2009 |
240 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
An Experimental Study of Minimum Mean Cycle Algorithms.
ALENEX 2009: 1-13 |
239 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Siddhartha Sen,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Heaps Simplified
CoRR abs/0903.0116: (2009) |
2008 |
238 | EE | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Loukas Georgiadis,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Shortest Path Feasibility Algorithms: An Experimental Evaluation.
ALENEX 2008: 118-132 |
237 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Telikepalli Kavitha,
Rogers Mathew,
Siddhartha Sen,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster Algorithms for Incremental Topological Ordering.
ICALP (1) 2008: 421-433 |
236 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Reachability Problems on Directed Graphs.
ISAAC 2008: 3 |
235 | EE | Alina Ene,
William Horne,
Nikola Milosavljevic,
Prasad Rao,
Robert Schreiber,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fast exact and heuristic methods for role minimization problems.
SACMAT 2008: 1-10 |
234 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Thin heaps, thick heaps.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4(1): (2008) |
233 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Siddhartha Sen,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Incremental Topological Ordering and Strong Component Maintenance
CoRR abs/0803.0792: (2008) |
232 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Planarity Algorithms via PQ-Trees (Extended Abstract).
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 143-149 (2008) |
231 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding a feasible flow in a strongly connected network.
Oper. Res. Lett. 36(4): 397-398 (2008) |
230 | EE | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Loukas Georgiadis,
Haim Kaplan,
Anne Rogers,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Jeffery Westbrook:
Linear-Time Algorithms for Dominators and Other Path-Evaluation Problems.
SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1533-1573 (2008) |
2007 |
229 | EE | Nina Mishra,
Robert Schreiber,
Isabelle Stanton,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Clustering Social Networks.
WAW 2007: 56-67 |
228 | EE | Maxim A. Babenko,
Jonathan Derryberry,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Yunhong Zhou:
Experimental Evaluation of Parametric Max-Flow Algorithms.
WEA 2007: 256-269 |
227 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Dynamic Trees in Practice.
WEA 2007: 80-93 |
226 | EE | Kamalika Chaudhuri,
Anshul Kothari,
Rudi Pendavingh,
Ram Swaminathan,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Yunhong Zhou:
Server Allocation Algorithms for Tiered Systems.
Algorithmica 48(2): 129-146 (2007) |
225 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Haim Kaplan,
Nira Shafrir,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Data Structures for Mergeable Trees
CoRR abs/0711.1682: (2007) |
224 | EE | Bernhard Haeupler,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding a Feasible Flow in a Strongly Connected Network
CoRR abs/0711.2710: (2007) |
2006 |
223 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Julie Ward,
Bin Zhang,
Yunhong Zhou,
Jia Mao:
Balancing Applied to Maximum Network Flow Problems.
ESA 2006: 612-623 |
222 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Design of data structures for mergeable trees.
SODA 2006: 394-403 |
221 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Results and Problems on Self-adjusting Search Trees and Related Data Structures.
SWAT 2006: 2 |
220 | EE | Ran Mendelson,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Mikkel Thorup,
Uri Zwick:
Melding priority queues.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(4): 535-556 (2006) |
219 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Finding Dominators in Practice.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 10(1): 69-94 (2006) |
2005 |
218 | EE | Kamalika Chaudhuri,
Anshul Kothari,
Rudi Pendavingh,
Ram Swaminathan,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Yunhong Zhou:
Server Allocation Algorithms for Tiered Systems.
COCOON 2005: 632-643 |
217 | EE | Eric Anderson,
Dirk Beyer,
Kamalika Chaudhuri,
Terence Kelly,
Norman Salazar,
Cipriano A. Santos,
Ram Swaminathan,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Janet L. Wiener,
Yunhong Zhou:
Deadline scheduling for animation rendering.
SIGMETRICS 2005: 384-385 |
216 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dominator tree verification and vertex-disjoint paths.
SODA 2005: 433-442 |
215 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Self-adjusting top trees.
SODA 2005: 813-822 |
214 | EE | Eric Anderson,
Dirk Beyer,
Kamalika Chaudhuri,
Terence Kelly,
Norman Salazar,
Cipriano A. Santos,
Ram Swaminathan,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Janet L. Wiener,
Yunhong Zhou:
Value-maximizing deadline scheduling and its application to animation rendering.
SPAA 2005: 299-308 |
2004 |
213 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Spyridon Triantafyllis,
David I. August:
Finding Dominators in Practice.
