
Graça Gaspar

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16EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Towards background emotion modeling for embodied virtual agents. AAMAS (1) 2008: 175-182
15EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Modeling the Dynamic Nonlinear Nature of Emotional Phenomena. ACII 2007: 725-726
14EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: A Signal Based Approach to Artificial Agent Modeling. ECAL 2007: 1050-1059
13EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Abstraction Level Regulation of Cognitive Processing Through Emotion-Based Attention Mechanisms. WAPCV 2007: 59-74
12EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Emotion based adaptive reasoning for resource bounded agents. AAMAS 2005: 921-928
11EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Adaptation and Decision-Making Driven by Emotional Memories. EPIA 2005: 102-114
10 Luís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Focusing Reasoning Through Emotional Mechanisms. ECAI 2004: 134-140
9 Luís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Unifying Emotion and Cognition: The Flow Model Approach. FLAIRS Conference 2004
8EELuís Morgado, Graça Gaspar: Emotion in Intelligent Virtual Agents: The Flow Model of Emotion. IVA 2003: 31-38
7EEPedro Rafael Graça, Graça Gaspar: Using Cognition and Learning to Improve Agents' Reactions. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems 2002: 239-259
6 Graça Gaspar, Helder Coelho: Where Do Intensions Come from?: A Framework for Goals and Intensions Adoption, Derivation and Evolution. EPIA 1995: 115-127
5 Graça Gaspar, Helder Coelho: Deriving Goals and Intentions. ICMAS 1995: 447
4 Helder Coelho, Graça Gaspar, Isabel Ramos: Experiments on Achieving Communication in Communities of Autonomous Agents. Decision Support Systems: Experiences and Expectations 1992: 291-308
3 Cristina Sernadas, Helder Coelho, Graça Gaspar: Communication knowledge systems: Part I - Big talk among small systems. Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(3): 233-260 (1987)
2 Cristina Sernadas, Helder Coelho, Graça Gaspar: Communication knowledge systems. Part II - big talk among small systems. Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(4): 315-335 (1987)
1 Amílcar Sernadas, Graça Gaspar, José Granado: BIPS: A Layered Predicative Query Language for a DBTG Database System. JCDKB 1982: 73-93

Coauthor Index

1Helder Coelho [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Pedro Rafael Graça [7]
3José Granado [1]
4Luís Morgado [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
5Isabel Ramos [4]
6Amílcar Sernadas [1]
7Cristina Sernadas [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)