
Lester W. Mackey

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3EEFrances Perry, Lester W. Mackey, George A. Reis, Jay Ligatti, David I. August, David Walker: Fault-tolerant typed assembly language. PLDI 2007: 42-53
2EEJordan L. Boyd-Graber, Sonya S. Nikolova, Karyn Moffatt, Kenrick C. Kin, Joshua Y. Lee, Lester W. Mackey, Marilyn Tremaine, Maria M. Klawe: Participatory design with proxies: developing a desktop-PDA system to support people with aphasia. CHI 2006: 151-160
1EEDavid Walker, Lester W. Mackey, Jay Ligatti, George A. Reis, David I. August: Static typing for a faulty lambda calculus. ICFP 2006: 38-49

Coauthor Index

1David I. August [1] [3]
2Jordan L. Boyd-Graber [2]
3Kenrick C. Kin [2]
4Maria M. Klawe [2]
5Joshua Y. Lee [2]
6Jay Ligatti (Jarred Ligatti) [1] [3]
7Karyn Moffatt [2]
8Sonya S. Nikolova [2]
9Frances Perry [3]
10George A. Reis [1] [3]
11Marilyn Tremaine (Marilyn M. Mantei) [2]
12David Walker [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)