
Joseph R. Cavallaro

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45EEYang Sun, Joseph R. Cavallaro: High throughput VLSI architecture for soft-output mimo detection based on a greedy graph algorithm. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 445-450
44EEYang Sun, Yuming Zhu, Manish Goel, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Configurable and scalable high throughput turbo decoder architecture for multiple 4G wireless standards. ASAP 2008: 209-214
43EEKiarash Amiri, Davood Shamsi, Behnaam Aazhang, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Adaptive codebook for beamforming in limited feedback MIMO systems. CISS 2008: 994-998
42EEPredrag Radosavljevic, Kyeong Jin Kim, Joseph R. Cavallaro: QRD-QLD Searching Based Sphere Detection for Emerging MIMO Downlink OFDM Receivers. GLOBECOM 2008: 4212-4216
41EEKiarash Amiri, Chris Dick, Raghu Rao, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Novel Sort-Free Detector with Modified Real-Valued Decomposition (M-RVD) Ordering in MIMO Systems. GLOBECOM 2008: 4217-4221
40EEYang Sun, Joseph R. Cavallaro: A low-power 1-Gbps reconfigurable LDPC decoder design for multiple 4G wireless standards. SoCC 2008: 367-370
39EEMarjan Karkooti, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Cooperative Communications Using Scalable, Medium Block-length LDPC Codes. WCNC 2008: 88-93
38EESridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Communication Processors for Wireless Systems. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
37EEVikram Chandrasekhar, Frank Livingston, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Reducing dynamic power consumption in next generation DS-CDMA mobile communication receivers. IJES 3(3): 128-140 (2008)
36EEMarjan Karkooti, Predrag Radosavljevic, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Configurable LDPC Decoder Architectures for Regular and Irregular Codes. Signal Processing Systems 53(1-2): 73-88 (2008)
35EEMarkus Myllylä, Markku J. Juntti, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Implementation Aspects of List Sphere Detector Algorithms. GLOBECOM 2007: 3915-3920
34EEYang Sun, Marjan Karkooti, Joseph R. Cavallaro: VLSI Decoder Architecture for High Throughput, Variable Block-size and Multi-rate LDPC Codes. ISCAS 2007: 2104-2107
33EEJoseph R. Cavallaro, Sanjay Rajopadhye, Lothar Thiele, Tobias Noll: Special Issue on ASAP 2004 Conference. VLSI Signal Processing 49(1): 1-2 (2007)
32EEMarjan Karkooti, Predrag Radosavljevic, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Configurable, High Throughput, Irregular LDPC Decoder Architecture: Tradeoff Analysis and Implementation. ASAP 2006: 360-367
31EESridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Truncated Online Arithmetic with Applications to Communication Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(10): 1240-12529 (2006)
30EEPanagiotis Demestichas, Guillaume Vivier, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Special Issue on Reconfigurable Radio Technologies in Support of Ubiquitous Seamless Computing. MONET 11(6): 775-777 (2006)
29EEYuanbin Guo, Joseph R. Cavallaro: A Low Complexity and Low Power SoC Design Architecture for Adaptive MAI Suppression in CDMA Systems. VLSI Signal Processing 44(3): 195-217 (2006)
28EEManik Gadhiok, Ricky Hardy, Patrick Murphy, J. Patrick Frantz, Hyeokho Choi, Joseph R. Cavallaro: An FPGA-Based Daughtercard for TI's C6000 family of DSKs. MSE 2005: 85-86
27EES. Das, Elza Erkip, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Behnaam Aazhang: Low-complexity iterative multiuser detection and decoding for real-time applications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(4): 1455-1460 (2005)
26 Yuanbin Guo, Dennis McCain, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Low complexity System-on-Chip architectures of Parallel-Residue-Compensation in CDMA systems. ISCAS (4) 2004: 77-80
25EEMarjan Karkooti, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Semi-Parallel Reconfigurable Architectures for Real-Time LDPC Decoding. ITCC (1) 2004: 579-585
24EESridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Scott Rixner: Design Space Exploration for Real-Time Embedded Stream Processors. IEEE Micro 24(4): 54-66 (2004)
23EEVikram Chandrasekhar, Frank Livingston, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Reducing dynamic power consumption in next generation DS-CDMA mobile communication receivers. ASAP 2003: 260-270
22EEYuanbin Guo, Gang Xu, Dennis McCain, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Rapid Scheduling of Efficient VLSI Architectures for Next-Generation HSDPA. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 179-185
21EEPatrick Murphy, J. Patrick Frantz, Erik Welsh, Ricky Hardy, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Joseph R. Cavallaro: VALID: Custom ASIC Verification and FPGA Education Platform. MSE 2003: 64-65
20 Martin L. Leuschen, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Ian D. Walker: Robotic Fault Detection using Nonlinear Analytical Redundancy. ICRA 2002: 456-463
