [2] [12]
26Jane Prophet [43]
27George R. Ribeiro-Justo [8]
28Rob Saunders [38]
29Michael Schroeder [47]
30Carles Sierra [37]
31Steven Willmott [37]
32Michael Wooldridge [14] [16] [36]
33Franco Zambonelli [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)