2008 |
36 | | Peter Dolog,
Markus Krötzsch,
Sebastian Schaffert,
Denny Vrandecic:
Proceedings of the WWW 2008 Workshop on Social Web and Knowledge Management, Beijing, China, April 22, 2008
CEUR-WS.org 2008 |
35 | EE | Mohammad Alrifai,
Thomas Risse,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
A Scalable Approach for QoS-Based Web Service Selection.
ICSOC Workshops 2008: 190-199 |
34 | EE | Peter Dolog:
Designing Adaptive Web Applications.
SOFSEM 2008: 23-33 |
33 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Markus Krötzsch,
Sebastian Schaffert,
Denny Vrandecic:
Workshop on social web and knowledge management (SWKM2008).
WWW 2008: 1279-1280 |
32 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Bernd Simon,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Tomaz Klobucar:
Personalizing access to learning networks.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 8(2): (2008) |
31 | EE | Michael Schäfer,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
An environment for flexible advanced compensations of Web service transactions.
TWEB 2(2): (2008) |
2007 |
30 | | Sven Casteleyn,
Florian Daniel,
Peter Dolog,
Maristella Matera,
Geert-Jan Houben,
Olga De Troyer:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering AEWSE'07, Como, Italy, July 19, 2007
CEUR-WS.org 2007 |
29 | EE | Sven Casteleyn,
Florian Daniel,
Peter Dolog,
Maristella Matera,
Geert-Jan Houben,
Olga De Troyer:
AEWSE'07 Preface.
AEWSE 2007 |
28 | EE | Michal Bebjak,
Valentino Vranic,
Peter Dolog:
Evolution of Web Applications with Aspect-Oriented Design Patterns.
AEWSE 2007 |
27 | | Sergey A. Sosnovsky,
Peter Dolog,
Nicola Henze,
Peter Brusilovsky,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Translation of Overlay Models of Student Knowledge for Relative Domains Based on Domain Ontology Mapping.
AIED 2007: 289-296 |
26 | EE | Mohammad Alrifai,
Wolf-Tilo Balke,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Nonblocking Scheduling for Web Service Transactions.
ECOWS 2007: 213-222 |
25 | EE | Michael Schäfer,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Engineering Compensations in Web Service Environment.
ICWE 2007: 32-46 |
24 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Jan Stage:
Designing Interaction Spaces for Rich Internet Applications with UML.
ICWE 2007: 358-363 |
23 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Semantic Web Technologies for the Adaptive Web.
The Adaptive Web 2007: 697-719 |
22 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Milos Kravcik,
Alexandra I. Cristea,
Daniel Burgos,
Paul De Bra,
Stefano Ceri,
Vladan Devedzic,
Geert-Jan Houben,
Paul Libbrecht,
Maristella Matera,
Erica Melis,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Marcus Specht,
Craig Stewart,
David Smits,
Natalia Stash,
Colin Tattersall:
Specification, authoring and prototyping of personalised workplace learning solutions.
IJLT 3(3): 286-308 (2007) |
2006 |
21 | EE | Aldo Bongio,
Jan van Bruggen,
Stefano Ceri,
Valentin Cristea,
Peter Dolog,
Andreas Hoffmann,
Maristella Matera,
Marzia Mura,
Antonio Taddeo,
Xuan Zhou,
Larissa Zoni:
COOPER: Towards a Collaborative Open Environment of Project-Centred Learning.
EC-TEL 2006: 561-566 |
20 | EE | Mohammad Alrifai,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Transactions Concurrency Control in Web Service Environment.
ECOWS 2006: 109-118 |
19 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Heiner Stuckenschmidt,
Holger Wache:
Robust Query Processing for Personalized Information Access on the Semantic Web.
FQAS 2006: 343-355 |
18 | EE | Bernd Simon,
Stefan Sobernig,
Fridolin Wild,
Sandra Aguirre,
Stefan Brantner,
Peter Dolog,
Gustaf Neumann,
Gernot Huber,
Tomaz Klobucar,
Sascha Markus,
Zoltán Miklós,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Daniel Olmedilla,
Joaquín Salvachúa,
Michael Sintek,
Thomas Zillinger:
Building Blocks for a Smart Space for LearningTM.
ICALT 2006: 309-313 |
17 | EE | Lora Aroyo,
Peter Dolog,
Geert-Jan Houben,
Milos Kravcik,
Ambjörn Naeve,
Mikael Nilsson,
Fridolin Wild:
Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning.
Educational Technology & Society 9(2): 4-18 (2006) |
2005 |
16 | EE | Stefan Decker,
Michael Sintek,
Andreas Billig,
Nicola Henze,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Andreas Harth,
Andreas Leicher,
Susanne Busse,
José Luis Ambite,
Matthew Weathers,
Gustaf Neumann,
Uwe Zdun:
TRIPLE - an RDF Rule Language with Context and Use Cases.
Rule Languages for Interoperability 2005 |
15 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Michael Schäfer:
A Framework for Browsing, Manipulating and Maintaining Interoperable Learner Profiles.
User Modeling 2005: 397-401 |
14 | | Stefano Ceri,
Peter Dolog,
Maristella Matera,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Adding Client-Side Adaptation to the Conceptual Design of e-Learning Web Applications.
J. Web Eng. 4(1): 21-37 (2005) |
2004 |
13 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Nicola Henze,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Michael Sintek:
The Personal Reader: Personalizing and Enriching Learning Resources Using Semantic Web Technologies..
AH 2004: 85-94 |
12 | EE | Stefano Ceri,
Peter Dolog,
Maristella Matera,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Model-Driven Design of Web Applications with Client-Side Adaptation.
ICWE 2004: 201-214 |
11 | | Peter Dolog:
Model-Driven Navigation Design for Semantic Web Applications with the UML-Guide.
ICWE Workshops 2004: 75-86 |
10 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Using UML-based Feature Models and UML Collaboration Diagrams to Information Modelling for Web-Based Applications.
UML 2004: 425-439 |
9 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Nicola Henze,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Michael Sintek:
Personalization in distributed e-learning environments.
WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 170-179 |
8 | EE | Nicola Henze,
Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Reasoning and Ontologies for Personalized E-Learning in the Semantic Web.
Educational Technology & Society 7(4): 82-97 (2004) |
2003 |
7 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Nicola Henze,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Michael Sintek:
Towards the Adaptive Semantic Web.
PPSWR 2003: 51-68 |
6 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Using UML and XMI for Generating Adaptive Navigation Sequences in Web-Based Systems.
UML 2003: 205-219 |
5 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Rita Gavriloaie,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Jan Brase:
Integrating Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques and Open RDF-based Environments.
WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks) 2003 |
2002 |
4 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Mária Bieliková:
Towards Variability Modelling for Reuse in Hypermedia Engineering.
ADBIS 2002: 388-400 |
3 | EE | Peter Dolog,
Mária Bieliková:
Navigation Modelling in Adaptive Hypermedia.
AH 2002: 586-591 |
2 | | Peter Dolog,
Mária Bieliková:
Hypermedia Systems Modelling Framework.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence 21(3): (2002) |
2001 |
1 | | Peter Dolog,
Valentino Vranic,
Mária Bieliková:
Representing Change By Aspect.
SIGPLAN Notices 36(12): 77-83 (2001) |