ESA 2004: 677-688 |
212 | EE | Loukas Georgiadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding dominators revisited: extended abstract.
SODA 2004: 869-878 |
211 | EE | Ran Mendelson,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Mikkel Thorup,
Uri Zwick:
Melding Priority Queues.
SWAT 2004: 223-235 |
2003 |
210 | EE | Stuart Haber,
Bill G. Horne,
Joe Pato,
Tomas Sander,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
If Piracy Is the Problem, Is DRM the Answer?
Digital Rights Management 2003: 224-233 |
209 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Eyal Molad,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic rectangular intersection with priorities.
STOC 2003: 639-648 |
208 | | Gary William Flake,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis:
Graph Clustering and Minimum Cut Trees.
Internet Mathematics 1(4): (2003) |
2002 |
207 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Nira Shafrir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Union-find with deletions.
SODA 2002: 19-28 |
206 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Nira Shafrir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Meldable heaps and boolean union-find.
STOC 2002: 573-582 |
205 | EE | Neal E. Young,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
James B. Orlin:
Faster Parametric Shortest Path and Minimum Balance Algorithms
CoRR cs.DS/0205041: (2002) |
2001 |
204 | EE | Bill G. Horne,
Lesley R. Matheson,
Casey Sheehan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic Self-Checking Techniques for Improved Tamper Resistance.
Digital Rights Management Workshop 2001: 141-159 |
203 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis:
Faster kinetic heaps and their use in broadcast scheduling.
SODA 2001: 836-844 |
202 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Unique Maximum Matching Algorithms.
J. Algorithms 40(2): 159-183 (2001) |
2000 |
201 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Chris Okasaki,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Simple Confluently Persistent Catenable Lists.
SIAM J. Comput. 30(3): 965-977 (2000) |
1999 |
200 | EE | Harold N. Gabow,
Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Unique Maximum Matching Algorithms.
STOC 1999: 70-78 |
199 | | Haim Kaplan,
Ron Shamir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Tractability of Parameterized Completion Problems on Chordal, Strongly Chordal, and Proper Interval Graphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1906-1922 (1999) |
198 | | Bhaskar Ghosh,
Frank Thomson Leighton,
Bruce M. Maggs,
S. Muthukrishnan,
C. Greg Plaxton,
Rajmohan Rajaraman,
Andréa W. Richa,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
David Zuckerman:
Tight Analyses of Two Local Load Balancing Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 29(1): 29-64 (1999) |
197 | | Haim Kaplan,
Ron Shamir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Faster and Simpler Algorithm for Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals.
SIAM J. Comput. 29(3): 880-892 (1999) |
1998 |
196 | EE | Lesley R. Matheson,
Stephen G. Mitchell,
Talal Shamoon,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Francis Zane:
Robustness and Security of Digital Watermarks.
Financial Cryptography 1998: 227-240 |
195 | EE | Lesley R. Matheson,
Talal Shamoon,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Culturally-Induced Information Impactedness: A Prescription for Failure in Software Ventures.
HICSS (6) 1998: 329-338 |
194 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Chris Okasaki,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Simple Confluently Persistent Catenable Lists (Extended Abstract).
SWAT 1998: 119-130 |
1997 |
193 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Ron Shamir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster and simpler algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals.
RECOMB 1997: 163 |
192 | | Haim Kaplan,
Ron Shamir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster and Simpler Algorithm for Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals.
SODA 1997: 344-351 |
191 | | Brandon Dixon,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Optimal Parallel Verification of Minimum Spanning Trees in Logarithmic Time.
Algorithmica 17(1): 11-18 (1997) |
190 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic trees as search trees via Euler tours, applied to the network simplex algorithm.
Math. Program. 77: 169-177 (1997) |
1996 |
189 | | Susan E. Dorward,
Lesley R. Matheson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Toward Efficient Unstructured Multigrid Preprocessing (Extended Abstract).
IRREGULAR 1996: 105-118 |
188 | | Richard Cole,
Philip N. Klein,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding Minimum Spanning Forests in Logarithmic Time and Linear Work Using Random Sampling.
SPAA 1996: 243-250 |
187 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Purely Functional Representations of Catenable Sorted Lists.
STOC 1996: 202-211 |
186 | EE | Lesley R. Matheson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dominating Sets in Planar Graphs.
