
Chengqi Zhang

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181EEYanchang Zhao, Huaifeng Zhang, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Hans Bohlscheid: Mining Both Positive and Negative Impact-Oriented Sequential Rules from Transactional Data. PAKDD 2009: 656-663
180 Qingfeng Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis: Models and Applications Springer 2008
179EEYanchang Zhao, Huaifeng Zhang, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Hans Bohlscheid: Combined Pattern Mining: From Learned Rules to Actionable Knowledge. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 393-403
178EEXingquan Zhu, Peng Zhang, Xindong Wu, Dan He, Chengqi Zhang, Yong Shi: Cleansing Noisy Data Streams. ICDM 2008: 1139-1144
177EEBo Liu, Longbing Cao, Philip S. Yu, Chengqi Zhang: Multi-Space-Mapped SVMs for Multi-class Classification. ICDM 2008: 911-916
176EEHuaifeng Zhang, Yanchang Zhao, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: Combined Association Rule Mining. PAKDD 2008: 1069-1074
175EEYuming Ou, Longbing Cao, Chao Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Domain-Driven Local Exceptional Pattern Mining for Detecting Stock Price Manipulation. PRICAI 2008: 849-858
174EEYanchang Zhao, Huaifeng Zhang, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Hans Bohlscheid: Efficient Mining of Event-Oriented Negative Sequential Rules. Web Intelligence 2008: 336-342
173EEPeerapol Moemeng, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: F-TRADE 3.0: An Agent-Based Integrated Framework for Data Mining Experiments. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 612-615
172EEChao Luo, Yanchang Zhao, Longbing Cao, Yuming Ou, Chengqi Zhang: Exception Mining on Multiple Time Series in Stock Market. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 690-693
171EEChengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang: Intelligent Agent. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
170EELongbing Cao, Yanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang: Mining Impact-Targeted Activity Patterns in Imbalanced Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(8): 1053-1066 (2008)
169EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, MengChu Zhou: Engineering Open Complex Agent Systems: A Case Study. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(4): 483-496 (2008)
168EELongbing Cao, Yanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Huaifeng Zhang: Activity Mining: from Activities to Actions. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 7(2): 259-273 (2008)
167EEShichao Zhang, Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang, Jingli Lu: Computing the minimum-support for mining frequent patterns. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 15(2): 233-257 (2008)
166EEShichao Zhang, Jilian Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Yongsong Qin, Chengqi Zhang: Missing Value Imputation Based on Data Clustering. Transactions on Computational Science 1: 128-138 (2008)
165 Vladimir Gorodetsky, Chengqi Zhang, Victor A. Skormin, Longbing Cao: Autonomous Intelligent Systems: Multi-Agents and Data Mining, Second International Workshop, AIS-ADM 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 3-5, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
164 Jilian Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang: Measuring the Uncertainty of Differences for Contrasting Groups. AAAI 2007: 1920-1921
163 Xiaofeng Zhu, Shichao Zhang, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Cost-Sensitive Imputing Missing Values with Ordering. AAAI 2007: 1922-1923
162EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: F-trade: an agent-mining symbiont for financial services. AAMAS 2007: 262
161EELongbing Cao, Chao Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Agent-Mining Interaction: An Emerging Area. AIS-ADM 2007: 60-73
160EEHuaifeng Zhang, Yanchang Zhao, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: Class Association Rule Mining with Multiple Imbalanced Attributes. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 827-831
159EELongbing Cao, Chao Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Developing Actionable Trading Strategies for Trading Agents. IAT 2007: 72-75
158EEShichao Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Cost-Time Sensitive Decision Tree with Missing Values. KSEM 2007: 447-459
