Volume 37,
Number 1,
February 2005
Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps, Paul T. Tymann, Doug Baldwin (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, February 23-27, 2005.
ACM 2005, ISBN 1-58113-997-7
Contents BibTeX
Volume 37,
Number 2,
June 2005
Invited editorial
Taking the high road
Thinking ISsues
CS research
Classroom issues
Community college corner
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Math CountS
Colorful challenges
Nifty assignments
Featured column
Reviewed papers
Volume 37,
Number 3,
September 2005
José C. Cunha, William M. Fleischman, Viera K. Proulx, João Lourenço (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 10th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2005, Caparica, Portugal, June 27-29, 2005.
ACM 2005, ISBN 1-59593-024-8
Contents BibTeX
Volume 37,
Number 4,
December 2005
Invited editorial
Thinking professionally
Thinking ISsues
IS education
CS research
Classroom issues
Community college corner
Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Math CountS
Colorful challenges
Nifty assignments
Reviewed Papers
- C. Dianne Martin:
Removing the veil: personal reflections on educating women in Dubai.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jeffrey J. McConnell:
Active and cooperative learning: more tips and tricks (part II).
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Mordechai Ben-Ari:
Minesweeper as an NP-complete problem.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Thomas A. Standish, Norman Jacobson:
Using O(n) ProxmapSort and O(1) ProxmapSearch to motivate CS2 students (Part I).
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Said Hadjerrouit:
Constructivism as guiding philosophy for software engineering education.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Fereydoun Kazemian, Trudy Howles:
A software testing course for computer science majors.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Tom Goulding, Rita DiTrolio:
Incorporating realistic constraints into a student team software project.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Leo Hitchcock:
Industry certification: value, validity, and a place for SoDIS®.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Mingshen Wu:
Teaching graph algorithms using online java package IAPPGA.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Nell B. Dale:
Content and emphasis in CS1.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Azwina M. Yusof, Rukaini Abdullah:
The evolution of programming courses: course curriculum, students, and their performance.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Tami Lapidot, Orit Hazzan:
Song debugging: merging content and pedagogy in computer science education.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- John Aycock, Jim Uhl:
Choice in the classroom.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Yiu-chi Lai:
Teaching computer applications to pre-school teachers through problem based learning approach.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Rachel Or-Bach:
Educational benefits of metadata creation by students.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Rathika Rajaravivarma:
A games-based approach for teaching the introductory programming course.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jonathan P. Sorenson:
An honors course on Alan M. Turing.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Nelishia Pillay, Vikash R. Jugoo:
An investigation into student characteristics affecting novice programming performance.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- William J. Klinger:
Stanislavski and computer science.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
ITiCSE 2005 working group reports
- Thomas L. Naps, Guido Rößling, Peter Brusilovsky, John English, Duane J. Jarc, Ville Karavirta, Charles Leska, Myles F. McNally, Andrés Moreno, Rockford J. Ross, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes:
Development of XML-based tools to support user interaction with algorithm visualization.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Ursula Fuller, June Amillo, Cary Laxer, W. Michael McCracken, Joseph Mertz:
Facilitating student learning through study abroad and international projects.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Arnold Pears, Stephen Seidman, Crystal Eney, Päivi Kinnunen, Lauri Malmi:
Constructing a core literature for computing education research.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Lillian N. Cassel, Anneke Hacquebard, Andrew D. McGettrick, Gordon Davies, Richard J. LeBlanc, Charles Riedesel, Yaakov L. Varol, Gail T. Finley, Samuel Mann, Robert H. Sloan:
A synthesis of computing concepts.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Vicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker, Barbara Boucher Owens, Elizabeth Adams, William Aspray, Nell B. Dale, Wanda Dann, Andrea Lawrence, Leslie Schwartzman:
Building a sense of history: narratives and pathways of women computing educators.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:19:10 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)