
John Beidler

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10EEDavid Battaglia, Austin Burke, John Beidler: ReUSE/Ada: A Tool to Promote Code Reuse. TRI-Ada 1997: 113-116
9EEJohn Beidler: REUSE/Ada. TRI-Ada 1996: 211-217
8 J. Fernando Naveda, John Beidler, James E. Cardow, Everald E. Mills, Frances L. Van Scoy: Bridging the Gaps. CSEE 1994: 277-281
7 John Beidler: Structuring Iterators to Encourage Reuse. Ada-Europe 1993: 171-179
6EEJohn Beidler: Building on the Booch Components: What Can Be Learned When Modifying Real World Software Tools for Educational Use. TRI-Ada 1992: 157-164
5EEJames R. Sidbury, Richard M. Plishka, John Beidler: CASE and the undergraduate curriculum. SIGCSE 1989: 127-130
4EEAshok Kumar, John Beidler: Using generics modules to enhance the CS2 course. SIGCSE 1989: 61-65
3EEWilliam Mitchell, John Beidler, Christine Shannon, Waldo Roth, Bob Cupper, Tom Harbron: Accreditation of small college computing programs(panel session). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 395-396
2EESharon Cogdill, Pamela S. Kirshen, J. Mack Adams, John Beidler, Nell B. Dale, Malcolm Lane, Karen A. Lemone, James Quasney, Don Spencer: Publishing a computer science textbook (panel session). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 397-398
1 John Beidler, Richard H. Austing, Lillian N. Cassel: Computing Programs in Small Colleges. Commun. ACM 28(6): 605-611 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1J. Mack Adams [2]
2Richard H. Austing [1]
3David Battaglia [10]
4Austin Burke [10]
5James E. Cardow [8]
6Lillian N. Cassel (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) [1]
7Sharon Cogdill [2]
8Bob Cupper [3]
9Nell B. Dale [2]
10Tom Harbron [3]
11Pamela S. Kirshen [2]
12Ashok Kumar [4]
13Malcolm Lane [2]
14Karen A. Lemone [2]
15Everald E. Mills [8]
16William Mitchell [3]
17J. Fernando Naveda [8]
18Richard M. Plishka [5]
19James Quasney [2]
20Waldo Roth [3]
21Frances L. Van Scoy [8]
22Christine Shannon [3]
23James R. Sidbury [5]
24Don Spencer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)