Eur. J. Comb. 17(6): 565-568 (1996) |
185 | | Lesley R. Matheson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Analysis of Multigrid Algorithms on Massively Parallel Computers: Architectural Implications.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 33(1): 33-43 (1996) |
1995 |
184 | EE | Bruce M. Maggs,
Lesley R. Matheson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Models of parallel computation: a survey and synthesis.
HICSS (2) 1995: 61- |
183 | EE | Bhaskar Ghosh,
Frank Thomson Leighton,
Bruce M. Maggs,
S. Muthukrishnan,
C. Greg Plaxton,
Rajmohan Rajaraman,
Andréa W. Richa,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
David Zuckerman:
Tight analyses of two local load balancing algorithms.
STOC 1995: 548-558 |
182 | EE | Haim Kaplan,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Persistent lists with catenation via recursive slow-down.
STOC 1995: 93-102 |
181 | | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Rajamani Sundar,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Lazy Structure Sharing for Query Optimization
Acta Inf. 32(3): 255-270 (1995) |
180 | EE | David R. Karger,
Philip N. Klein,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Randomized Linear-Time Algorithm to Find Minimum Spanning Trees.
J. ACM 42(2): 321-328 (1995) |
179 | | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Confluently Persistent Deques via Data-Structural Bootstrapping.
J. Algorithms 18(3): 513-547 (1995) |
178 | | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Rajamani Sundar,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Data-Structural Bootstrapping, Linear Path Compression, and Catenable Heap-Ordered Double-Ended Queues.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(6): 1190-1206 (1995) |
177 | | Xiaofeng Han,
Pierre Kelsen,
Vijaya Ramachandran,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Computing Minimal Spanning Subgraphs in Linear Time.
SIAM J. Comput. 24(6): 1332-1358 (1995) |
1994 |
176 | | Brandon Dixon,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Optimal Parallel Verification of Minimum Spanning Trees in Logarithmic Time.
Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 13-22 |
175 | | Haim Kaplan,
Ron Shamir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Tractability of parameterized completion problems on chordal and interval graphs: Minimum Fill-in and Physical Mapping
FOCS 1994: 780-791 |
174 | | Susan E. Dorward,
Lesley R. Matheson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Unstructured Multigrid Strategies on Massively Parallel Computers: A Case for Integrated Design.
HICSS (2) 1994: 169-178 |
173 | EE | Philip N. Klein,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A randomized linear-time algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees.
STOC 1994: 9-15 |
172 | EE | James R. Driscoll,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fully Persistent Lists with Catenation.
J. ACM 41(5): 943-959 (1994) |
171 | | V. King,
S. Rao,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Faster Deterministic Maximum Flow Algorithm.
J. Algorithms 17(3): 447-474 (1994) |
170 | | Rajamani Sundar,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Unique Binary-Search-Tree Representations and Equality Testing of Sets and Sequences.
SIAM J. Comput. 23(1): 24-44 (1994) |
169 | | Martin Dietzfelbinger,
Anna R. Karlin,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,
Hans Rohnert,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds.
SIAM J. Comput. 23(4): 738-761 (1994) |
168 | | Ravindra K. Ahuja,
James B. Orlin,
Clifford Stein,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Improved Algorithms for Bipartite Network Flow.
SIAM J. Comput. 23(5): 906-933 (1994) |
1993 |
167 | | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Confluently Persistent Deques via Data Structural Bootstrapping.
SODA 1993: 155-164 |
166 | | David Eppstein,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Roberto Tamassia,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Jeffery Westbrook,
Moti Yung:
Corrigendum: Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Plane Graph.
J. Algorithms 15(1): 173 (1993) |
165 | | Heather Booth,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding the Minimum-Cost Maximum Flow in a Series-Parallel Network.
J. Algorithms 15(3): 416-446 (1993) |
164 | | Jiazhen Cai,
Xiaofeng Han,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
An O(m log n)-Time Algorithm for the Maximal Planar Subgraph Problem.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(6): 1142-1162 (1993) |
1992 |
163 | | Adam L. Buchsbaum,
Rajamani Sundar,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Data Structural Bootstrapping, Linear Path Compression, and Catenable Heap Ordered Double Ended Queues
FOCS 1992: 40-49 |
162 | EE | Xiaofeng Han,
Pierre Kelsen,
Vijaya Ramachandran,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Computing Minimal Spanning Subgraphs in Linear Time.
SODA 1992: 146-156 |
161 | EE | V. King,
S. Rao,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Faster Deterministic Maximum Flow Algorithm.
SODA 1992: 157-164 |
160 | | Jeffery Westbrook,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Maintaining Bridge-Connected and Biconnected Components On-Line.
