
Branson W. Murrill

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9EEBranson W. Murrill: An empirical, path-oriented approach to software analysis and testing. Journal of Systems and Software 81(2): 249-261 (2008)
8 Branson W. Murrill: Reaching Non-Traditional Graduate Students Through Distance Learning: An Experience Report. FECS 2007: 111-115
7EEBranson W. Murrill: Automated Test Data Generation and Reliability Assessment for Software in High Assurance Systems. HASE 2007: 409-410
6EEBranson W. Murrill, Larry J. Morell, Erika Olimpiew: A Perturbation-based Testing Strategy. ICECCS 2002: 145-152
5EERenée A. McCauley, Nell B. Dale, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Branson W. Murrill: The assimilation of software engineering into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (panel session). SIGCSE 2000: 423-424
4EELarry J. Morell, Branson W. Murrill: Using Perturbation Analysis to Measure Variation in the Information Content of Test Sets. ISSTA 1996: 92-97
3EEBranson W. Murrill, Larry J. Morell: An Experimental Approach to Analyzing Software Semantics Using Error Flow Information (Abstract). ISSTA 1994: 200
2EELarry J. Morell, Branson W. Murrill: Semantic metrics through error flow analysis. Journal of Systems and Software 20(3): 253-265 (1993)
1EEKeith W. Miller, Larry J. Morell, Robert E. Noonan, Stephen K. Park, David M. Nicol, Branson W. Murrill, Jeffrey M. Voas: Estimating the Probability of Failure When Testing Reveals No Failures. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(1): 33-43 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Nell B. Dale [5]
2Thomas B. Hilburn [5]
3Renée A. McCauley [5]
4Susan A. Mengel [5]
5Keith W. Miller [1]
6Larry J. Morell [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
7David M. Nicol [1]
8Robert E. Noonan [1]
9Erika Olimpiew [6]
10Stephen K. Park [1]
11Jeffrey M. Voas [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)