157EEChengqi Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Yongsong Qin, Shichao Zhang: GBKII: An Imputation Method for Missing Values. PAKDD 2007: 1080-1087
156EEZhangyan Xu, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Wei Song, Bingru Yang: Efficient Attribute Reduction Based on Discernibility Matrix. RSKT 2007: 13-21
155EEYuming Ou, Longbing Cao, Ting Yu, Chengqi Zhang: Detecting Turning Points of Trading Price and Return Volatility for Market Surveillance Agents. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 491-494
154EEYongsong Qin, Shichao Zhang, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Semi-parametric optimization for missing data imputation. Appl. Intell. 27(1): 79-88 (2007)
153EEXiaowei Yan, Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: On Data Structures for Association Rule Discovery. Applied Artificial Intelligence 21(2): 57-79 (2007)
152EEQingfeng Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Chengqi Zhang: Detecting inconsistency in biological molecular databases using ontologies. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 15(2): 275-296 (2007)
151EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Qiang Yang, David Bell, Michail Vlachos, Bahar Taneri, Eamonn J. Keogh, Philip S. Yu, Ning Zhong, Mafruz Zaman Ashrafi, David Taniar, Eugene Dubossarsky, Warwick Graco: Domain-Driven, Actionable Knowledge Discovery. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4): 78-88 (2007)
150EELongbing Cao, Dan Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Knowledge actionability: satisfying technical and business interestingness. IJBIDM 2(4): 496-514 (2007)
149EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: The Evolution of KDD: towards Domain-Driven Data Mining. IJPRAI 21(4): 677-692 (2007)
148EEShichao Zhang, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: EDUA: An efficient algorithm for dynamic database mining. Inf. Sci. 177(13): 2756-2767 (2007)
147EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Yanchang Zhao, Philip S. Yu, Graham Williams: DDDM2007: Domain Driven Data Mining. SIGKDD Explorations 9(2): 84-86 (2007)
146EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Building agent-based hybrid intelligent systems: A case study. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 5(3): 255-271 (2007)
145 Shichao Zhang, Yongsong Qin, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Kernel-Based Multi-Imputation for Missing Data. AMT 2006: 106-111
144 Yanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Efficient Frequent Itemsets Mining by Sampling. AMT 2006: 112-117
143 Zhenxing Qin, Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Missing or absent? A Question in Cost-sensitive Decision Tree. AMT 2006: 118-125
142 Chengqi Zhang, Longbing Cao: Domain-Driven Data Mining: Methodologies and Applications. AMT 2006: 13-16
141 Jiarui Ni, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: Agent Services-Oriented Architectural Design of a Framework for Artificial Stock Markets. AMT 2006: 396-399
140EEQingfeng Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Detecting Collusion Attacks in Security Protocols. APWeb 2006: 297-306
139EEYanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Lianwei Zhao: Adapting K-Means Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Subspaces. APWeb 2006: 53-62
138EEYanchang Zhao, Longbing Cao, Yvonne Morrow, Yuming Ou, Jiarui Ni, Chengqi Zhang: Discovering Debtor Patterns of Centrelink Customers. AusDM 2006: 135-144
137EEYanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Enhancing DWT for Recent-Biased Dimension Reduction of Time Series Data. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 1048-1053
136EEJiaqi Wang, Chengqi Zhang: Dynamic Focus Strategies for Electronic Trade Execution in Limit Order Markets. CEC/EEE 2006: 26
135EEJiarui Ni, Chengqi Zhang: A Human-Friendly MAS for Mining Stock Data. IAT Workshops 2006: 19-22
134EELongbing Cao, Chao Luo, Jiarui Ni, Dan Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Stock Data Mining through Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms. JCIS 2006
133EEShichao Zhang, Feng Chen, Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang: Identifying bridging rules between conceptual clusters. KDD 2006: 815-820
132EEShichao Zhang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Jingli Lu, Chengqi Zhang: Is Frequency Enough for Decision Makers to Make Decisions?. PAKDD 2006: 499-503
131EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: Domain-Driven Actionable Knowledge Discovery in the Real World. PAKDD 2006: 821-830
130EEShichao Zhang, Yongsong Qin, Xiaofeng Zhu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Optimized Parameters for Missing Data Imputation. PRICAI 2006: 1010-1016
129EEQingfeng Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Lianggang Li: Mining Frequent Itemsets for Protein Kinase Regulation. PRICAI 2006: 222-230
128EELongbing Cao, Dan Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms for Pairs Mining. PRICAI 2006: 711-720
127EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Dan Luo, Ruwei Dai: Intelligence Metasynthesis in Building Business Intelligence Systems. WImBI 2006: 454-470
126EEJiaqi Wang, Chengqi Zhang, Xindong Wu, Hongwei Qi, Jue Wang: SVM-OD: SVM Method to Detect Outliers. Foundations and Novel Approaches in Data Mining 2006: 129-141
125EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Jiming Liu: Ontology-based integration of business intelligence. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems 4(3): 313-325 (2006)
124EEChengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: In-Depth Data Mining and Its Application in Stock Market. ADMA 2005: 13
123EEChengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang, Longbing Cao: Agents and Data Mining: Mutual Enhancement by Integration. AIS-ADM 2005: 50-61
122EELi Lin, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: The Fish-eye Visualization of Foreign Currency Exchange Data Streams. APVIS 2005: 91-96
121EEAiling Ni, Xiaofeng Zhu, Chengqi Zhang: Any-Cost Discovery: Learning Optimal Classification Rules. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 123-132
120 Li Lin, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: Genetic Algorithms for Robust Optimization in Financial Applications. Computational Intelligence 2005: 387-391
119EEQingfeng Chen, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: A Framework for Merging Inconsistent Beliefs in Security Protocol Analysis. DEEC 2005: 119-124
118EEShichao Zhang, Xindong Wu, Jilian Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: A Decremental Algorithm for Maintaining Frequent Itemsets in Dynamic Databases. DaWaK 2005: 305-314
117 Li Lin, Longbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang: The Visualization of Large Database in Stock Market. Databases and Applications 2005: 163-166
116EEZhenxing Qin, Chengqi Zhang, Xuehui Xie, Shichao Zhang: Dynamic Test-Sensitive Decision Trees with Multiple Cost Scales. FSKD (1) 2005: 402-405
115EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Jiarui Ni: Agent Services-Orinted Architectural Design of Open Complex Agent Systems. IAT 2005: 120-123
114EEJiarui Ni, Chengqi Zhang: An Efficient Implementation of the Backtesting of Trading Strategies. ISPA 2005: 126-131
113EEYanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: A Recent-Biased Dimension Reduction Technique for Time Series Data. PAKDD 2005: 751-757
112EEChengqi Zhang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Shichao Zhang: Identifying Interesting Patterns in Multidatabases. Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery 2005: 91-112
111EEXiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Armga: Identifying Interesting Association Rules with Genetic Algorithms. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(7): 677-689 (2005)
110EEChengqi Zhang, Zhenxing Qin, Xiaowei Yan: Association-Based Segmentation for Chinese-Crossed Query Expansion. IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin 5(1): 18-25 (2005)
109EEJeffrey Xu Yu, Yuming Ou, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Identifying Interesting Customers through Web Log Classification. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(3): 55-59 (2005)
108EEChengqi Zhang, Qiang Yang, Bing Liu: Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Intelligent Data Preparation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(9): 1163-1165 (2005)
107EEJiaqi Wang, Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang: Support vector machines based on K-means clustering for real-time business intelligence systems. IJBIDM 1(1): 54-64 (2005)
106EEXindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Database classification for multi-database mining. Inf. Syst. 30(1): 71-88 (2005)
