
Michio Okada

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7EENoriko Suzuki, Kazuhiko Kakehi, Yugo Takeuchi, Michio Okada: Social effects of the speed of hummed sounds on human-computer interaction. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 60(4): 455-468 (2004)
6EENoriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Effects of echoic mimicry using hummed sounds on human-computer interaction. Speech Communication 40(4): 559-573 (2003)
5EEIsato Kataoka, Katsunori Shimohara, Atsuhito Sekiguchi, Michio Okada, Osamu Katai: Audio-visually aided interactive sandbox: Extensions of a traditional playground. ICME 2001
4 Noriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Michio Okada: Psychological Effects Derived from Mimicry Voice Using Inarticulate Sounds. PRICAI 2000: 647-656
3EENoriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Talking Eye: Autonomous creatures for augmented chatting. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31(3): 171-184 (2000)
2EENoriko Suzuki, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Talking Eye: Autonomous Creature as Accomplice for Human. APCHI 1998: 409-414
1 Satoshi Kurihara, Michio Okada: Self-Organization Based on Coordinated Actions of Autonomous Agents. ICMAS 1995: 454

Coauthor Index

1Kazuo Ishii [2] [3] [6]
2Kazuhiko Kakehi [7]
3Osamu Katai [5]
4Isato Kataoka [5]
5Satoshi Kurihara [1]
6Atsuhito Sekiguchi [5]
7Katsunori Shimohara [5]
8Noriko Suzuki [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
9Yugo Takeuchi [3] [4] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)