5. PPSC 1991:
Jack Dongarra, Ken Kennedy, Paul Messina, Danny C. Sorensen, Robert G. Voigt (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Houston, Texas, USA, March 25-27, 1991.
SIAM 1992, ISBN 0-89871-303-X BibTeX
editor = {Jack Dongarra and
Ken Kennedy and
Paul Messina and
Danny C. Sorensen and
Robert G. Voigt},
title = {Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
for Scientific Computing, Houston, Texas, USA, March 25-27, 1991},
booktitle = {PPSC},
publisher = {SIAM},
year = {1992},
isbn = {0-89871-303-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Matrix Computations
Dense Linear Algebra
Sparse Direct Methods
Iterative Methods
- El Mostafa Daoudi, Pierre Manneback:
Parallel ICCG Algorithm on Distributed Memory Architecture.
78-83 BibTeX
- Zhaojun Bai, Dan Hu, Lothar Reichel:
An Implementation of the GMRES Method Using QR Factorization.
84-91 BibTeX
- Chandrika Kamath, Sisira Weeratunga:
Projection Methods on a Distributed Memory MIMD Multiprocessor.
92-97 BibTeX
- Mario Arioli, Iain S. Duff, Daniel Ruiz, Miloud Sadkane:
Techniques for Accelerating the Block Cimmino Method.
98-104 BibTeX
- Craig C. Douglas, Jim Douglas Jr.:
A Greatly Simplified Theory for Parallel Multigrid or Projection Methods.
105-110 BibTeX
- Andrea L. Overman, John Van Rosendale:
Mapping Implicit Spectral Methods to Distributed Memory Architectures.
111-116 BibTeX
- Hong Zhang, William F. Moss:
Solution of Generalized Eigenvalue Problems Using a Parallel Subspace Iteration Algorithm.
117-122 BibTeX
- John Shadid, Ray S. Tuminaro:
Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems on MIMD Machines.
123-129 BibTeX
- Anthony T. Chronopoulos, Michael Pernice:
Vector Preconditioned s-Step Methods on the IBM 3090/6005/6VF.
130-137 BibTeX
- Wayne Joubert, Graham F. Carey:
Parallelizable Restarted Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.
138-143 BibTeX
- William R. Ferng:
An Iterative Lanczos-based Condition Estimator.
144-149 BibTeX
Nonlinear Equations and Optimization
Differential Equations
- Lawrence C. Cowsar, Edward J. Dean, Roland Glowinski, Patrick Le Tallec, C. H. Li, Jacques Périaux, M. F. Wheeler:
Decomposition Principles and their Applications in Scientific Computing.
213-237 BibTeX
- Gregory Henley, J. Mark Janus:
Parallelization and Convergence of a 3D Implicit Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow Code.
238-245 BibTeX
- Patrick H. Worley:
Parallelizing Across Time When Solving Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations.
246-252 BibTeX
- V. Venkatakrishnan, Horst D. Simon, Timothy J. Barth:
A MIMD Implementation of a Parallel Euler Solver for Unstructured Grids.
253-256 BibTeX
- V. Venkatakrishnan, Joel H. Saltz, Dimitri J. Mavriplis:
Solving Unstructured Mesh Problems with Domain Decomposed GMRES/ILU.
257-262 BibTeX
- J. F. Guarnaccia, George F. Pinder:
A Collocation Based Parallel Algorithm to Solve Two Phase Flow and Transport Problems in Porous Media.
263-268 BibTeX
- H. N. Sarsour, Paul J. Turinsky, C. S. Henkel:
Parallel Solution of the Few-Group Neutron Diffusion Equations.
269-274 BibTeX
- D. J. Herbert:
Fluctuation Simulations for Stochastic Reaction Diffusion Systems.
275-280 BibTeX
- A. K. Stagg, Graham F. Carey:
Asynchronous Nonlinear Iteration and Domain Decomposition.
281-286 BibTeX
- Kwan-Liu Ma, K. Sikorski:
A Distributed Solution and Visualization for 3D Flow Simulation.
287-294 BibTeX
- C. de Nicola, Giuseppe De Pietro, Pasquale Schiano:
CFD Equations Solutions on Massively Parallel Computers.
295-300 BibTeX
- I-Liang Chern, Ian T. Foster:
Parallel Implementation of a Control Volume Method for Solving PDEs on the Sphere.
301-306 BibTeX
- Ian T. Foster, William Gropp, Rick L. Stevens:
Parallel Scalability of the Spectral Transform Method.
307-312 BibTeX
and Simulation
Reservoir Simulation
Simulation and Modeling
- Arati S. Deo, Joseph R. Cavallaro, Ian D. Walker:
New Real-Time Robot Motion Algorithms Using Parallel VLSI Architectures.
369-375 BibTeX
- Jörg R. Weimar, John J. Tyson, Layne T. Watson:
Third Generation Cellular Automation for Modeling Excitable Media.
376-381 BibTeX
- Kyriacos Zygourakis, Pauline Markenscoff:
Cellular Automata Modeling Isotropic Growth of Clusters of Arbitrary Morphology and Their Application to the Study of Heterogeneous Reacting Systems.
382-387 BibTeX
- Otto Heinreichsberger, Siegfried Selberherr, Martin Stiftinger:
Three-Dimensional MOS Device Simulation on a Connection Machine.
388-393 BibTeX
- James P. Darling, Isaak D. Mayergoyz:
Data Parallel Algorithms for the Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices.
394-400 BibTeX
- Luiz De Rose, Kyle Gallivan, Efstratios Gallopoulos, A. Navarra:
Parallel Ocean Circulation Modeling on Cedar.
