
Minjie Zhang

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34EEDayong Ye, Quan Bai, Minjie Zhang, Zhen Ye: P2P Distributed Intrusion Detections by Using Mobile Agents. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 259-265
33EEFenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang: Optimal Multi-issue Negotiation in Open and Dynamic Environments. PRICAI 2008: 321-332
32EEMinjie Zhang, Jia Tang, John Fulcher: Agent-Based Grid Computing. Computational Intelligence: A Compendium 2008: 439-483
31EEKwang Mong Sim, Minjie Zhang, Takayuki Ito: Special issue on negotiation and scheduling mechanisms for multiagent systems. Multiagent and Grid Systems 4(1): 1-3 (2008)
30EEQuan Bai, Minjie Zhang: A flexible and reasonable mechanism for self-interested agent team forming. Multiagent and Grid Systems 4(1): 85-101 (2008)
29EEFenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang: Partners Selection in Multi-Agent Systems by Using Linear and Non-linear Approaches. Transactions on Computational Science 1: 37-60 (2008)
28EEFenghui Ren, Kwang Mong Sim, Minjie Zhang: Market-driven agents with uncertain and dynamic outside options. AAMAS 2007: 106
27EEFenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Quan Bai: A Fuzzy-Based Approach for Partner Selection in Multi-Agent Systems. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 457-462
26EEFenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang: Predicting Partners' Behaviors in Negotiation by Using Regression Analysis. KSEM 2007: 165-176
25EEFenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang: Prediction of Partners' Behaviors in Agent Negotiation under Open and Dynamic Environments. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 379-382
24EEJia Tang, Minjie Zhang: An agent-based peer-to-peer grid computing architecture: convergence of grid and peer-to-peer computing. ACSW Frontiers 2006: 33-39
23EEHui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Two-stage statistical language models for text database selection. Inf. Retr. 9(1): 5-31 (2006)
22EEQuan Bai, Minjie Zhang: Dynamic Team Forming in Self-interested Multi-agent Systems. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 674-683
21EEHui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Ontology-Based Resource Descriptions for Distributed Information Sources. ICITA (1) 2005: 143-148
20EEJia Tang, Minjie Zhang: An Agent-Based Grid Computing Infrastructure. ISPA 2005: 630-644
19EEJia Tang, Minjie Zhang: An Agent-based Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing Architecture. SKG 2005: 57
18EEWei Li, W. K. Daniel Pun, Minjie Zhang: Identifying and Breaking Necessary Constraints to Web-Based Metacomputing. COMPSAC 2004: 474-479
17EEHui Yang, Minjie Zhang, Zhongzhi Shi: Association-Rule Based Information Source Selection. PRICAI 2004: 563-574
16 Hui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Hierarchical Classification for Multiple, Distributed Web Databases. I. J. Comput. Appl. 11(2): 119-131 (2004)
15EEXiaohua Yang, Minjie Zhang: Rational constraints for fusion methods in metasearch engine systems. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(1-2): 177-190 (2004)
14EEHui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Intelligent Search for Distributed Information Sources Using Heterogeneous Neural Networks. APWeb 2003: 513-524
13EEHui Yang, Minjie Zhang: A Language Modeling Approach to Search Distributed Text Databases. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003: 196-207
12 Hui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Hierarchical Classification for Multiple, Distributed Web Databases. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 155-159
11 Quan Bai, Wei Li, Minjie Zhang: A Computational Strategy for Information Integration in Meta-Search Agent Systems. IKE 2003: 44-49
10 Hui Yang, Minjie Zhang: Query Expansion with Naive Bayes for Searching Distributed Collections. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 17-23
9EEMinjie Zhang, Wei Li: Identifying potential synthesis cases in distributed expert systems: a fuzzy logic approach. Knowl.-Based Syst. 14(7): 359-365 (2001)
8 Wei Li, Minjie Zhang: Distributed Task Plan: A Model for Designing Autonomous Mobile Agents. IC-AI 1999: 336-342
7EEMinjie Zhang, Wei Li: Persisting Autonomous Workflow for Mobile Agents Using a Mobile Thread Programming Model. PRIMA 1999: 84-95
6EEMinjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Potential Cases, Methodologies, and Strategies of Synthesis of Solutions in Distributed Expert Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(3): 498-503 (1999)
5 Minjie Zhang: Three Possible Approaches for Solution Synthesis in Distributed Expert Systems. ICMAS 1998: 483-484
4EEMinjie Zhang: A Case-Based Strategy for Solution Synthesis among Cooperative Expert Systems. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications 1997: 231-240
3 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Methodologies of Solution Synthesis in Distributed Expert Systems. DAI 1996: 137-151
2 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Neural Network Strategies for Solving Synthesis Problems in Non-conflilct Cases in Distributed Expert Systems. DAI 1995: 174-188
1 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: The Consensus of Uncertainties in Distributed Expert Systems. ICMAS 1995: 468

Coauthor Index

1Quan Bai [11] [22] [27] [30] [34]
2John Fulcher [32]
3Takayuki Ito [31]
4Wei Li [7] [8] [9] [11] [18]
5W. K. Daniel Pun [18]
6Fenghui Ren [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [33]
7Zhongzhi Shi [17]
8Kwang Mong Sim [28] [31]
9Jia Tang [19] [20] [24] [32]
10Hui Yang [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [21] [23]
11Xiaohua Yang [15]
12Dayong Ye [34]
13Zhen Ye [34]
14Chengqi Zhang [1] [2] [3] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)