
J. Alfredo Sánchez

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35EEMa. Auxilio Medina, J. Alfredo Sánchez: OntOAIr: A Method to Construct Lightweight Ontologies from Document Collections. ENC 2008: 115-125
34EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Mahonri Garnica, Omar Valdiviezo, Rosa G. Paredes: KBoard: Knowledge Capture in Multimedia Collaboration Rooms. ENC 2008: 81-88
33EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Daniel Strazzulla, Rosa G. Paredes: Enhancing interaction and collaboration in multimedia rooms with multilayered annotations and telepointers. IHC 2008: 117-125
32EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Edgar Chávez, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez: Information Extraction, Search, Interaction and Collaboration on the Web in Mexico. LA-WEB 2008: 156-164
31EERosa G. Paredes, J. Alfredo Sánchez, Antonio Razo: Drawing the Line between Fair Use and Plagiarism for Digital Documents. ENC 2007: 113-122
30EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Adriana Arzamendi-Pétriz, Omar Valdiviezo: Induced tagging: promoting resource discovery and recommendation in digital libraries. JCDL 2007: 396-397
29 J. Alfredo Sánchez: Fourth Latin American Web Congress (LA-Web 2006), 25-27 October 2006, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico IEEE Computer Society 2006
28EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Antonio Razo, Juan Manuel Córdova, Abraham Villegas: Dynamic generation of OAI servers. JCDL 2006: 258-259
27EEMa. Auxilio Medina, J. Alfredo Sánchez, Yulia Ostróvskaya, Nieves R. Brisaboa: OntoSIR: An OAI Service for Multi-Collection Document Retrieval Based on Ontologies of Metadata Records. LA-WEB 2005: 111-114
26EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Luis Arturo Flores, Ingrid Kirschning, Yulia Ostróvskaya: Supporting Web-Based Scholarship Through Index Cards and Annotations. LA-WEB 2005: 54-57
25EEMaría Auxilio Medina Nieto, J. Alfredo Sánchez, J. Alberto Chávez, Antonio Benitez: Designing Ontological Agents: an Alternative to Improve Information Retrieval in Federated Digital Libraries. AWIC 2004: 155-163
24EEMaría Auxilio Medina Nieto, J. Alfredo Sánchez, Nohema Castellanos: Ontological Agents Model based on MAS-CommonKADS methodology. CONIELECOMP 2004: 260-263
23EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Yazmin Morales, Luis Arturo Flores: Collaborative Environments for Digital Publishing. ENC 2004: 329-336
22EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Carlos Proal, M. Fernanda Maldonado-Naude: Supporting Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data in Digital Libraries. ENC 2004: 368-375
21 María Auxilio Medina Nieto, J. Alfredo Sánchez, María de Lourdes Fernández: Modelling Ontological Agents with GAIA Methodology. ICEIS (3) 2004: 556-560
20EEM. Fernanda Maldonado-Naude, J. Alfredo Sánchez: Using Hermes-F: Experiences with a Framework for Developing Information Retrieval Applications. ENC 2003: 101-108
19EEJ. Aníbal Arias, J. Alfredo Sánchez: Content-Based Search and Annotations in Multimedia Digital Libraries. ENC 2003: 109-116
18EENatalia Reyes-Farfán, J. Alfredo Sánchez: Personal Spaces in the Context of OA. JCDL 2003: 182-183
17EENatalia Reyes-Farfán, J. Alfredo Sánchez: PoPS: Mobile Access to Digital Library Resources. JCDL 2003: 184-185
16EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, J. Aníbal Arias: Fourth-Phase Digital Libraries: Pacing, Linking, Annotating and Citing in Multimedia Collections. JCDL 2003: 240-
15EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Alberto García, Carlos Proal, Lourdes Fernández: Enabling the Collaborative Construction and Reuse of Knowledge through a Virtual Reference Environment. CRIWG 2001: 90-97
14EELourdes Fernández, J. Alfredo Sánchez, Alberto García: MiBiblio: personal spaces in a digital library universe. ACM DL 2000: 232-233
13EELourdes Fernández, J. Alfredo Sánchez, Luis Arturo Flores: An Environment for the Collaborative Revision of Digital Theses. CRIWG 2000: 150-153
12 Dulcinea Navarrete, Rogelio Dávila, J. Alfredo Sánchez: A Specific Domain Translator Application in a Floristic Digital Library. MICAI 2000: 436-442
11EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, César A. Flores, John L. Schnase: Mutant: Agents as Guides for Multiple Taxonomies in the Floristic Digital Library. ACM DL 1999: 244-245
10EERocío Abascal, J. Alfredo Sánchez: X-tract: Structure Extraction from Botanical Textual Descriptions. SPIRE/CRIWG 1999: 2-7
9EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Cristina A. López, John L. Schnase: Chrysalis: Agentes de Usuario en la Construcción de Bibliotecas Digitales Botánicas. Computación y Sistemas 2(2-3): (1999)
8EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, Cristina A. López, John L. Schnase: An Agent-Based Approach to the Construction of Floristic Digital Libraries. ACM DL 1998: 210-216
7 J. Alfredo Sánchez, Lourdes Fernández, John L. Schnase: Agora: Enhancing Group Awareness and Collaboration in Floristic Digital Libraries. CRIWG 1998: 85-95
6EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, John L. Schnase, Kay L. Tomlinson, Mark A. Spasser: Managing Cognitive Overload in the Flora of North America Project. HICSS (2) 1998: 296-
5EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, John J. Leggett, John L. Schnase: AGS: Introducing Agents as Services Provided by Digital Libraries. ACM DL 1997: 75-82
4 J. Alfredo Sánchez, Flávio S. Azevedo, John J. Leggett: PARAgente: Exploring the Issues in Agent-Based User Interfaces. ICMAS 1995: 320-327
3 John L. Schnase, John J. Leggett, David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, J. Alfredo Sánchez: Open Architectures for Integrated, Hypermedia-Based Information Systems. HICSS (3) 1994: 386-396
2EEJ. