
Graham Schelle

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8EEGraham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald: Exploring FPGA network on chip implementations across various application and network loads. FPL 2008: 41-46
7EEGraham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald: Abstracting Modern FCCMs To Provide a Single Interface to Architectural Resources. FCCM 2007: 305-308
6EEGraham Schelle, Jeff Fifield, Dirk Grunwald: A Software Defined Radio Application Utilizing Modern FPGAs and NoC Interconnects. FPL 2007: 177-182
5EEDavid A. Penry, Daniel Fay, David Hodgdon, Ryan Wells, Graham Schelle, David I. August, Dan Connors: Exploiting parallelism and structure to accelerate the simulation of chip multi-processors. HPCA 2006: 29-40
4EEGraham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald: CUSP: a modular framework for high speed network applications on FPGAs. FPGA 2005: 246-257
3EEChidamber Kulkarni, Gordon J. Brebner, Graham Schelle: Mapping a domain specific language to a platform FPGA. DAC 2004: 924-927
2EEGraham Schelle, Dirk Grunwald: Automated Speculation and Parallelism in High Performance Network Applications. FPL 2004: 1175
1 Marco Gruteser, Graham Schelle, Ashish Jain, Richard Han, Dirk Grunwald: Privacy-Aware Location Sensor Networks. HotOS 2003: 163-168

Coauthor Index

1David I. August [5]
2Gordon J. Brebner [3]
3Daniel A. Connors (Dan Connors) [5]
4Daniel Fay [5]
5Jeff Fifield [6]
6Dirk Grunwald [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [8]
7Marco Gruteser [1]
8Richard Han [1]
9David Hodgdon [5]
10Ashish Jain [1]
11Chidamber Kulkarni [3]
12David A. Penry [5]
13Ryan Wells [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)