
Olga Medvedeva

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5EEMichael V. Yudelson, Olga Medvedeva, Rebecca S. Crowley: A multifactor approach to student model evaluation. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 18(4): 349-382 (2008)
4EEJ. Gregory Caporaso, William A. Baumgartner Jr., Hyunmin Kim, Zhiyong Lu, Helen L. Johnson, Olga Medvedeva, Anna Lindemann, Lynne M. Fox, Elizabeth K. White, K. Bretonnel Cohen, Lawrence Hunter: Concept Recognition, Information Retrieval, and Machine Learning in Genomics Question-Answering. TREC 2006
3EERebecca S. Crowley, Olga Medvedeva: An intelligent tutoring system for visual classification problem solving. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 36(1): 85-117 (2006)
2 Rebecca S. Crowley, Elizabeth Legowski, Olga Medvedeva, Eugene Tseytlin, Ellen Roh, Drazen Jukic: An ITS for medical classification problem-solving: Effects of tutoring and representations. AIED 2005: 192-199
1EESteven Ritter, Peter Brusilovsky, Olga Medvedeva: Creating More Versatile Intelligent Learning Environments with a Component-Based Architecture. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 554-563

Coauthor Index

1William A. Baumgartner Jr. [4]
2Peter Brusilovsky [1]
3J. Gregory Caporaso [4]
4K. Bretonnel Cohen [4]
5Rebecca S. Crowley [2] [3] [5]
6Lynne M. Fox [4]
7Lawrence Hunter [4]
8Helen L. Johnson [4]
9Drazen Jukic [2]
10Hyunmin Kim [4]
11Elizabeth Legowski [2]
12Anna Lindemann [4]
13Zhiyong Lu [4]
14Steven Ritter [1]
15Ellen Roh [2]
16Eugene Tseytlin [2]
17Elizabeth K. White [4]
18Michael V. Yudelson [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)