
Carlo Tasso

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30 Nirmala Pudota, Paolo Casoto, Antonina Dattolo, Paolo Omero, Carlo Tasso: Towards Bridging the Gap between Personalization and Information Extraction. IRCDL 2008: 33-40
29 Paolo Casoto, Antonina Dattolo, Paolo Omero, Nirmala Pudota, Carlo Tasso: A New Machine Learning Based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Italian documents. IRCDL 2008: 77-82
28 Paolo Casoto, Carlo Tasso: An Hybrid Approach for Improving Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Clustering. IRCDL 2007: 105-110
27 Paolo Omero, N. Polesello, Carlo Tasso: Personalized intelligent information services within an online digital library for medicine: the BIBLIOMED system. IRCDL 2007: 46-51
26EEPeter Brusilovsky, Carlo Tasso: Preface to Special Issue on User Modeling for Web Information Retrieval. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 14(2-3): 147-157 (2004)
25EEMarco Cignini, Stefano Mizzaro, Carlo Tasso: E-mail Categorization, Filtering, and Alerting on Mobile Devices: The ifMail Prototype and its Experimental Evaluation. AI*IA 2003: 523-535
24EEMarco Cignini, Stefano Mizzaro, Carlo Tasso, Andrea Virgili: E-Mail on the Move: Categorization, Filtering, and Alerting on Mobile Devices with the ifMail Prototype. Mobile HCI Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access 2003: 107-123
23EEStefano Mizzaro, Carlo Tasso: Ephemeral and Persistent Personalization in Adaptive Information Access to Scholarly Publications on the Web. AH 2002: 306-316
22 Giorgio Brajnik, Stefano Mizzaro, Carlo Tasso, Fabio Venuti: Strategic help in user interfaces for information retrieval. JASIST 53(5): 343-358 (2002)
21 Fabio A. Asnicar, Massimo Di Fant, Carlo Tasso: User Model-Based Information Filtering. AI*IA 1997: 242-253
20EEGiorgio Brajnik, Stefano Mizzaro, Carlo Tasso: Evaluating User Interfaces to Information Retrieval Systems: A Case Study on User Support. SIGIR 1996: 128-136
19 Luca Chittaro, Carlo Tasso, Elio Toppano: Putting functional knowledge on firmer ground. Applied Artificial Intelligence 8(2): 239-258 (1994)
18EEGiorgio Brajnik, Carlo Tasso: A shell for developing non-monotonic user modeling systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 40(1): 31-62 (1994)
17 Giorgio Brajnik, Luca Chiattro, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso, Elio Toppano: Representation and Use of Teleological Knowledge in the Multi-Modeling Approach. AI*IA 1991: 167-176
16 Danilo Fum, Carlo Tasso, L. Tiepolo, A. Tramontini: A Computational Model of Tense Selection and its Experimentation within an Intellegent Tutor. AI*IA 1991: 261-270
15 Giorgio Brajnik, Carlo Tasso, Antonio Vaccher: A Flexible Tool for Assumption-Based User Modeling. AI*IA 1991: 445-449
14EEDanilo Fum, Bruno Pani, Carlo Tasso: Teaching The English Tense: Integrating Naive And Formal Grammars In An Intelligent Tutor For Foreign Language Teaching. EACL 1991: 149-154
13 Danilo Fum, Paolo Giangrandi, Carlo Tasso: Backward Model Tracing: An Explanation-Based Approach for Reconstructing Student Reasoning. AAAI 1990: 426-433
12EEDanilo Fum, Paolo Giangrandi, Carlo Tasso: Tense Generation In An Intelligent Tutor For Foreign Language Teaching: Some Issues In The Design Of The Verb Expert. EACL 1989: 124-129
11 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: A distributed multi-agent architecture for natural language processing. COLING 1988: 812-814
10 Danilo Fum, Paolo Giangrandi, Carlo Tasso: Student Modeling Techniques in Foreign Language Tutoring. ECAI 1988: 94-96
9EEGiorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: IR-NLI II: Applying Man-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence Concepts to Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1988: 387-399
8EEGiorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: User modeling in intelligent information retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(4): 305-320 (1987)
7 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Tailoring Importance Evaluation to Reader's Goals: A Contribution to Descriptive Text Summerization. COLING 1986: 256-259
6 Giorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Design and Experimentation of IR-NLI: An Intelligent User Interface to Bibliographic Data Bases. Expert Database Conf. 1986: 151-162
5 Giorgio Brajnik, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: An Expert Interface for Effective Man-Machine Interaction. Cooperative Interfaces to Information Systems 1986: 259-308
4EEDanilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: A Rule-Based Approach To Evaluating Importance In Descriptive Texts. EACL 1985: 244-250
3 Danilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Evaluating Importance: A Step Towards Text Summarization. IJCAI 1985: 840-844
2EEGiovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: IR-NLI : An Expert Natural Language Interface To Online Data Bases. ANLP 1983: 31-38
1EEDanilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso: Forward And Backward Reasoning In Automatic Abstracting. COLING 1982: 83-88

Coauthor Index

1Fabio A. Asnicar [21]
2Giorgio Brajnik [5] [6] [8] [9] [15] [17] [18] [20] [22]
3Peter Brusilovsky [26]
4Paolo Casoto [28] [29] [30]
5Luca Chiattro [17]
6Luca Chittaro [19]
7Marco Cignini [24] [25]
8Antonina Dattolo [29] [30]
9Massimo Di Fant [21]
10Danilo Fum [1] [3] [4] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16]
11Paolo Giangrandi [10] [12] [13]
12Giovanni Guida [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [17]
13Stefano Mizzaro [20] [22] [23] [24] [25]
14Paolo Omero [27] [29] [30]
15Bruno Pani [14]
16N. Polesello [27]
17Nirmala Pudota [29] [30]
18L. Tiepolo [16]
19Elio Toppano [17] [19]
20A. Tramontini [16]
21Antonio Vaccher [15]
22Fabio Venuti [22]
23Andrea Virgili [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)