105EEQingfeng Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: ENDL: A Logical Framework for Verifying Secure Transaction Protocols. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 7(1): 84-109 (2005)
104EEXiaochun Cheng, Dantong Ouyang, Yunfei Jiang, Chengqi Zhang: An improved model-based method to test circuit faults. Theor. Comput. Sci. 341(1-3): 150-161 (2005)
103 Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems: An Agent-Based Framework for Complex Problem Solving Springer 2004
102 Honghua Dai, Ramakrishnan Srikant, Chengqi Zhang: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 8th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2004, Sydney, Australia, May 26-28, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
101 Chengqi Zhang, Hans W. Guesgen, Wai-Kiang Yeap: PRICAI 2004: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Auckland, New Zealand, August 9-13, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
100EEQingfeng Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: A Verification Model for Electronic Transaction Protocols. APWeb 2004: 824-833
99EEYanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Discovering Interesting Association Rules by Clustering. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 1055-1061
98EEZhenxing Qin, Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees with Multiple Cost Scales. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 380-390
97EELongbing Cao, Jiarui Ni, Jiaqi Wang, Chengqi Zhang: Agent Services-Driven Plug-and-Play in F-TRADE. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 917-922
96EELongbing Cao, Chengqi Zhang, Dan Luo, Wanli Chen, Neda Zamani: Integrative Early Requirements Analysis for Agent-Based Systems. HIS 2004: 118-123
95EELongbing Cao, Jiaqi Wang, Li Lin, Chengqi Zhang: Agent Services-Based Infrastructure for Online Assessment of Trading Strategies. IAT 2004: 345-348
94EEChunsheng Li, Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: A Platform for Dynamic Organization of Agents in Agent-Based Systems. IAT 2004: 454-457
93EEYanchang Zhao, Chengqi Zhang, Yi-Dong Shen: Clustering High-Dimensional Data with Low-Order Neighbors. Web Intelligence 2004: 103-109
92EELongbing Cao, Chao Luo, Dan Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Integration of Business Intelligence Based on Three-Level Ontology Services. Web Intelligence 2004: 17-23
91EEXindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Efficient mining of both positive and negative association rules. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22(3): 381-405 (2004)
90EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Jeffrey Xu Yu: Mining Dependent Patterns In Probabilistic Databases. Cybernetics and Systems 35(4): 399-424 (2004)
89EEChengqi Zhang, Meiling Liu, Wenlong Nie, Shichao Zhang: Identifying Global Exceptional Patterns in Multi-database Mining. IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin 3(1): 19-24 (2004)
88EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Qiang Yang: Guest Editors' Introduction: Information Enhancement for Data Mining. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(2): 12-13 (2004)
87EEShichao Zhang, Jingli Lu, Chengqi Zhang: A fuzzy logic based method to acquire user threshold of minimum-support for mining association rules. Inf. Sci. 164(1-4): 1-16 (2004)
86EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Jeffrey Xu Yu: An efficient strategy for mining exceptions in multi-databases . Inf. Sci. 165(1-2): 1-20 (2004)
85EEXiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Identifying Software Component Association With Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 14(4): 441-447 (2004)
84EEQingfeng Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Chunsheng Li: Verifying the Purchase Request in SET Protocol. APWeb 2003: 263-274
83 Chunsheng Li, Qingfeng Song, Mei Wang, Chengqi Zhang: SCTR: An Approach to Digitizing Welllogging Graphn. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 285-288
82 Longbing Cao, Dan Luo, Chao Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Systematic Engineering in Designing Architecture of Telecommunications Business Intelligence System. HIS 2003: 1084-1093
81 Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Building Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems. HIS 2003: 799-808
80EEChunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Mei Wang, Qingfeng Song: An Approach to Digitizing and Managing Well-Logging Parameter Graphs with Agent-Based Perspective. IAT 2003: 11-17
79EEXiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: A Database-Independent Approach of Mining Association Rules with Genetic Algorithm. IDEAL 2003: 882-886
78EEQingfeng Chen, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Verifying the Payment Authorization in SET Protocol. IDEAL 2003: 914-918
77EEChunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang: A Ring-Based Architectural Model for Middle Agents in Agent-Based System. IDEAL 2003: 94-98
76EEChunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Longbing Cao: Theoretical Evaluation of Ring-Based Architectural Model for Middle Agents in Agent-Based System. ISMIS 2003: 603-607
75EEChunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Mei Wang: An Agent-Based Curve-Digitizing System for Well-Logging Data Management. ITCC 2003: 656-660
74EEXiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Identifying Frequent Terms in Text Databases by Association Semantics. ITCC 2003: 672-675
73 Xiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: A Database-Independent Strategy for Confidence Determination. SEKE 2003: 621-625
72 Longbing Cao, Chunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Ruwei Dai: Open Giant Intelligent Information Systems and Its Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design. SEKE 2003: 85-89
71 Longbing Cao, Chunsheng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Ruwei Dai: Open Giant Intelligent Information Systems and Its Multiagent-Oriented System Design. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 816-822
70EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Discovering Associations in Very Large Databases by Approximating. Acta Cybern. 16(1): 155-177 (2003)
69 Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Geoffrey I. Webb: Identifying Approximate Itemsets of Interest in Large Databases. Appl. Intell. 18(1): 91-104 (2003)
68EEChengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Zili Zhang: Temporal Constraint Satisfaction in Matrix Method. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(2): 135-154 (2003)
67EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Qiang Yang: Data Preparation for Data Mining. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(5-6): 375-381 (2003)
66EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: An Agent-Based Hybrid Framework for Database Mining. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(5-6): 383-398 (2003)
65EEYuefeng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Cooperative Strategy for Web Data Mining and Cleaning. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(5-6): 443-460 (2003)
64EEXiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Toward Databases Mining: Pre-Processing Collected Data. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(5-6): 545-561 (2003)
63EEShichao Zhang, Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang: Multi-Database Mining. IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin 2(1): 5-13 (2003)
62EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Xiaowei Yan: Post-mining: maintenance of association rules by weighting. Inf. Syst. 28(7): 691-707 (2003)
61 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: A Probability Data Model and its Semantics. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 35(4): 237-256 (2003)
60 Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Association Rule Mining, Models and Algorithms Springer 2002
59EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: An improvement to matchmaking algorithms for middle agents. AAMAS 2002: 1340-1347
58EEChengqi Zhang, Chunsheng Li, Zili Zhang: An Agent-Based Framework for Petroleum Information Services from Distributed Heterogeneous Data Resources. APSEC 2002: 593-602
57 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Xiaowei Yan, Zhenxing Qin: Identifying Exceptional Patterns in Multi-Databases. FSKD 2002: 146-150
56 Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Xiaowei Yan, Zhenxing Qin: Mind the Trends When You Mine: Incremental Data Mining. FSKD 2002: 476-
55 Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: An Application of Fuzzy Cluster analysis to Matchmaking in Middle Agents. FSKD 2002: 566-570
