
David Kinny

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20EEDavid Kinny: Algebraic specification of agent computation. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 16(2-3): 77-111 (2005)
19EEDavid Kinny: Agents - The Challenge of Relevance to the IT Mainstream. PROMAS 2004: 38-43
18EEMark d'Inverno, Michael Luck, Michael P. Georgeff, David Kinny, Michael Wooldridge: The dMARS Architecture: A Specification of the Distributed Multi-Agent Reasoning System. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 9(1-2): 5-53 (2004)
17EEDavid Kinny: ViP: a visual programming language for plan execution systems. AAMAS 2002: 721-728
16EEDavid Kinny: The Psi Calculus: An Algebraic Agent Language. ATAL 2001: 32-50
15EEFrank Dignum, David Kinny, Liz Sonenberg: Motivational Attitudes of Agents: On Desires, Obligations, and Norms. CEEMAS 2001: 83-92
14EEDavid Kinny: Reliable Agent Computation: An Algebraic Approach. PRIMA 2001: 31-47
13 David Kinny: Reliable Agent Communication - a Pragmatic Perspective. New Generation Comput. 19(2): 139-156 (2001)
12 Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings, David Kinny: The Gaia Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 3(3): 285-312 (2000)
11EEMichael Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings, David Kinny: A Methodology for Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design. Agents 1999: 69-76
10EEDavid Kinny: Reliable Agent Communication - A Pragmatic Perspective. PRIMA 1999: 16-31
9 David Kinny: The Agentis Agent Interaction Model. ATAL 1998: 331-344
8 Mark d'Inverno, David Kinny, Michael Luck: Interaction Protocols in Agentis. ICMAS 1998: 112-119
7 David Kinny, Jan Treur, Les Gasser, Steve Clark, Jörg P. Müller: Panel: Methodologies for Multi-Agent Systems. ATAL 1997: 1
6 David Kinny, Michael P. Georgeff: Modelling and Design of Multi-Agent Systems. ATAL 1997: 1-20
5 Mark d'Inverno, David Kinny, Michael Luck, Michael Wooldridge: A Formal Specification of dMARS. ATAL 1997: 155-176
4 David Kinny, Michael P. Georgeff, Anand S. Rao: A Methodology and Modelling Technique for Systems of BDI Agents. MAAMAW 1996: 56-71
3 James Bailey, Michael P. Georgeff, David B. Kemp, David Kinny, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao: Active Databases and Agent Systems - A Comparison. Rules in Database Systems 1995: 342-356
2 David Kinny, Magnus Ljungberg, Anand S. Rao, Liz Sonenberg, Gil Tidhar, Eric Werner: Planned Team Activity. MAAMAW 1992: 227-256
1 David Kinny, Michael P. Georgeff: Commitment and Effectiveness of Situated Agents. IJCAI 1991: 82-88

Coauthor Index

1James Bailey [3]
2Steve Clark [7]
3Frank Dignum (F. P. M. Dignum) [15]
4Les Gasser [7]
5Michael P. Georgeff [1] [3] [4] [6] [18]
6Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [11] [12]
7David B. Kemp [3]
8Magnus Ljungberg [2]
9Michael Luck [5] [8] [18]
10Jörg P. Müller [7]
11Kotagiri Ramamohanarao [3]
12Anand S. Rao [2] [4]
13Liz Sonenberg [2] [15]
14Gil Tidhar [2]
15Jan Treur [7]
16Eric Werner [2]
17Michael Wooldridge [5] [11] [12] [18]
18Mark d'Inverno [5] [8] [18]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)