2008 | ||
52 | EE | Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: Communication optimizations for global multi-threaded instruction scheduling. ASPLOS 2008: 222-232 |
51 | EE | Easwaran Raman, Guilherme Ottoni, Arun Raman, Matthew J. Bridges, David I. August: Parallel-stage decoupled software pipelining. CGO 2008: 114-123 |
50 | EE | Easwaran Raman, Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, David I. August: Spice: speculative parallel iteration chunk execution. CGO 2008: 175-184 |
49 | EE | David I. August, Neil Vachharajani: Speculation. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
48 | EE | Matthew J. Bridges, Neil Vachharajani, Yun Zhang, Thomas Jablin, David I. August: Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for the Multicore Era. IEEE Micro 28(1): 12-20 (2008) |
47 | EE | Ram Rangan, Neil Vachharajani, Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: Performance scalability of decoupled software pipelining. TACO 5(2): (2008) |
2007 | ||
46 | EE | Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: Global Multi-Threaded Instruction Scheduling. MICRO 2007: 56-68 |
45 | EE | Matthew J. Bridges, Neil Vachharajani, Yun Zhang, Thomas Jablin, David I. August: Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for Multi-Core. MICRO 2007: 69-84 |
44 | EE | Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, Easwaran Raman, Matthew J. Bridges, Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: Speculative Decoupled Software Pipelining. PACT 2007: 49-59 |
43 | EE | Bolei Guo, Neil Vachharajani, David I. August: Shape analysis with inductive recursion synthesis. PLDI 2007: 256-265 |
42 | EE | Frances Perry, Lester W. Mackey, George A. Reis, Jay Ligatti, David I. August, David Walker: Fault-tolerant typed assembly language. PLDI 2007: 42-53 |
41 | EE | David I. August, Jonathan Chang, Sylvain Girbal, Daniel Gracia Pérez, Gilles Mouchard, David A. Penry, Olivier Temam, Neil Vachharajani: UNISIM: An Open Simulation Environment and Library for Complex Architecture Design and Collaborative Development. Computer Architecture Letters 6(2): 45-48 (2007) |
40 | EE | George A. Reis, Jonathan Chang, David I. August: Automatic Instruction-Level Software-Only Recovery. IEEE Micro 27(1): 36-47 (2007) |
2006 | ||
39 | EE | Bolei Guo, Youfeng Wu, Cheng Wang, Matthew J. Bridges, Guilherme Ottoni, Neil Vachharajani, Jonathan Chang, David I. August: Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator. CC 2006: 65-79 |
38 | EE | Jonathan Chang, George A. Reis, David I. August: Automatic Instruction-Level Software-Only Recovery. DSN 2006: 83-92 |
37 | EE | David A. Penry, Daniel Fay, David Hodgdon, Ryan Wells, Graham Schelle, David I. August, Dan Connors: Exploiting parallelism and structure to accelerate the simulation of chip multi-processors. HPCA 2006: 29-40 |
36 | EE | David Walker, Lester W. Mackey, Jay Ligatti, George A. Reis, David I. August: Static typing for a faulty lambda calculus. ICFP 2006: 38-49 |
35 | EE | Ram Rangan, Neil Vachharajani, Adam Stoler, Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August, George Z. N. Cai: Support for High-Frequency Streaming in CMPs. MICRO 2006: 259-272 |
34 | EE | Matthew J. Bridges, Neil Vachharajani, Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: Automatic instruction scheduler retargeting by reverse-engineering. PLDI 2006: 228-238 |
33 | EE | Spyridon Triantafyllis, Matthew J. Bridges, Easwaran Raman, Guilherme Ottoni, David I. August: A framework for unrestricted whole-program optimization. PLDI 2006: 61-71 |
32 | EE | Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, David A. Penry, Jason A. Blome, Sharad Malik, David I. August: The Liberty Simulation Environment: A deliberate approach to high-level system modeling. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 24(3): 211-249 (2006) |
31 | EE | Guilherme Ottoni, Ram Rangan, Adam Stoler, Matthew J. Bridges, David I. August: From sequential programs to concurrent threads. Computer Architecture Letters 5(1): 6-9 (2006) |
2005 | ||
30 | EE | George A. Reis, Jonathan Chang, Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, David I. August: SWIFT: Software Implemented Fault Tolerance. CGO 2005: 243-254 |
29 | EE | Bolei Guo, Matthew J. Bridges, Spyridon Triantafyllis, Guilherme Ottoni, Easwaran Raman, David I. August: Practical and Accurate Low-Level Pointer Analysis. CGO 2005: 291-302 |
28 | EE | George A. Reis, Jonathan Chang, Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, David I. August, Shubhendu S. Mukherjee: Design and Evaluation of Hybrid Fault-Detection Systems. ISCA 2005: 148-159 |
27 | EE | Guilherme Ottoni, Ram Rangan, Adam Stoler, David I. August: Automatic Thread Extraction with Decoupled Software Pipelining. MICRO 2005: 105-118 |
26 | EE | Easwaran Raman, David I. August: Recursive data structure profiling. Memory System Performance 2005: 5-14 |