54 Xindong Wu, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Mining Both Positive and Negative Association Rules. ICML 2002: 658-665
53 Xiaowei Yan, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, John K. Debenham: Association Rule Mining by Agents. ICMLA 2002: 77-83
52 Chengqi Zhang, Xiaowei Yan, Shichao Zhang, Paul Kennedy: Mining Very Large Databases Using Software Agents. ICMLA 2002: 84-90
51EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: An Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent System for Financial Investment Planning. PRICAI 2002: 355-364
50EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Propagating Temporal Relations of Intervals by Matrix. Applied Artificial Intelligence 16(1): 1-27 (2002)
49EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Discovering Causality in Large Databases. Applied Artificial Intelligence 16(5): 333-358 (2002)
48 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Anytime mining for multiuser applications. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(4): 515-521 (2002)
47 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Encoding probability propagation in belief networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(4): 526-531 (2002)
46EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang, Nicholas R. Jennings: A Hybrid Model for Sharing Information Between Fuzzy, Uncertain and Default Reasoning Models in Multi-agent Systems. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 10(4): 401- (2002)
45EEChengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang: Collecting Quality Data for Database Mining. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 593-604
44EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Pattern Discovery in Probabilistic Databases. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 619-630
43EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Reasoning with Multimedia Information Using Symbolic Projection. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2001: 643-654
42EEKaile Su, Xudong Luo, Huaiqing Wang, Chengqi Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Qingfeng Chen: A Logical Framework for Knowledge Sharing in Multi-agent Systems. COCOON 2001: 561-570
41 Chengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang: Approaches to implementing decision aggregation in multi-agent systems. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 314-317
40 Chengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang: Post-processing of multimedia information - concents, problems, and techniques. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 318-321
39 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Mining Small Databases by Collecting Knowledge. DASFAA 2001: 154-155
38 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Estimating Itemsets of Interst by Sampling. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 131-134
37 Shichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: A model for compressing probabilities in belief networks. Informatica (Slovenia) 25(3): (2001)
36EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang, Ho-fung Leung: Information sharing between heterogeneous uncertain reasoning models in a multi-agent environment: a case study. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 27(1): 27-59 (2001)
35 Chengqi Zhang, Von-Wun Soo: Design and Applications of Intelligent Agents, Third Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2000, Melbourne, Australia, August 28-29, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
34EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Result Fusion in Multi-Agent Systems Based on OWA Operator. ACSC 2000: 234-240
33EEXiaofeng Wang, Han Kiliççöte, Pradeep K. Khosla, Chengqi Zhang: Agent-Based Risk Learning for Computing Systems. ICMAS 2000: 459-460
32EEZili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang, Swee San Ong: Building an Ontology for Financial Investment. IDEAL 2000: 308-313
31 Yuefeng Li, Chengqi Zhang: Perceiving Environments for Intelligent Agents. PRICAI 2000: 297-307
30EEChengqi Zhang, Zili Zhang, Ong Swee San: An Agent-Based Soft Computing Society. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 661-668
29EEYuefeng Li, Chengqi Zhang, Jason R. Swan: An information filtering model on the Web and its application in JobAgent. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(5): 285-296 (2000)