19EEYuanbin Guo, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Post-compensation of RF non-linearity in mobile OFDM systems by estimation of memory-less polynomial. ISCAS (1) 2002: 217-220
18EEFrank Livingston, Vikram Chandrasekhar, M. Vaya, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Handset detector architectures for DS-CDMA wireless systems. ISCAS (3) 2002: 265-268
17EEYuanbin Guo, Joseph R. Cavallaro: A novel adaptive pre-distorter using LS estimation of SSPA non-linearity in mobile OFDM systems. ISCAS (3) 2002: 453-456
16EEGang Xu, Sridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Behnaam Aazhang: VLSI Implementation of the Multistage Detector for Next Generation Wideband CDMA Receivers. VLSI Signal Processing 30(1-3): 21-33 (2002)
15EESridhar Rajagopal, Srikrishna Bhashyam, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Behnaam Aazhang: Efficient VLSI Architectures for Multiuser Channel Estimation in Wireless Base-Station Receivers. VLSI Signal Processing 31(2): 143-156 (2002)
14EESridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro: On-line Arithmetic for Detection in Digital Communication Receivers. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 2001: 257-265
13EESridhar Rajagopal, Joseph R. Cavallaro: A bit-streaming, pipelined multiuser detector for wireless communication receivers. ISCAS (4) 2001: 128-131
12EESridhar Rajagopal, Srikrishna Bhashyam, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Behnaam Aazhang: Efficient VLSI Architectures for Baseband Signal Processing in Wireless Base-Station Receivers. ASAP 2000: 173-184
11 Ian D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Martin L. Leuschen: Keeping the Analog Genie in the Bottle: A Case for Digital Robots. ICRA 1999: 1063-1070
10EEB. Haller, J. Goetze, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Efficient Implementation of Rotation Operations for High Performance QRD-RLS Filtering. ASAP 1997: 162-
9 M. L. Visinsky, Ian D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro: New Dynamic Model-Based Fault Detection Thresholds for Robot Manipulators. ICRA 1994: 1388-1395
8 Nariankadu D. Hemkumar, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Redundant and On-Line CORDIC for Unitary Transformations. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(8): 941-954 (1994)
7EEIan D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Parallel VLSI architectures for real-time kinematics of redundant robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 9(1-2): 25-43 (1994)
6 Ian D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Parallel VLSI Architectures for Real-Time Kinematics of Redundant Robots. ICRA (1) 1993: 870-877
5 M. L. Visinsky, Ian D. Walker, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Layered Dynamic Fault Detection and Tolerance for Robots. ICRA (2) 1993: 180-187
4EENariankadu D. Hemkumar, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Efficient complex matrix transformations with CORDIC. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1993: 122-129
3 Kishore Kota, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Numerical Accuracy and Hardware Tradeoffs for CORDIC Arithmetic for Special-Purpose Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(7): 769-779 (1993)
2 Arati S. Deo, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Ian D. Walker: New Real-Time Robot Motion Algorithms Using Parallel VLSI Architectures. PPSC 1991: 369-375
1 Joseph R. Cavallaro, Franklin T. Luk: CORDIC Arithmetic for an SVD Processor. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 5(3): 271-290 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Behnaam Aazhang [12] [15] [16] [27] [43]
2Kiarash Amiri [41] [43]
3Srikrishna Bhashyam [12] [15]
4Vikram Chandrasekhar [18] [23] [37]
5Hyeokho Choi [28]
6S. Das [27]
7Panagiotis Demestichas [30]
8Arati S. Deo [2]
9Chris Dick [41]
10Elza Erkip [27]
11J. Patrick Frantz [21] [28]
12Manik Gadhiok [28]
13Manish Goel [44]
14J. Goetze [10]
15Yuanbin Guo [17] [19] [22] [26] [29]
16B. Haller [10]
17Ricky Hardy [21] [28]
18Nariankadu D. Hemkumar [4] [8]
19Markku J. Juntti [35]
20Marjan Karkooti [25] [32] [34] [36] [39]
21Kyeong Jin Kim [42]
22Kishore Kota [3]
23Martin L. Leuschen [11] [20]
24Frank Livingston [18] [23] [37]
25Franklin T. Luk [1]
26Dennis McCain [22] [26]
27Tinoosh Mohsenin [21]
28Patrick Murphy [21] [28]
29Markus Myllylä [35]
30Tobias Noll [33]
31Predrag Radosavljevic [32] [36] [42]
32Sridhar Rajagopal [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [24] [31] [38]
33Sanjay Rajopadhye [33]
34Raghu Rao [41]
35Scott Rixner [24]
36Davood Shamsi [43]
37Yang Sun [34] [40] [44] [45]
38Lothar Thiele [33]
39M. Vaya [18]
40M. L. Visinsky [5] [9]
41Guillaume Vivier [30]
42Ian D. Walker [2] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [20]
43Erik Welsh [21]
44Gang Xu [16] [22]
45Yuming Zhu [44]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)