401-405 BibTeX
- Huei Eliot Fang, Allen C. Robinson, Kah-Song Cho:
Hydrocode Development on the Connection Machine.
406-410 BibTeX
- Masahide Fujisaki, Kosei Yamamoto, Motoi Okuda, Yoshio Tago, Sakari Inawashiro, Fumitaka Matsubara:
The Monte Carlo Simulation of the Random Three-Dimensional Ising Model on Parallel Computer AP1000.
411-416 BibTeX
Performance Evaluation and Software Tools
- Rod Fatoohi:
Performance Comparison of Several SIMD Machines.
419-424 BibTeX
- Vijay K. Naik:
Performance Effects of Load Imbalance in Parallel CFD Applications.
425-434 BibTeX
- William Celmaster:
Random-Access Bandwidth Requirements of Point Parallelism in Grid-Based Problems.
435-441 BibTeX
- Scott B. Baden, Scott R. Kohn:
A Comparison of Load Balancing Strategies for Particle Methods Running on MIMD Multiprocessors.
442-450 BibTeX
- Reinhard von Hanxleden, L. Ridgway Scott:
Parallelizing Dynamic Processes on Message Passing Architectures.
451-455 BibTeX
- Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Robert R. Meyer, Gary L. Schultz, Jonathan Yackel:
Optimal Processor Assignment for Parallel Database Design.
456-461 BibTeX
- John R. Gilbert, Robert Schreiber:
Optimal Data Placement for Distributed Memory Architectures.
462-471 BibTeX
- John E. Savage, Markus G. Wloka:
Parallel Graph-Embedding Heuristics.
472-477 BibTeX
- Joan D. Lukas, Kathleen Knobe:
Data Optimization and Its Effect on Communication Costs in MIMD Fortran Code.
478-483 BibTeX
- Robert W. Numrich, Paul R. Borman:
Parallel Distributed Supercomputing in a Heterogeneous Environment Using High-Speed Communication Links.
484-490 BibTeX
- Z. George Mou, Marc Goodman:
A Comparison of Communication Costs for Three Parallel Programming Paradigms of Hypercube and Mesh Architectures.
491-500 BibTeX
- James W. Koh:
Performance Issues for Message-Passing MIMD Machines.
501-506 BibTeX
- Steve Plimpton, Isaac Shokair, John Wagner, Jeff Jortner:
Load-Balancing and Performance of a Gridless Particle Simulation on MIMD, SIMD, and Vector Supercomputers.
507-512 BibTeX
- Timothy Mark Pinkston, Sandra Johnson Baylor:
Parallel Processor Memory Reference Analysis: Examining Locality and Clustering Potential.
513-518 BibTeX
- David K. Bradley, John L. Larson:
Fine-Grained Measurements of Loope Performance on the Cray Y-MP.
519-524 BibTeX
- Richard B. Lehoucq:
Implementing Efficient and Portable Dense Matrix Factorizations.
525-529 BibTeX
- George Delic:
Performance Analysis of a 24 Code Sample on Cray X/Y-MP Systems at the Ohio Supercomputer Center.
530-536 BibTeX
Parallel Software Development Tools
- Monica S. Lam, Michael E. Wolf:
Automatic Blocking by a Compiler.
537-542 BibTeX
- J. Ramanujam:
A Linear Algebraic View of Loop Transformations and Their Interaction.
543-548 BibTeX
- Hrabri Rajic, Sanjiv Shah:
Maximum Performance Code Restructuring for Hierarchical Memory RISC Computers.
549-554 BibTeX
- Vasanth Balasundaram:
Translating Control Parallelism to Data Parallelism.
555-563 BibTeX
- Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder:
Portable Parallel Programming: Cross Machine Comparisons for SIMPLE.
564-569 BibTeX
- Raja Das, Joel H. Saltz, Dimitri J. Mavriplis, Janet Wu, Harry Berryman:
Unstructured Mesh Problems, PARTI Primitives, and the ARF Compiler.
570-572 BibTeX
- Naveen Sharma, Paul S. Wang:
Generating Finite Element Programs for Shared Memory Machines.
573-573 BibTeX
Programming Environments
- Allan Tuchman, George Cybenko, David Jablonowski, Brian Bliss, Sanjay Sharma:
Vista: A System for Remote Data Visualization.
575-580 BibTeX
- Ravi Jain, John Werth, James C. Browne, Indranil Chakravarty, Peter Highnam:
An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of High Level Parallel Programming.
581-587 BibTeX
- Yuan Shi, Kostas Blathras:
Parallelizing "Scatter-and-Gather" Applications Using Heterogeneous Networked Workstations.
588-595 BibTeX
- Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Al Geist, Robert Manchek, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Solving Computational Grand Challenges Using a Network of Heterogeneous Supercomputers.
596-601 BibTeX
- Adam Beguelin, Gary J. Nutt:
Examples in Phred.
602-608 BibTeX
Novel Architectures
Mathematical Software
- Ed Anderson, Annamaria Benzoni, Jack Dongarra, Steve Moulton, Susan Ostrouchov, Bernard Tourancheau, Robert A. van de Geijn:
LAPACK for Distributed Memory Architectures: Progress Report.
625-630 BibTeX
- Wayne Joubert, Peter Highnam, Graham F. Carey:
PCG/CM: A Package for the Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems ond the Connection Machine.
631-336 BibTeX
- Roland A. Sweet:
Vectorization and Parallelization of FISHPAK.
637-642 BibTeX
- Kashmira M. Irani, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson:
Parallel HOMPACK: A Case Study in Parallel Mathematical Software.
643-648 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:35:01 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)