25 | EE | David I. August, Sharad Malik, Li-Shiuan Peh, Vijay S. Pai, Manish Vachharajani, Paul Willmann: Achieving Structural and Composable Modeling of Complex Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming 33(2-3): 81-101 (2005) |
24 | EE | Neil Vachharajani, Matthew Iyer, Chinmay Ashok, Manish Vachharajani, David I. August, Daniel A. Connors: Chip multi-processor scalability for single-threaded applications. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(4): 44-53 (2005) |
23 | EE | George A. Reis, Jonathan Chang, Neil Vachharajani, Ram Rangan, David I. August, Shubhendu S. Mukherjee: Software-controlled fault tolerance. TACO 2(4): 366-396 (2005) |
2004 | ||
22 | EE | Qiang Wu, Artem Pyatakov, Alexey Spiridonov, Easwaran Raman, Douglas W. Clark, David I. August: Exposing Memory Access Regularities Using Object-Relative Memory Profiling. CGO 2004: 315-324 |
21 | EE | Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, Sharad Malik, David I. August: Facilitating reuse in hardware models with enhanced type inference. CODES+ISSS 2004: 86-91 |
20 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck, Robert Endre Tarjan, Spyridon Triantafyllis, David I. August: Finding Dominators in Practice. ESA 2004: 677-688 |
19 | EE | Ram Rangan, Neil Vachharajani, Manish Vachharajani, David I. August: Decoupled Software Pipelining with the Synchronization Array. IEEE PACT 2004: 177-188 |
18 | EE | David I. August, Sharad Malik, Li-Shiuan Peh, Vijay S. Pai: Achieving Structural and Composable Modeling of Complex Systems. IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop 2004 |
17 | EE | Neil Vachharajani, Matthew J. Bridges, Jonathan Chang, Ram Rangan, Guilherme Ottoni, Jason A. Blome, George A. Reis, Manish Vachharajani, David I. August: RIFLE: An Architectural Framework for User-Centric Information-Flow Security. MICRO 2004: 243-254 |
16 | EE | Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, David I. August: The liberty structural specification language: a high-level modeling language for component reuse. PLDI 2004: 195-206 |
15 | EE | Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, David A. Penry, Jason A. Blome, David I. August: The Liberty Simulation Environment, version 1.0. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31(4): 19-24 (2004) |
2003 | ||
14 | EE | Spyridon Triantafyllis, Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, David I. August: Compiler Optimization-Space Exploration. CGO 2003: 204-215 |
13 | EE | David A. Penry, David I. August: Optimizations for a simulator construction system supporting reusable components. DAC 2003: 926-931 |
12 | EE | Kevin Skadron, Margaret Martonosi, David I. August, Mark D. Hill, David J. Lilja, Vijay S. Pai: Challenges in Computer Architecture Evaluation. IEEE Computer 36(8): 30-36 (2003) |
2002 | ||
11 | EE | Wei Qin, Subramanian Rajagopalan, Manish Vachharajani, Hangsheng Wang, Xinping Zhu, David I. August, Kurt Keutzer, Sharad Malik, Li-Shiuan Peh: Design Tools for Application Specific Embedded Processors. EMSOFT 2002: 319-333 |
10 | EE | Manish Vachharajani, Neil Vachharajani, David A. Penry, Jason A. Blome, David I. August: Microarchitectural exploration with Liberty. MICRO 2002: 271-282 |
2001 | ||
9 | Kaiyu Chen, Sharad Malik, David I. August: Retargetable static timing analysis for embedded software. ISSS 2001: 39-44 | |
2000 | ||
8 | EE | John W. Sias, Wen-mei W. Hwu, David I. August: Accurate and efficient predicate analysis with binary decision diagrams. MICRO 2000: 112-123 |
1999 | ||
7 | EE | Daniel A. Connors, Jean-Michel Puiatti, David I. August, Kevin M. Crozier, Wen-mei W. Hwu: An Architecture Framework for Introducing Predicated Execution into Embedded Microprocessors. Euro-Par 1999: 1301-1311 |
6 | EE | David I. August, John W. Sias, Jean-Michel Puiatti, Scott A. Mahlke, Daniel A. Connors, Kevin M. Crozier, Wen-mei W. Hwu: The Program Decision Logic Approach to Predicated Execution. ISCA 1999: 208-219 |
5 | David I. August, Wen-mei W. Hwu, Scott A. Mahlke: The Partial Reverse If-Conversion Framework for Balancing Control Flow and Predication. International Journal of Parallel Programming 27(5): 381-423 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
4 | EE | David I. August, Daniel A. Connors, Scott A. Mahlke, John W. Sias, Kevin M. Crozier, Ben-Chung Cheng, Patrick R. Eaton, Qudus B. Olaniran, Wen-mei W. Hwu: Integrated Predicated and Speculative Execution in the IMPACT EPIC Architecture. ISCA 1998: 227-237 |
1997 | ||
3 | EE | David I. August, Daniel A. Connors, John C. Gyllenhaal, Wen-mei W. Hwu: Architectural Support for Compiler-Synthesized Dynamic Branch Prediction Strategies: Rationale and Initial Results. HPCA 1997: 84-93 |
2 | EE | David I. August, Wen-mei W. Hwu, Scott A. Mahlke: A Framework for Balancing Control Flow and Predication. MICRO 1997: 92-103 |
1995 | ||
1 | EE | Scott A. Mahlke, Richard E. Hank, James E. McCormick, David I. August, Wen-mei W. Hwu: A Comparison of Full and Partial Predicated Execution Support for ILP Processors. ISCA 1995: 138-150 |