2008 |
40 | EE | Darlam Fabio Bender,
Benoît Combemale,
Xavier Crégut,
Jean-Marie Farines,
Bernard Berthomieu,
François Vernadat:
Ladder Metamodeling and PLC Program Validation through Time Petri Nets.
ECMDA-FA 2008: 121-136 |
39 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
Florent Peres,
François Vernadat:
Abstract State Spaces for Time Petri Nets Analysis.
ISORC 2008: 298-304 |
38 | EE | Abdelhakim Artiba,
François Vernadat:
Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(4): 351-352 (2008) |
2007 |
37 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
Florent Peres,
François Vernadat:
Model Checking Bounded Prioritized Time Petri Nets.
ATVA 2007: 523-532 |
36 | | Benoît Combemale,
Pierre-Loïc Garoche,
Xavier Crégut,
Xavier Thirioux,
François Vernadat:
Towards a Formal Verification of Process Model's Properties SIMPLEPDL and TOCL Case Study.
ICEIS (3) 2007: 80-89 |
35 | EE | Benoît Combemale,
Xavier Crégut,
Pierre-Loïc Garoche,
Xavier Thirioux,
François Vernadat:
A Property-Driven Approach to Formal Verification of Process Models.
ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 286-300 |
34 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
Didier Lime,
Olivier H. Roux,
François Vernadat:
Reachability Problems and Abstract State Spaces for Time Petri Nets with Stopwatches.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17(2): 133-158 (2007) |
2006 |
33 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
Florent Peres,
François Vernadat:
Bridging the Gap Between Timed Automata and Bounded Time Petri Nets.
FORMATS 2006: 82-97 |
32 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
François Vernadat:
Time Petri Nets Analysis with TINA.
QEST 2006: 123-124 |
31 | EE | Mounira Harzallah,
Giuseppe Berio,
François Vernadat:
Analysis and Modeling of Individual Competencies: Toward Better Management of Human Resources.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(1): 187-207 (2006) |
30 | EE | Latifa Ouzizi,
Didier Anciaux,
Marie-Claude Portmann,
François Vernadat:
A model for cooperative planning within a virtual enterprise.
Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19(3): 197-209 (2006) |
2004 |
29 | | François Vernadat:
Enterprise Modelling: Objectives, Constructs and Ontologies.
CAiSE Workshops (3) 2004: 99 |
28 | | Georges Pongas,
François Vernadat:
Developing a Corporate Information System Architecture: The Case of Eurostat.
ICEIS (1) 2004: 21-29 |
27 | EE | David Chen,
François Vernadat:
Standards on enterprise integration and engineering - state of the art.
Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 17(3): 235-253 (2004) |
2003 |
26 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
François Vernadat:
State Class Constructions for Branching Analysis of Time Petri Nets.
TACAS 2003: 442-457 |
25 | EE | Bernard Berthomieu,
Pierre-Olivier Ribet,
François Vernadat,
J. L. Bernartt,
Jean-Marie Farines,
Jean-Paul Bodeveix,
Mamoun Filali,
Gérard Padiou,
Pierre Michel,
Patrick Farail,
Pierre Gauffilet,
Pierre Dissaux,
Jean-Luc Lambert:
Towards the verification of real-time systems in avionics: the Cotre approach.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 80: (2003) |
2002 |
24 | EE | Pierre-Olivier Ribet,
François Vernadat,
Bernard Berthomieu:
On Combining the Persistent Sets Method with the Covering Steps Graph Method.
FORTE 2002: 344-359 |
23 | | François Vernadat:
Enterprise Modelling and Integration.
ICEIMT 2002: 25-33 |
22 | | David Chen,
François Vernadat:
Enterprise Interoperability: A Standardisation View.
ICEIMT 2002: 273-282 |
2001 |
21 | EE | François Vernadat,
Pierre Azéma:
High Level Transition Systems for Communicating Agents.
Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets 2001: 473-492 |
2000 |
20 | | Kurt Kosanke,
François Vernadat,
Martin Zelm:
Enterprise engineering and integration in the global environment.
Advanced Network Enterprises 2000: 61-70 |
1999 |
19 | | P. Gradit,
François Vernadat,
Pierre Azéma:
Layered -net Specification of a Workshop.
PDPTA 1999: 2808-2814 |
18 | | Giuseppe Berio,
Antonio Di Leva,
Piercarlo Giolito,
François Vernadat:
Process and data nets: the conceptual model of the M*-OBJECT methodology.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 29(1): 104-114 (1999) |
1997 |
17 | | François Vernadat,
François Michel:
Covering Step Graph Preserving Failure Semantics.
ICATPN 1997: 253-270 |
1996 |
16 | | François Vernadat,
Pierre Azéma,
François Michel:
Covering Step Graph.
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996: 516-535 |
15 | | François Michel,
Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat:
Permutable Agents in Process Algebras.
TACAS 1996: 187-206 |
1995 |
14 | | Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat,
Jean Luc Albacete:
A Communication Protocol for Conflict Resolution.
ICMAS 1995: 437 |
13 | | Michel Diaz,
Thierry Villemur,
François Vernadat:
Formal design of cooperative systems.
PSTV 1995: 349-365 |
1994 |
12 | | Gia Toan Nguyen,
François Vernadat:
Cooperative Information Systems in Integrated Manufacturing Environments.
CoopIS 1994: 158-165 |
11 | | François Vernadat,
Pierre Azéma,
Khalil Drira:
Distributed Coin Tossing.
ICDCS 1994: 244-249 |
10 | | François Vernadat:
Manufacturing Systems Modelling, Specification and Analysis.
Production Management Methods 1994: 75-83 |
1993 |
9 | | François Vernadat:
CIMOSA: Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise Integration Using a Process-based Approach.
DIISM 1993: 65-84 |
8 | | Khalil Drira,
Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat:
Refusal Graphs for Conformance Tester Generation and Simplification: A Computational Framework.
PSTV 1993: 257-272 |
1992 |
7 | | Kurt Kosanke,
François Vernadat:
CIM-OSA: A Reference Architecture for CIM.
PROLAMAT 1992: 41-48 |
6 | | T. Hamann,
J. M. Proth,
A. Soilha,
François Vernadat,
X. Xie:
COALA: A Manufacturing Plant Layout Approach.
PROLAMAT 1992: 789-796 |
1990 |
5 | | Jean Christophe Lloret,
Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat:
Compositional Design and Verification of Communication Protocols, Using Labelled Petri Nets.
CAV 1990: 96-105 |
4 | | Pierre Azéma,
Khalil Drira,
François Vernadat:
A Bus Instrumentation Protocol Specified in LOTOS.
FORTE 1990: 263-269 |
1989 |
3 | | Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat,
Jean Christophe Lloret:
Requirement Analysis for Communication Protocols.
Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 286-293 |
2 | | Pierre Azéma,
François Vernadat,
Jean Christophe Lloret:
Spécification Logique de Protocoles de Communication à l'aide de Réseaux Prédicat/Transition Etiquetés.
SPLT 1989: 187-212 |
1984 |
1 | EE | François Vernadat:
A Selected Bibliography with Keywords on Engineering Databases.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 7(2): 3-11 (1984) |