
Steve Munroe

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12EELuc Moreau, Paul T. Groth, Simon Miles, Javier Vázquez-Salceda, John Ibbotson, Sheng Jiang, Steve Munroe, Omer F. Rana, Andreas Schreiber, Victor Tan, László Zsolt Varga: The provenance of electronic data. Commun. ACM 51(4): 52-58 (2008)
11EELuc Moreau, Bertram Ludäscher, Ilkay Altintas, Roger S. Barga, Shawn Bowers, Steven P. Callahan, George Chin Jr., Ben Clifford, Shirley Cohen, Sarah Cohen Boulakia, Susan B. Davidson, Ewa Deelman, Luciano A. Digiampietri, Ian T. Foster, Juliana Freire, James Frew, Joe Futrelle, Tara Gibson, Yolanda Gil, Carole A. Goble, Jennifer Golbeck, Paul T. Groth, David A. Holland, Sheng Jiang, Jihie Kim, David Koop, Ales Krenek, Timothy M. McPhillips, Gaurang Mehta, Simon Miles, Dominic Metzger, Steve Munroe, Jim Myers, Beth Plale, Norbert Podhorszki, Varun Ratnakar, Emanuele Santos, Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger, Karen Schuchardt, Margo I. Seltzer, Yogesh L. Simmhan, Cláudio T. Silva, Peter Slaughter, Eric G. Stephan, Robert Stevens, Daniele Turi, Huy T. Vo, Michael Wilde, Jun Zhao, Yong Zhao: Special Issue: The First Provenance Challenge. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(5): 409-418 (2008)
10EESimon Miles, Paul T. Groth, Steve Munroe, Sheng Jiang, Thibaut Assandri, Luc Moreau: Extracting causal graphs from an open provenance data model. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(5): 577-586 (2008)
9EESimon Miles, Steve Munroe, Michael Luck, Luc Moreau: Modelling the provenance of data in autonomous systems. AAMAS 2007: 50
8EESimon Miles, Paul T. Groth, Steve Munroe, Michael Luck, Luc Moreau: AgentPrIMe: Adapting MAS Designs to Build Confidence. AOSE 2007: 31-43
7EERoxana Belecheanu, Steve Munroe, Michael Luck, Terry R. Payne, Tim Miller, Peter McBurney, Michal Pechoucek: Commercial applications of agents: lessons, experiences and challenges. AAMAS 2006: 1549-1555
6EEVictor Tan, Paul T. Groth, Simon Miles, Sheng Jiang, Steve Munroe, Sofia Tsasakou, Luc Moreau: Security Issues in a SOA-Based Provenance System. IPAW 2006: 203-211
5EEPaul T. Groth, Simon Miles, Steve Munroe: Principles of High Quality Documentation for Provenance: A Philosophical Discussion. IPAW 2006: 278-286
4EESteve Munroe, Simon Miles, Luc Moreau, Javier Vázquez-Salceda: PrIMe: a software engineering methodology for developing provenance-aware applications. SEM 2006: 39-46
3EESteve Munroe, Tim Miller, Roxana Belecheanu, Michal Pechoucek, Peter McBurney, Michael Luck: Crossing the agent technology chasm: Lessons, experiences and challenges in commercial applications of agents. Knowledge Eng. Review 21(4): 345-392 (2006)
2EEMichael Luck, Steve Munroe, Ronald Ashri, Fabiola López y López: Trust and norms for interaction. SMC (2) 2004: 1944-1949
1 Steve Munroe, Angelo Cangelosi: Learning and the Evolution of Language: The Role of Cultural Variation and Learning Costs in the Baldwin Effect. Artificial Life 8(4): 311-339 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Ilkay Altintas [11]
2Ronald Ashri [2]
3Thibaut Assandri [10]
4Roger S. Barga [11]
5Roxana Belecheanu [3] [7]
6Sarah Cohen Boulakia [11]
7Shawn Bowers [11]
8Steven P. Callahan [11]
9Angelo Cangelosi [1]
10George Chin Jr. [11]
11Ben Clifford [11]
12Shirley Cohen [11]
13Susan B. Davidson [11]
14Ewa Deelman [11]
15Luciano A. Digiampietri [11]
16Ian T. Foster [11]
17Juliana Freire [11]
18James Frew [11]
19Joe Futrelle [11]
20Tara Gibson [11]
21Yolanda Gil [11]
22Carole A. Goble [11]
23Jennifer Golbeck [11]
24Paul T. Groth [5] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12]
25David A. Holland [11]
26John Ibbotson [12]
27Sheng Jiang [6] [10] [11] [12]
28Jihie Kim [11]
29David Koop [11]
30Ales Krenek [11]
31Fabiola López y López [2]
32Michael Luck [2] [3] [7] [8] [9]
33Bertram Ludäscher [11]
34Peter McBurney [3] [7]
35Timothy M. McPhillips [11]
36Gaurang Mehta [11]
37Dominic Metzger [11]
38Simon Miles [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
39Tim Miller [3] [7]
40Luc Moreau [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
41Jim Myers [11]
42Terry R. Payne [7]
43Michal Pechoucek [3] [7]
44Beth Plale [11]
45Norbert Podhorszki [11]
46Omer F. Rana [12]
47Varun Ratnakar [11]
48Emanuele Santos [11]
49Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger [11]
50Andreas Schreiber [12]
51Karen Schuchardt [11]
52Margo I. Seltzer [11]
53Cláudio T. Silva [11]
54Yogesh L. Simmhan (Yogesh Simmhan) [11]
55Peter Slaughter [11]
56Eric G. Stephan [11]
57Robert Stevens (Robert D. Stevens) [11]
58Victor Tan [6] [12]
59Sofia Tsasakou [6]
60Daniele Turi [11]
61László Zsolt Varga [12]
62Javier Vázquez-Salceda [4] [12]
63Huy T. Vo [11]
64Michael Wilde [11]
65Jun Zhao [11]
66Yong Zhao [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)