
Cindy Hanchey

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4EECindy Hanchey, John Kingsbury: A survey of students' ethical attitudes using computer-related scenarios. Ethics in Computer Age 1994: 2-6
3EEVirginia Eaton, Sharon Bell, Nell B. Dale, Susie Gallagher, Helen M. Gigley, Cindy Hanchey: Where have all the women gone? (panel session). SIGCSE 1990: 251
2EECindy Hanchey, Marguerite Summers, Carol Chrisman, Joyce Currie Little, Richard A. Lejk: Managing student teams in information systems courses (panel session). SIGCSE 1990: 265
1EEMarguerite Summers, William B. Evans, James J. Fletcher, Cindy Hanchey, Leslie J. Waguespack Jr.: Program plagiarism revisited: current issues and approaches. SIGCSE 1988: 224

Coauthor Index

1Sharon Bell [3]
2Carol Chrisman [2]
3Nell B. Dale [3]
4Virginia Eaton [3]
5William B. Evans [1]
6James J. Fletcher [1]
7Susie Gallagher [3]
8Helen M. Gigley [3]
9John Kingsbury [4]
10Richard A. Lejk [2]
11Joyce Currie Little [2]
12Marguerite Summers [1] [2]
13Leslie J. Waguespack Jr. [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)