Algorithmica 7(5&6): 433-464 (1992) |
159 | | Bhubaneswar Mishra,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding an Ambitus.
Algorithmica 7(5&6): 521-554 (1992) |
158 | | David G. Kirkpatrick,
Maria M. Klawe,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Polygon Triangulation in O (n log log n) Time with Simple Data Structures.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 7: 329-346 (1992) |
157 | | Kenneth L. Clarkson,
Richard Cole,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Randomized parallel algorithms for trapezoidal diagrams.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(2): 117-133 (1992) |
156 | | Kenneth L. Clarkson,
Richard Cole,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Erratum: Randomized parallel algorithms for trapezoidal diagrams.
Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(3): 341-343 (1992) |
155 | | David Eppstein,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Roberto Tamassia,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Jeffery Westbrook,
Moti Yung:
Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Plane Graph.
J. Algorithms 13(1): 33-54 (1992) |
154 | | Ravindra K. Ahuja,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
James B. Orlin,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding minimum-cost flows by double scaling.
Math. Program. 53: 243-266 (1992) |
153 | | Brandon Dixon,
Monika Rauch,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Verification and Sensitivity Analysis of Minimum Spanning Trees in Linear Time.
SIAM J. Comput. 21(6): 1184-1192 (1992) |
152 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
William P. Thurston:
Short Encodings of Evolving Structures.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(3): 428-450 (1992) |
151 | | Jiazhen Cai,
Robert Paige,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
More Efficient Bottom-Up Multi-Pattern Matching in Trees.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 106(1): 21-60 (1992) |
1991 |
150 | | James R. Driscoll,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fully Persistent Lists with Catenation.
SODA 1991: 89-99 |
149 | EE | Kenneth L. Clarkson,
Richard Cole,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Randomized Parallel Algorithms for Trapezoidal Diagrams.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1991: 152-161 |
148 | EE | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster Scaling Algorithms for General Graph-Matching Problems.
J. ACM 38(4): 815-853 (1991) |
147 | | Phillip B. Gibbons,
Richard M. Karp,
Vijaya Ramachandran,
Danny Soroker,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Transitive Compaction in Parallel via Branchings.
J. Algorithms 12(1): 110-125 (1991) |
146 | | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Michael D. Grigoriadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Use of dynamic trees in a network simplex algorithm for the maximum flow problem.
Math. Program. 50: 277-290 (1991) |
1990 |
145 | | Jiazhen Cai,
Robert Paige,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
More Efficient Bottom-Up Tree Pattern Matching.
CAAP 1990: 72-86 |
144 | | David Eppstein,
Giuseppe F. Italiano,
Roberto Tamassia,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Jeffery Westbrook,
Moti Yung:
Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Planar Graph.
SODA 1990: 1-11 |
143 | | Rajamani Sundar,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Unique Binary Search Tree Representations and Equality-testing of Sets and Sequences
STOC 1990: 18-25 |
142 | EE | David G. Kirkpatrick,
Maria M. Klawe,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Polygon Triangulation in O(n log log n) Time with Simple Data-Structures.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 34-43 |
141 | | Khun Yee Fung,
Tina M. Nicholl,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
Simplified Linear-Time Jordan Sorting and Polygon Clipping.
Inf. Process. Lett. 35(2): 85-92 (1990) |
140 | EE | Ravindra K. Ahuja,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
James B. Orlin,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem
J. ACM 37(2): 213-223 (1990) |
1989 |
139 | | Kenneth L. Clarkson,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
A Fast Las Vegas Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 423-432 (1989) |
138 | | David Ginat,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Tight Amortized Bound for Path Reversal.
Inf. Process. Lett. 31(1): 3-5 (1989) |
137 | | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Blocking Flow in an Acyclic Network.
Inf. Process. Lett. 31(5): 265-271 (1989) |
136 | EE | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding minimum-cost circulations by canceling negative cycles.
J. ACM 36(4): 873-886 (1989) |
135 | | James R. Driscoll,
Neil Sarnak,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Making Data Structures Persistent.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 38(1): 86-124 (1989) |
134 | | Jeffery Westbrook,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Amortized Analysis of Algorithms for Set Union with Backtracking.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(1): 1-11 (1989) |
133 | | Giorgio Gallo,
Michael D. Grigoriadis,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Fast Parametric Maximum Flow Algorithm and Applications.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(1): 30-55 (1989) |
132 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Faster Scaling Algorithms for Network Problems.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(5): 1013-1036 (1989) |
131 | | Ravindra K. Ahuja,
James B. Orlin,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Improved Time Bounds for the Maximum Flow Problem.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(5): 939-954 (1989) |
1988 |
130 | | Martin Dietzfelbinger,
Anna R. Karlin,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,
Hans Rohnert,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds
FOCS 1988: 524-531 |
129 | | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding Minimum-Cost Circulations by Canceling Negative Cycles
STOC 1988: 388-397 |
128 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Almost-Optimum Speed-ups of Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and Related Problems
STOC 1988: 514-527 |
127 | EE | Kenneth L. Clarkson,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
A Fast Las Vegas Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1988: 18-22 |
126 | | James R. Driscoll,
Harold N. Gabow,
Ruth Shrairman,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Relaxed Heaps: An Alternative to Fibonacci Heaps with Applications to Parallel Computation.
Commun. ACM 31(11): 1343-1354 (1988) |
125 | EE | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding a Minimum Spanning Pseudoforest.
Inf. Process. Lett. 27(5): 259-263 (1988) |
124 | EE | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A new approach to the maximum-flow problem.
J. ACM 35(4): 921-940 (1988) |
123 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Algorithms for Two Bottleneck Optimization Problems.
J. Algorithms 9(3): 411-417 (1988) |
122 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
An O(n log log n)-Time Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon.
SIAM J. Comput. 17(1): 143-178 (1988) |
121 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
Erratum: An O(n log log n)-Time Algorithm for Triangulating a Simple Polygon.
SIAM J. Comput. 17(5): 1061 (1988) |
1987 |
120 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
Correction to ``A Linear-Time Algorithm for Triangulating Simple Polygons''
FOCS 1987: 486 |
119 | | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Solving Minimum-Cost Flow Problems by Successive Approximation
STOC 1987: 7-18 |
118 | | Leonidas J. Guibas,
John Hershberger,
Daniel Leven,
Micha Sharir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Linear-Time Algorithms for Visibility and Shortest Path Problems Inside Triangulated Simple Polygons.
Algorithmica 2: 209-233 (1987) |
117 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Algorithmic Design.
Commun. ACM 30(3): 204-212 (1987) |
116 | EE | Michael L. Fredman,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fibonacci heaps and their uses in improved network optimization algorithms.
J. ACM 34(3): 596-615 (1987) |
115 | | Robert Paige,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Three Partition Refinement Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 16(6): 973-989 (1987) |
1986 |
114 | | James R. Driscoll,
Neil Sarnak,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Making Data Structures Persistent
STOC 1986: 109-121 |
113 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
William P. Thurston:
Rotation Distance, Triangulations, and Hyperbolic Geometry
STOC 1986: 122-135 |
112 | | Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A New Approach to the Maximum Flow Problem
STOC 1986: 136-146 |
111 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Christopher J. Van Wyk:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Triangulating Simple Polygons
STOC 1986: 380-388 |
110 | EE | Leonidas J. Guibas,
John Hershberger,
Daniel Leven,
Micha Sharir,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Linear Time Algorithms for Visibility and Shortest Path Problems Inside Simple Polygons.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1986: 1-13 |
109 | | Michael L. Fredman,
Robert Sedgewick,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
The Pairing Heap: A New Form of Self-Adjusting Heap.
Algorithmica 1(1): 111-129 (1986) |
108 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Zvi Galil,
Thomas H. Spencer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees in undirected and directed graphs.
Combinatorica 6(2): 109-122 (1986) |
107 | | Jon Louis Bentley,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Victor K. Wei:
A Locally Adaptive Data Compression Scheme.
Commun. ACM 29(4): 320-330 (1986) |
106 | | Neil Sarnak,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Planar Point Location Using Persistent Search Trees.
Commun. ACM 29(7): 669-679 (1986) |
105 | | Pierre Rosenstiehl,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Rectilinear Planar Layouts and Bipolar Orientations of Planar Graphs.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 1: 343-353 (1986) |
104 | | H. Gajewska,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Deques with Heap Order.
Inf. Process. Lett. 22(4): 197-200 (1986) |
103 | | Kurt Hoffman,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
Pierre Rosenstiehl,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Sorting Jordan Sequences in Linear Time Using Level-Linked Search Trees
Information and Control 68(1-3): 170-184 (1986) |
102 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Self-Adjusting Heaps.
SIAM J. Comput. 15(1): 52-69 (1986) |
1985 |
101 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Sequential access in play trees takes linear time.