28 Hideyuki Nakashima, Chengqi Zhang: Approaches to Intelligent Agents, Second Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA '99, Kyoto, Japan, December 2-3, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
27 Zili Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: A Serving Agent for Integrating Soft Computing and Software Agents. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 476-477
26 Yuefeng Li, Chengqi Zhang: Information-Based Cooperation in Multiple Agent Systems. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 496-498
25EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang, Ho-fung Leung: A Class of Isomorphic Transformations for Integrating EMYCIN-Style and PROSPECTOR-Style Systems into a Rule-Based Multi-Agent System. PRIMA 1999: 211-225
24EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang: Proof of the Correctness of EMYCIN Sequential Propagation Under Conditional Independence Assumptions. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(2): 355-359 (1999)
23EEMinjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Potential Cases, Methodologies, and Strategies of Synthesis of Solutions in Distributed Expert Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(3): 498-503 (1999)
22 Chengqi Zhang, Ling Guan, Zheru Chi: Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning in Intelligent Algorithms and Systems Design. JACIII 3(6): 439-440 (1999)
21EEShichao Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: IMC: A Method for Interval Calculus in Matrix. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 1(2): 257-268 (1999)
20EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang: An Axiom Foundation for Uncertain Reasonings in Rule-Based Expert Systems: NT-Algebra. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 1(4): 415-433 (1999)
19 Wayne Wobcke, Maurice Pagnucco, Chengqi Zhang: Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications, Based on the AI'97 Workshops on Commonsense Reasoning, Intelligent Agents, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Perth, Australia, December 1, 1997 Springer 1998
18 Chengqi Zhang, Dickson Lukose: Multi-Agent Systems: Theories, Languages, and Applications, 4th Australian Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 13, 1998, Selected Papers Springer 1998
17 Yue Xu, Chengqi Zhang: A Neural Network Diagnosis Model without Disorder Independence Assumption. PRICAI 1998: 341-352
16EEXudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang: LSLNCF: A Hybrid Uncertain Reasoning Model Based on Probability. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 6(4): 401-422 (1998)
15 Chengqi Zhang, Dickson Lukose: Multi-Agent Systems: Methodologies and Applications, Second Australian Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, August 27, 1996, Revised Papers Springer 1997
14EEChengqi Zhang, Yuefeng Li: An Algorithm for Plan Verification in Multiple Agent Systems. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications 1997: 149-163
13EEChengqi Zhang, Xudong Luo: Transformation between the EMYCIN Model and the Bayesian Network. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications 1997: 205-220
12 Xudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang, Jingqiu Cai: The Weighting Issue in Fuzzy Logic. Informatica (Slovenia) 21(2): (1997)
11 Chengqi Zhang, Dickson Lukose: Distributed Artificial Intelligence: Architecture and Modelling, First Australian Workshop on DAI, Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 13, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1996
10 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Methodologies of Solution Synthesis in Distributed Expert Systems. DAI 1996: 137-151
9 Hongxia Yang, Chengqi Zhang: Application of MAS in Implementing Rational IP Routers on the Priced Internet. DAI 1996: 166-180
8 Yue Xu, Chengqi Zhang: An Improved Critical Diagnosis Reasoning Method. ICTAI 1996: 170-173
7 Xudong Luo, Chengqi Zhang: A Unified Algebraic Structure for Uncertain Reasoning. PRICAI 1996: 459-470
6 Hongxia Yang, Chengqi Zhang: Definition and Application of a Comprehensive Framework for Distributed Problem Solving. DAI 1995: 1-15
5 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: Neural Network Strategies for Solving Synthesis Problems in Non-conflilct Cases in Distributed Expert Systems. DAI 1995: 174-188
