
Maria Milosavljevic

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9EETom Betts, Maria Milosavljevic, Jon Oberlander: The Utility of Information Extraction in the Classification of Books. ECIR 2007: 295-306
8 Sharon Givon, Maria Milosavljevic: Extracting Useful Information from the Full Text of Fiction. RIAO 2007
7 Maria Milosavljevic, Claire Grover, Louise Corti: Smart Qualitative Data (SQUAD): Information Extraction in a Large Document Archive. RIAO 2007
6EEMaria Milosavljevic, François Paradis, Cécile Paris, Ross Wilkinson: Customised Information Delivery: A SIGIR 99 Workshop. SIGIR Forum 33(1): 28-31 (1999)
5 Robert Dale, Stephen J. Green, Maria Milosavljevic, Cécile Paris, Cornelia Verspoor, Sandra Williams: Dynamic Document Delivery: Generating Natural Language Texts on Demand. DEXA Workshop 1998: 131-136
4EEMaria Milosavljevic, Jon Oberlander: Dynamic Hypertext Catalogues: Helping Users to Help Themselves. Hypertext 1998: 123-131
3EEMaria Milosavljevic, Jon Oberlander: Dynamic Catalogues on the WWW. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 666-668 (1998)
2 Robert Dale, Jon Oberlander, Maria Milosavljevic, Alistair Knott: Integrating natural language generation and hypertext to produce dynamic documents. Interacting with Computers 11(2): 109-135 (1998)
1 Peter Brusilovsky, Maria Milosavljevic, Douglas Tudhope, Daniel Cunliffe: Editorial. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4: 1-10 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Tom Betts [9]
2Peter Brusilovsky [1]
3Louise Corti [7]
4Daniel Cunliffe [1]
5Robert Dale [2] [5]
6Sharon Givon [8]
7Stephen J. Green [5]
8Claire Grover [7]
9Alistair Knott [2]
10Jon Oberlander [2] [3] [4] [9]
11François Paradis [6]
12Cécile Paris [5] [6]
13Douglas Tudhope [1]
14Cornelia Verspoor [5]
15Ross Wilkinson [6]
16Sandra Williams [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)