Combinatorica 5(4): 367-378 (1985) |
100 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Amortized Efficiency of List Update and Paging Rules.
Commun. ACM 28(2): 202-208 (1985) |
99 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Decomposition by clique separators.
Discrete Mathematics 55(2): 221-232 (1985) |
98 | EE | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees
J. ACM 32(3): 652-686 (1985) |
97 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for a Special Case of Disjoint Set Union.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 30(2): 209-221 (1985) |
96 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Addendum: Simple Linear-Time Algorithms to Test Chordality of Graphs, Test Acyclicity of Hypergraphs, and Selectively Reduce Acyclic Hypergraphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 14(1): 254-255 (1985) |
95 | | Samuel W. Bent,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Biased Search Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 14(3): 545-568 (1985) |
94 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Uzi Vishkin:
An Efficient Parallel Biconnectivity Algorithm.
SIAM J. Comput. 14(4): 862-874 (1985) |
93 | | Robert Paige,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Robert Bonic:
A Linear Time Solution to the Single Function Coarsest Partition Problem.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 40: 67-84 (1985) |
1984 |
92 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Uzi Vishkin:
Finding Biconnected Components and Computing Tree Functions in Logarithmic Parallel Time (Extended Summary)
FOCS 1984: 12-20 |
91 | | Michael L. Fredman,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fibonacci Heaps and Their Uses in Improved Network Optimization Algorithms
FOCS 1984: 338-346 |
90 | | Robert Paige,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear Time Algorithm to Solve the Single Function Coarsest Partition Problem.
ICALP 1984: 371-379 |
89 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Jon Louis Bentley,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Scaling and Related Techniques for Geometry Problems
STOC 1984: 135-143 |
88 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Amortized Efficiency of List Update Rules
STOC 1984: 488-492 |
87 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Jan van Leeuwen:
Worst-case Analysis of Set Union Algorithms.
J. ACM 31(2): 245-281 (1984) |
86 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Algorithms for a Family of Matroid Intersection Problems.
J. Algorithms 5(1): 80-131 (1984) |
85 | | Pierre Rosenstiehl,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Gauss Codes, Planar Hamiltonian Graphs, and Stack-Sortable Permutations.
J. Algorithms 5(3): 375-390 (1984) |
84 | | John R. Gilbert,
Joan P. Hutchinson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Separator Theorem for Graphs of Bounded Genus.
J. Algorithms 5(3): 391-407 (1984) |
83 | | Dov Harel,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fast Algorithms for Finding Nearest Common Ancestors.
SIAM J. Comput. 13(2): 338-355 (1984) |
82 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Simple Linear-Time Algorithms to Test Chordality of Graphs, Test Acyclicity of Hypergraphs, and Selectively Reduce Acyclic Hypergraphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 13(3): 566-579 (1984) |
1983 |
81 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Self-Adjusting Binary Trees
STOC 1983: 235-245 |
80 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for a Special Case of Disjoint Set Union
STOC 1983: 246-251 |
79 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Updating a Balanced Search Tree in O(1) Rotations.
Inf. Process. Lett. 16(5): 253-257 (1983) |
78 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
An Improved Algorithm for Hierarchical Clustering Using Strong Components.
Inf. Process. Lett. 17(1): 37-41 (1983) |
77 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Data Structure for Dynamic Trees.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 26(3): 362-391 (1983) |
1982 |
76 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Using Strong Components.
Inf. Process. Lett. 14(1): 26-29 (1982) |
75 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Sensitivity Analysis of Minimum Spanning Trees and Shortest Path Trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 14(1): 30-33 (1982) |
74 | EE | Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Asymptotically tight bounds on time-space trade-offs in a pebble game.
J. ACM 29(4): 1087-1130 (1982) |
73 | | John H. Reif,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Symbolic Program Analysis in Almost-Linear Time.
SIAM J. Comput. 11(1): 81-93 (1982) |
72 | | Jacobo Valdes,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Eugene L. Lawler:
The Recognition of Series Parallel Digraphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 11(2): 298-313 (1982) |
1981 |
71 | | Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Data Structure for Dynamic Trees
STOC 1981: 114-122 |
70 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Unified Approach to Path Problems.
J. ACM 28(3): 577-593 (1981) |
69 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fast Algorithms for Solving Path Problems.
J. ACM 28(3): 594-614 (1981) |
68 | | M. R. Garey,
David S. Johnson,
Barbara B. Simons,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Scheduling Unit-Time Tasks with Arbitrary Release Times and Deadlines.