4 Minjie Zhang, Chengqi Zhang: The Consensus of Uncertainties in Distributed Expert Systems. ICMAS 1995: 468
3EEChengqi Zhang: Heterogeneous Transformation of Uncertainties of Propositions Among Inexact Reasoning Models. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(3): 353-360 (1994)
2 Chengqi Zhang: Cooperation Under Uncertainty in Distributed Expert Systems. Artif. Intell. 56(1): 21-69 (1992)
1 Chengqi Zhang, David A. Bell: HECODES: A Framework for Heterogeneous Cooperative Distributed Expert Systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 6: 251-273 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Mafruz Zaman Ashrafi [151]
2David Bell [151]
3David A. Bell [1]
4Hans Bohlscheid [174] [179] [181]
5Jingqiu Cai [12]
6Longbing Cao [71] [72] [76] [82] [92] [95] [96] [97] [115] [117] [120] [122] [123] [125] [127] [128] [131] [134] [138] [141] [142] [147] [149] [150] [151] [155] [159] [160] [161] [162] [165] [168] [169] [170] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [179] [181]
7Feng Chen [133]
8Qingfeng Chen [42] [78] [84] [100] [105] [119] [129] [140] [152] [180]
9Wanli Chen [96]
10Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen [119] [129] [140] [152]
11Xiaochun Cheng [104]
12Zheru Chi [22]
13Honghua Dai [102]
14Ruwei Dai [71] [72] [127]
15John K. Debenham [53]
16Eugene Dubossarsky [151]
17Vladimir Gorodetsky [165]
18Warwick Graco [151]
19Ling Guan [22]
20Hans W. Guesgen [101]
21Dan He [178]
22Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [46]
23Yunfei Jiang [104]
24Paul Kennedy [52]
25Eamonn J. Keogh [151]
26Pradeep K. Khosla [33]
27Han Kiliççöte [33]
28Ho-fung Leung (Ho-Fung Leung) [25] [36]
29Chunsheng Li [58] [71] [72] [75] [76] [77] [80] [83] [84] [94]
30Lianggang Li [129]
31Yuefeng Li [14] [26] [29] [31] [65]
32Li Lin [95] [117] [120] [122]
33Bing Liu [108]
34Bo Liu [177]
35Jiming Liu [125]
36Meiling Liu [89]
37Jingli Lu [87] [132] [167]
38Dickson Lukose [11] [15] [18]
39Chao Luo [82] [92] [134] [159] [161] [172] [175]
40Dan Luo [82] [92] [96] [127] [128] [134] [150]
41Xudong Luo [7] [12] [13] [16] [20] [24] [25] [36] [42] [46]
42Peerapol Moemeng [173]
43Yvonne Morrow [138]
44Hideyuki Nakashima [28]
45Ailing Ni [121]
46Jiarui Ni [97] [114] [115] [134] [135] [138] [141]
47Wenlong Nie [89]
48Swee San Ong [32]
49Yuming Ou [109] [138] [155] [172] [175]
50Dantong Ouyang [104]
51Maurice Pagnucco [19]
52Hongwei Qi [126]
53Yongsong Qin [130] [145] [154] [157] [166]
54Zhenxing Qin [56] [57] [98] [110] [116] [143]
55Ong Swee San [30]
56Yi-Dong Shen [93]
57Yong Shi [178]
58Victor A. Skormin [165]
59Qingfeng Song [80] [83]
60Wei Song [156]
61Von-Wun Soo [35]
62Ramakrishnan Srikant [102]
63Kaile Su [42]
64Jason R. Swan [29]
65Bahar Taneri [151]
66David Taniar [151]
67Michail Vlachos [151]
68Huaiqing Wang [42]
69Jiaqi Wang [95] [97] [107] [126] [136]
70Jue Wang [126]
71Mei Wang [75] [80] [83]
72Xiaofeng Wang [33]
73Geoffrey I. Webb [69]
74Graham Williams [147]
75Wayne Wobcke [19]
76Xindong Wu [54] [63] [91] [106] [107] [118] [126] [133] [164] [167] [178]
77Xuehui Xie [116]
78Yue Xu [8] [17]
79Zhangyan Xu [156]
80Xiaowei Yan [52] [53] [56] [57] [62] [64] [73] [74] [79] [85] [110] [111] [153]
81Bingru Yang [156]
82Hongxia Yang [6] [9]
83Qiang Yang [67] [88] [108] [151]
84Wai-Kiang Yeap (Wai K. Yeap) [101]
85Jeffrey Xu Yu [86] [90] [109] [112] [132]
86Philip S. Yu [147] [151] [177]
87Ting Yu [155]
88Neda Zamani [96]
89Huaifeng Zhang [160] [168] [174] [176] [179] [181]
90Jilian Zhang [118] [130] [145] [148] [154] [157] [158] [163] [164] [166]
91Minjie Zhang [4] [5] [10] [23]
92Peng Zhang [178]
93Shichao Zhang [21] [37] [38] [39] [42] [44] [45] [47] [48] [49] [50] [52] [53] [54] [56] [57] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [73] [74] [78] [79] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [98] [99] [100] [105] [106] [109] [111] [112] [113] [116] [118] [119] [124] [130] [132] [133] [137] [139] [140] [143] [144] [145] [148] [153] [154] [156] [157] [158] [163] [164] [166] [167] [180]
94Zili Zhang [27] [30] [32] [34] [40] [41] [43] [51] [55] [58] [59] [66] [68] [77] [81] [94] [103] [123] [146] [171]
95Lianwei Zhao [139]
96Yanchang Zhao [93] [99] [113] [137] [138] [139] [144] [147] [160] [168] [170] [172] [174] [176] [179] [181]
97Ning Zhong [151]
98MengChu Zhou [169]
99Xiaofeng Zhu [121] [130] [145] [154] [157] [158] [163] [164] [166]
100Xingquan Zhu [178]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)