
Huawei Li

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34EEFei Wang, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: A design- for-diagnosis technique for diagnosing both scan chain faults and combinational circuit faults. ASP-DAC 2008: 571-576
33EEXiang Fu, Huawei Li, Yu Hu, Xiaowei Li: Robust test generation for power supply noise induced path delay faults. ASP-DAC 2008: 659-662
32EEDa Wang, Rui Li, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: A Case Study on At-Speed Testing for a Gigahertz Microprocessor. DELTA 2008: 326-331
31EEMinjin Zhang, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: Static Crosstalk Noise Analysis with Transition Map. DELTA 2008: 462-465
30EEHui Liu, Huawei Li, Yu Hu, Xiaowei Li: A Scan-Based Delay Test Method for Reduction of Overtesting. DELTA 2008: 521-526
29EEYing Zhang, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Yu Hu: Codeword Selection for Crosstalk Avoidance and Error Correction on Interconnects. VTS 2008: 377-382
28EEMinjin Zhang, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: Multiple Coupling Effects Oriented Path Delay Test Generation. VTS 2008: 383-388
27EELei Zhang, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: A Routing Algorithm for Random Error Tolerance in Network-on-Chip. HCI (4) 2007: 1210-1219
26EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Embedded Test Decompressor to Reduce the Required Channels and Vector Memory of Tester for Complex Processor Circuit. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 15(5): 531-540 (2007)
25EEHuawei Li, Yu Fan, Tao Wu: Impact of Load Characteristics and Low-Voltage Load Shedding Schedule on Dynamic Voltage Stability. CCECE 2006: 2249-2252
24EEHuawei Li, Yu Fan, Rong Shi: Chaos and Ferroresonance. CCECE 2006: 494-497
23EETong Liu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Yinhe Han: Fast Packet Classification using Group Bit Vector. GLOBECOM 2006
22EEHuawei Li, Pei-Fu Shen, Xiaowei Li: Robust Test Generation for Precise Crosstalk-induced Path Delay Faults. VTS 2006: 300-305
21EEYu Hu, Yinhe Han, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Xiaoqing Wen: Compression/Scan Co-design for Reducing Test Data Volume, Scan-in Power Dissipation, and Test Application Time. IEICE Transactions 89-D(10): 2616-2625 (2006)
20EEYinhe Han, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Response compaction for system-on-a-chip based on advanced convolutional codes. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 49(2): 262-272 (2006)
19EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: Theoretic analysis and enhanced X-tolerance of test response compact based on convolutional code. ASP-DAC 2005: 53-58
18EEShuguang Gong, Huawei Li, Yufeng Xu, Tong Liu, Xiaowei Li: Design of an efficient memory subsystem for network processor. ASP-DAC 2005: 897-900
17EEPei-Fu Shen, Huawei Li, Yongjun Xu, Xiaowei Li: Non-robust Test Generation for Crosstalk-Induced Delay Faults. Asian Test Symposium 2005: 120-125
16EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li: Using MUXs Network to Hide Bunches of Scan Chains. ISQED 2005: 238-243
15EEYu Hu, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Xiaoqing Wen: Compression/Scan Co-Design for Reducing Test Data Volume, Scan-in Power Dissipation and Test Application Time. PRDC 2005: 175-182
14EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Anshuman Chandra, Xiaoqing Wen: Wrapper Scan Chains Design for Rapid and Low Power Testing of Embedded Cores. IEICE Transactions 88-D(9): 2126-2134 (2005)
13EEYinhe Han, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Test Resource Partitioning Based on Efficient Response Compaction for Test Time and Tester Channels Reduction. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(2): 201-209 (2005)
12EEHuawei Li, Xiaowei Li: Selection of Crosstalk-Induced Faults in Enhanced Delay Test. J. Electronic Testing 21(2): 181-195 (2005)
11EEYu Hu, Yinhe Han, Huawei Li, Tao Lv, Xiaowei Li: Pair Balance-Based Test Scheduling for SOCs. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 236-241
10EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Rapid and Energy-Efficient Testing for Embedded Cores. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 8-13
9EEYinhe Han, Yu Hu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Response Compaction for Test Time and Test Pins Reduction Based on Advanced Convolutional Codes. DFT 2004: 298-305
8EEHuawei Li, Yue Zhang, Xiaowei Li: Delay Test Pattern Generation Considering Crosstalk-Induced Effects. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 178-183
7EEYinhe Han, Yongjun Xu, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, Anshuman Chandra: Test Resource Partitioning Based on Efficient Response Compaction for Test Time and Teste. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 440-445
6EEZhigang Yin, Yinghua Min, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li: A Novel RT-Level Behavioral Description Based ATPG Method. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 18(3): 308-317 (2003)
5EEZuying Luo, Xiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Shiyuan Yang, Yinghua Min: Test Power Optimization Techniques for CMOS Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 2002: 332-337
4EEHuawei Li, Yinghua Min, Zhongcheng Li: An RT-Level ATPG Based on Clustering of Circuit States. Asian Test Symposium 2001: 213-218
3EEXiaowei Li, Huawei Li, Yinghua Min: Reducing Power Dissipation during At-Speed Test Application. DFT 2001: 116-
2EEHuawei Li, Zhongcheng Li, Yinghua Min: Reduction of Number of Paths to be Tested in Delay Testing. J. Electronic Testing 16(5): 477-485 (2000)
1EEHuawei Li, Zhongcheng Li, Yinghua Min: Delay Testing with Double Observations. Asian Test Symposium 1998: 96-

Coauthor Index

1Anshuman Chandra [7] [9] [10] [13] [14] [20] [26]
2Yu Fan [24] [25]
3Xiang Fu [33]
4Shuguang Gong [18]
5Yinhe Han [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [16] [19] [20] [21] [23] [26]
6Yu Hu [9] [10] [11] [14] [15] [16] [19] [21] [26] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34]
7Rui Li [32]
8Xiaowei Li [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
9Zhongcheng Li [1] [2] [4]
10Hui Liu [30]
11Tong Liu [18] [23]
12Zuying Luo [5]
13Tao Lv [11]
14Yinghua Min [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
15Pei-Fu Shen [17] [22]
16Rong Shi [24]
17Da Wang [32]
18Fei Wang [34]
19Xiaoqing Wen [14] [15] [21]
20Tao Wu [25]
21Yongjun Xu [7] [17]
22Yufeng Xu [18]
23Shiyuan Yang [5]
24Zhigang Yin [6]
25Lei Zhang [27]
26Minjin Zhang [28] [31]
27Ying Zhang [29]
28Yue Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)