SIAM J. Comput. 10(2): 256-269 (1981) |
67 | | Edward M. Reingold,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
On a Greedy Heuristic for Complete Matching.
SIAM J. Comput. 10(4): 676-681 (1981) |
1980 |
66 | | Samuel W. Bent,
Daniel Dominic Sleator,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Biased 2-3 Trees
FOCS 1980: 248-254 |
65 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Prime Subprogram Parsing of a Program.
POPL 1980: 95-105 |
64 | | Richard M. Karp,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract)
STOC 1980: 368-377 |
63 | | Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
The Space Complexity of Pebble Games on Trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 10(4/5): 184-188 (1980) |
62 | EE | Peter J. Downey,
Ravi Sethi,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Variations on the Common Subexpression Problem.
J. ACM 27(4): 758-771 (1980) |
61 | | Richard M. Karp,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Linear Expected-Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems.
J. Algorithms 1(4): 374-393 (1980) |
60 | | John R. Gilbert,
Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
The Pebbling Problem is Complete in Polynomial Space.
SIAM J. Comput. 9(3): 513-524 (1980) |
59 | | Mark R. Brown,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Design and Analysis of a Data Structure for Representing Sorted Lists.
SIAM J. Comput. 9(3): 594-614 (1980) |
58 | | Richard J. Lipton,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Applications of a Planar Separator Theorem.
SIAM J. Comput. 9(3): 615-627 (1980) |
57 | | Edward G. Coffman Jr.,
M. R. Garey,
David S. Johnson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Performance Bounds for Level-Oriented Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 9(4): 808-826 (1980) |
1979 |
56 | | Harold N. Gabow,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Algorithms for Simple Matroid Intersection Problems
FOCS 1979: 196-204 |
55 | | Jacobo Valdes,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Eugene L. Lawler:
The recognition of Series Parallel digraphs
STOC 1979: 1-12 |
54 | | John R. Gilbert,
Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
The Pebbling Problem is Complete in Polynomial Space
STOC 1979: 237-248 |
53 | | Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Upper and Lower Bounds on Time-Space Tradeoffs
STOC 1979: 262-277 |
52 | EE | Thomas Lengauer,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 1(1): 121-141 (1979) |
51 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao:
Storing a Sparse Table.
Commun. ACM 22(11): 606-611 (1979) |
50 | | Bengt Aspvall,
Michael F. Plass,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Testing the Truth of Certain Quantified Boolean Formulas.
Inf. Process. Lett. 8(3): 121-123 (1979) |
49 | EE | Mark R. Brown,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Fast Merging Algorithm.
J. ACM 26(2): 211-226 (1979) |
48 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Applications of Path Compression on Balanced Trees.
J. ACM 26(4): 690-715 (1979) |
47 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Class of Algorithms which Require Nonlinear Time to Maintain Disjoint Sets.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 18(2): 110-127 (1979) |
1978 |
46 | | Mark R. Brown,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Representation for Linear Lists with Movable Fingers
STOC 1978: 19-29 |
45 | | Wolfgang J. Paul,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Time-Space Trade-Offs in a Pebble Game.
Acta Inf. 10: 111-115 (1978) |
44 | | M. R. Garey,
David S. Johnson,
Franco P. Preparata,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Triangulating a Simple Polygon.
Inf. Process. Lett. 7(4): 175-179 (1978) |
43 | | M. R. Garey,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding All Feedback Vertices.
Inf. Process. Lett. 7(6): 274-276 (1978) |
1977 |
42 | | Richard J. Lipton,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Application of a Planar Separator Theorem
FOCS 1977: 162-170 |
41 | | Wolfgang J. Paul,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Time-Space Trade-Offs in a Pebble Game.
ICALP 1977: 365-369 |
40 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Reference Machines Require Non-linear Time to Maintain Disjoint Sets
STOC 1977: 18-29 |
39 | | Wolfgang J. Paul,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
James R. Celoni:
Space Bounds for a Game on Graphs.
Mathematical Systems Theory 10: 239-251 (1977) |
38 | | Wolfgang J. Paul,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
James R. Celoni:
Correction: Space Bounds for a Game on Graphs.
Mathematical Systems Theory 11: 85 (1977) |
37 | | Robert Endre Tarjan,
Anthony E. Trojanowski:
Finding a Maximum Independent Set.
