
Yang Sun

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22EEYang Sun, Joseph R. Cavallaro: High throughput VLSI architecture for soft-output mimo detection based on a greedy graph algorithm. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 445-450
21EEYang Sun, Yuming Zhu, Manish Goel, Joseph R. Cavallaro: Configurable and scalable high throughput turbo decoder architecture for multiple 4G wireless standards. ASAP 2008: 209-214
20EEYang Sun, Huajing Li, Isaac G. Councill, Wang-Chien Lee, C. Lee Giles: Measuring user preference changes in digital libraries. CIKM 2008: 1497-1498
19EEYang Sun, Isaac G. Councill, C. Lee Giles: BotSeer: An Automated Information System for Analyzing Web Robots. ICWE 2008: 108-114
18EEYang Sun, Joseph R. Cavallaro: A low-power 1-Gbps reconfigurable LDPC decoder design for multiple 4G wireless standards. SoCC 2008: 367-370
17EEYang Sun, Jiuyang Tang, Daquan Tang, Weidong Xiao: Advanced Star Coordinates. WAIM 2008: 165-170
16EEYang Sun, Huajing Li, Isaac G. Councill, Jian Huang, Wang-Chien Lee, C. Lee Giles: Personalized ranking for digital libraries based on log analysis. WIDM 2008: 133-140
15EEYang Sun, Teng-Tiow Tay: Analysis and reduction of data spikes in thin client computing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(11): 1463-1472 (2008)
14EEYang Sun, Teng-Tiow Tay: Improving Interactive Experience of Thin Client Computing by Reducing Data Spikes. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 627-632
13EEYang Sun, Teng-Tiow Tay: Long Distance Redundancy Reduction in Thin Client Computing. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 961-966
12EEYang Sun, C. Lee Giles: Popularity Weighted Ranking for Academic Digital Libraries. ECIR 2007: 605-612
11EEYang Sun, Marjan Karkooti, Joseph R. Cavallaro: VLSI Decoder Architecture for High Throughput, Variable Block-size and Multi-rate LDPC Codes. ISCAS 2007: 2104-2107
10EEYang Sun, Ziming Zhuang, C. Lee Giles: A large-scale study of robots.txt. WWW 2007: 1123-1124
9EEYang Sun, Ziming Zhuang, Isaac G. Councill, C. Lee Giles: Determining Bias to Search Engines from Robots.txt. Web Intelligence 2007: 149-155
8EEXiaoyong Chen, Douglas L. Maskell, Yang Sun: Fast Identification of Custom Instructions for Extensible Processors. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(2): 359-368 (2007)
7EEYang Sun, Guangbin Fan, Shigang Chen: Spiral-based data dissemination in sensor networks. IJAHUC 2(1/2): 46-57 (2007)
6EEXiaoyong Chen, Douglas L. Maskell, Yang Sun: Automatic Identification of Custom Functions for Embedded Processors with MIMO Extensions. APCCAS 2006: 1156-1159
5EEYang Sun, Guangbin Fan, Shigang Chen: Scalable and energy efficient data dissemination in wireless sensor networks. IWCMC 2006: 1061-1066
4EEPadmapriya Ayyagari, Yang Sun: Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms. By Pierre Baldi, Paolo Frasconi, Padhraic Smith, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., West Sussex, England, 2003. 285 pp ISBN 0 470 84906 1. Inf. Process. Manage. 42(1): 325-326 (2006)
3EETeng-Tiow Tay, Yingyi Chu, Yang Sun: Distributed Code Generation Using Object Level Analysis. CIT 2005: 858-863
2 Teng-Tiow Tay, Yang Sun: A Novel Performance Optimization Approach for Thin Client Computing. ISCA PDCS 2005: 235-240
1EEYang Sun, Soon Cheol Park: Generation of Non-Redundant Summary Based on Sum of Similarity. ITCC (2) 2005: 782-783

Coauthor Index

1Padmapriya Ayyagari [4]
2Joseph R. Cavallaro [11] [18] [21] [22]
3Shigang Chen [5] [7]
4Xiaoyong Chen [6] [8]
5Yingyi Chu [3]
6Isaac G. Councill [9] [16] [19] [20]
7Guangbin Fan [5] [7]
8C. Lee Giles (Clyde Lee Giles) [9] [10] [12] [16] [19] [20]
9Manish Goel [21]
10Jian Huang [16]
11Marjan Karkooti [11]
12Wang-Chien Lee [16] [20]
13Huajing Li [16] [20]
14Douglas L. Maskell [6] [8]
15Soon Cheol Park [1]
16Daquan Tang [17]
17Jiuyang Tang [17]
18Teng-Tiow Tay [2] [3] [13] [14] [15]
19Weidong Xiao [17]
20Yuming Zhu [21]
21Ziming Zhuang [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)