
Seth Bullock

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17EEChristopher L. Buckley, Peter Fine, Seth Bullock, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Monostable Controllers for Adaptive Behaviour. SAB 2008: 103-112
16EEMariusz Jacyno, Seth Bullock, Terry R. Payne, Michael Luck: Understanding decentralised control of resource allocation in a minimal multi-agent system. AAMAS 2007: 208
15EEChristopher L. Buckley, Seth Bullock: Spatial Embedding and Complexity: The Small-World Is Not Enough. ECAL 2007: 986-995
14EEDan Ladley, Seth Bullock: The effects of market structure on a heterogeneous evolving population of traders. Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents 2007: 83-97
13EESeth Bullock, Tom Smith, Jon Bird: Picture This: The State of the Art in Visualization for Complex Adaptive Systems. Artificial Life 12(2): 189-192 (2006)
12EESeth Bullock, Mark A. Bedau: Exploring the Dynamics of Adaptation with Evolutionary Activity Plots. Artificial Life 12(2): 193-197 (2006)
11EEChristopher L. Buckley, Seth Bullock, Netta Cohen: Timescale and Stability in Adaptive Behaviour. ECAL 2005: 292-301
10EEElise Langham, Seth Bullock: Autonomous Concept Formation in Software Agents for Extending Ontologies. ICITA (1) 2005: 197-202
9EEElise Langham, Seth Bullock: Autonomous Concept Formation in Agents for Exploitation of Novel Environments. WSTST 2005: 1299-1308
8EEDan Ladley, Seth Bullock: Logistic Constraints on 3D Termite Construction. ANTS Workshop 2004: 178-189
7EEJohn Cartlidge, Seth Bullock: Combating Coevolutionary Disengagement by Reducing Parasite Virulence. Evolutionary Computation 12(2): 193-222 (2004)
6EEJohn Cartlidge, Seth Bullock: Caring versus Sharing: How to Maintain Engagement and Diversity in Coevolving Populations. ECAL 2003: 299-308
5 Michael Wheeler, Seth Bullock, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Jason Noble, Mark A. Bedau, Philip Husbands, Simon Kirby, Anil K. Seth: The View From Elsewhere: Perspectives on ALife Modeling. Artificial Life 8(1): 87-100 (2002)
4EESeth Bullock: Smooth Operator? Understanding and Visualising Mutation Bias. ECAL 2001: 602-612
3 Jason Noble, Seth Bullock, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo: Artificial Life: Discipline or Method? Report on a Debate Held at Ecal '99. Artificial Life 6(2): 145-148 (2000)
2 Seth Bullock, Jennifer Nerissa Davis, Peter M. Todd: Simplicity Rules the Roost: Exploring Birdbrain Parental Investment Heuristics. ECAL 1999: 535-544
1 Seth Bullock: Are Artificial Mutation Biases Unnatural? ECAL 1999: 64-73

Coauthor Index

1Mark A. Bedau [5] [12]
2Jon Bird [13]
3Christopher L. Buckley [11] [15] [17]
4John Cartlidge [6] [7]
5Netta Cohen [11]
6Jennifer Nerissa Davis [2]
7Peter Fine [17]
8Phil Husbands (Philip Husbands) [5]
9Mariusz Jacyno [16]
10Simon Kirby [5]
11Dan Ladley [8] [14]
12Elise Langham [9] [10]
13Michael Luck [16]
14Jason Noble [3] [5]
15Ezequiel A. Di Paolo [3] [5] [17]
16Terry R. Payne [16]
17Anil K. Seth [5]
18Tom Smith [13]
19Peter M. Todd [2]
20Michael Wheeler [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)