SIAM J. Comput. 6(3): 537-546 (1977) |
36 | | Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Corrigendum: Computing an st-Numbering. TCS 2(1976):339-344.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 4(1): 123 (1977) |
1976 |
35 | | Wolfgang J. Paul,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
James R. Celoni:
Space Bounds for a Game of Graphs
STOC 1976: 149-160 |
34 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees and Depth-First Search.
Acta Inf. 6: 171-185 (1976) |
33 | EE | Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Combinatorial Problem Which Is Complete in Polynomial Space.
J. ACM 23(4): 710-719 (1976) |
32 | EE | Gideon Ehrlich,
Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Intersection graphs of curves in the plane.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 21(1): 8-20 (1976) |
31 | | S. E. Goodman,
Stephen T. Hedetniemi,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
b-Matchings in Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(1): 104-108 (1976) |
30 | | Donald J. Rose,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
George S. Lueker:
Algorithmic Aspects of Vertex Elimination on Graphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(2): 266-283 (1976) |
29 | | Kapali P. Eswaran,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Augmentation Problems.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(4): 653-665 (1976) |
28 | | M. R. Garey,
David S. Johnson,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
The Planar Hamiltonian Circuit Problem is NP-Complete.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(4): 704-714 (1976) |
27 | | David R. Cheriton,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding Minimum Spanning Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(4): 724-742 (1976) |
26 | | Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Computing an st -Numbering.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2(3): 339-344 (1976) |
1975 |
25 | | Donald J. Rose,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Algorithmic Aspects of Vertex Elimination
STOC 1975: 245-254 |
24 | | Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
a Combinatorial Problem which is Complete in Polynomial Space
STOC 1975: 66-71 |
23 | | Jayadev Misra,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Optimal Chain Partitions of Trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 4(1): 24-26 (1975) |
22 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficiency of a Good But Not Linear Set Union Algorithm.
J. ACM 22(2): 215-225 (1975) |
21 | | Shimon Even,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Network Flow and Testing Graph Connectivity.
SIAM J. Comput. 4(4): 507-518 (1975) |
1974 |
20 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Testing Graph Connectivity
STOC 1974: 185-193 |
19 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Note on Finding the Bridges of a Graph.
Inf. Process. Lett. 2(6): 160-161 (1974) |
18 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A New Algorithm for Finding Weak Components.
Inf. Process. Lett. 3(1): 13-15 (1974) |
17 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Good Algorithm for Edge-Disjoint Branching.
Inf. Process. Lett. 3(2): 51-53 (1974) |
16 | EE | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Planarity Testing.
J. ACM 21(4): 549-568 (1974) |
15 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Testing Flow Graph Reducibility.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 9(3): 355-365 (1974) |
14 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Finding Dominators in Directed Graphs.
SIAM J. Comput. 3(1): 62-89 (1974) |
1973 |
13 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Testing Flow Graph Reducibility
STOC 1973: 96-107 |
12 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Algorithms for Graph Manipulation [H] (Algorithm 447).
Commun. ACM 16(6): 372-378 (1973) |
11 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A V log V Algorithm for Isomorphism of Triconnected Planar Graphs.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(3): 323-331 (1973) |
10 | | Manuel Blum,
Robert W. Floyd,
Vaughan R. Pratt,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Time Bounds for Selection.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 7(4): 448-461 (1973) |
9 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dividing a Graph into Triconnected Components.
SIAM J. Comput. 2(3): 135-158 (1973) |
8 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Enumeration of the Elementary Circuits of a Directed Graph.
SIAM J. Comput. 2(3): 211-216 (1973) |
1972 |
7 | | Manuel Blum,
Robert W. Floyd,
Vaughan R. Pratt,
Ronald L. Rivest,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Linear Time Bounds for Median Computations
STOC 1972: 119-124 |
6 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Determining Whether a Groupoid is a Group.
Inf. Process. Lett. 1(3): 120-124 (1972) |
5 | EE | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Sorting Using Networks of Queues and Stacks.
J. ACM 19(2): 341-346 (1972) |
4 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Depth-First Search and Linear Graph Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 1(2): 146-160 (1972) |
1971 |
3 | | Robert Endre Tarjan:
Depth-First Search and Linear Graph Algorithms (Working Paper)
FOCS 1971: 114-121 |
2 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
Planarity Testing in V log V Steps: Extended Abstract.
IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 85-90 |
1 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Robert Endre Tarjan:
A V² Algorithm for Determining Isomorphism of Planar Graphs.
Inf. Process. Lett. 1(1): 32-34 (1971) |