
Thomas B. Hilburn

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30EEThomas B. Hilburn, Massood Towhidnejad, Salamah Salamah: The DigitalHome Case Study Material. CSEE&T 2008: 279-280
29 Massood Towhidnejad, Li Shen, Thomas B. Hilburn: Application of Software Fault Tree Analysis to an Airport Ground Control System. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2008: 67-71
28EEThomas B. Hilburn, Massood Towhidnejad: A Case for Software Engineering. CSEE&T 2007: 107-114
27EENancy R. Mead, Thomas B. Hilburn, James McDonald, Michael Ryan, Daniel Shoemaker: On the Feasibility of Specialization within Software Engineering Degree Programs. CSEE&T 2007: 362-366
26EEGregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn, Michael J. Lutz, Mark J. Sebern: Sharing software engineering curriculum materials. ITiCSE 2006: 332
25EETimothy C. Lethbridge, Richard J. LeBlanc, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Thomas B. Hilburn, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera: SE2004: Recommendations for Undergraduate Software Engineering Curricula. IEEE Software 23(6): 19-25 (2006)
24EEJ. Fernando Naveda, Donald J. Bagert, Steve Seidman, Jocelyn Armarego, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan Eisenbach: Developing an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree. CSEE&T 2003: 318-
23EEThomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Gregory W. Hislop, Mark J. Sebern, Michael J. Lutz: Software Engineering Course Materials. CSEE&T 2003: 327-
22EERichard J. LeBlanc, Mordechai Ben-Menachem, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Timothy Lethbridge, J. Barrie Thompson, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera: IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum Software Engineering Volume Project. CSEE&T 2003: 333-
21EERick Duley, Gregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn, Ann E. Kelley Sobel: Engineering an Introductory Software Engineering Curriculum. CSEE&T 2003: 99-106
20EEMassood Towhidnejad, Thomas B. Hilburn: Tutorial 3: Software Quality Across the Curriculum. CSEE&T 2002: 268-272
19EERobert Cannon, Thomas B. Hilburn, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera: Teaching a software project course using the team software process. SIGCSE 2002: 369-370
18EEThomas B. Hilburn, Watts S. Humphrey: The Impending Changes in Software Education. IEEE Software 19(5): 22-24 (2002)
17EEThomas B. Hilburn, Watts S. Humphrey: Teaching Teamwork. IEEE Software 19(5): 72-77 (2002)
16EEJ. Fernando Naveda, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Thomas B. Hilburn, Michael J. Lutz: Software Engineering: Is It Process? Is It Design? (Panel). CSEE&T 2001: 195-
15EEDonald J. Bagert, Thomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Michael J. Lutz, Michael McCracken, Steve McConnell: Programming Skills of Software Engineering Students: What Is Required? (Panel). CSEE&T 2001: 39-
14EEVicki L. Almstrum, C. Neville Dean, Don Goelman, Thomas B. Hilburn, Jan Smith: Support for teaching formal methods. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(2): 71-88 (2001)
13EEB. Cannon, Thomas B. Hilburn, Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera: Tutorial: Introduction to the Team Software Process. CSEE&T 2000: 315-
12EEGregory W. Hislop, Thomas B. Hilburn: Production of Software Curriculum Modules. CSEE&T 2000: 51-
11EEThomas B. Hilburn, Massood Towhidnejad: Software quality: a curriculum postscript? SIGCSE 2000: 167-171
10EERenée A. McCauley, Nell B. Dale, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Branson W. Murrill: The assimilation of software engineering into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (panel session). SIGCSE 2000: 423-424
9EEThomas B. Hilburn: PSP Metrics in Support of Software Engineering Education. CSEE&T 1999: 135-
8EEDonald J. Bagert, Thomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Nancy R. Mead, Susan A. Mengel, Hossein Saiedian: A report on the 1999 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. SIGCSE 1999: 346-347
7EEThomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Donald J. Bagert, Michael J. Lutz, Susan A. Mengel, Michael McCracken: Guidance for the development of software engineering education programs. Journal of Systems and Software 49(2-3): 163-169 (1999)
6EEThomas B. Hilburn, Massood Towhidnejad: Doing quality work: the role of software process definition in the computer science curriculum. SIGCSE 1997: 277-281
5 Thomas B. Hilburn: SE Education: A Modest Proposal. IEEE Software 14(6): 44-48 (1997)
4EEThomas B. Hilburn: Inspections of formal specifications. SIGCSE 1996: 150-154
3 Thomas B. Hilburn, Iraj Hirmanpour, Andrew J. Kornecki: The Integration of Software Engineering into a Computer Science Curriculum. CSEE 1995: 87-97
2EEIraj Hirmanpour, Thomas B. Hilburn, Andrew J. Kornecki: A domain centered curriculum: an alternative approach to computing education. SIGCSE 1995: 126-130
1EEThomas B. Hilburn: A top-down approach to teaching an introductory computer science course. SIGCSE 1993: 58-62

Coauthor Index

1Vicki L. Almstrum [14]
2Jocelyn Armarego [24]
3Donald J. Bagert [7] [8] [15] [24]
4Mordechai Ben-Menachem [22]
5B. Cannon [13]
6Robert Cannon [19]
7Nell B. Dale [10]
8C. Neville Dean [14]
9Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera [13] [16] [19] [22] [25]
10Rick Duley [21]
11Susan Eisenbach [24]
12Heidi J. C. Ellis [16]
13Don Goelman [14]
14Iraj Hirmanpour [2] [3]
15Gregory W. Hislop [7] [8] [12] [15] [21] [23] [26]
16Watts S. Humphrey [17] [18]
17Andrew J. Kornecki [2] [3]
18Richard J. LeBlanc [22] [25]
19Timothy Lethbridge (Timothy C. Lethbridge) [22] [25]
20Michael J. Lutz [7] [15] [16] [23] [26]
21Renée A. McCauley [10]
22Steve McConnell [15]
23Michael McCracken [7] [15]
24James McDonald [27]
25Nancy R. Mead [8] [27]
26Susan A. Mengel [7] [8] [10] [22] [23]
27Branson W. Murrill [10]
28J. Fernando Naveda [16] [24]
29Michael Ryan [27]
30Hossein Saiedian [8]
31Salamah Salamah [30]
32Mark J. Sebern [23] [26]
33Steve Seidman [24]
34Li Shen [29]
35Daniel Shoemaker [27]
36Jan Smith [14]
37Ann E. Kelley Sobel [21] [22] [25]
38J. Barrie Thompson [22]
39Massood Towhidnejad [6] [11] [20] [28] [29] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)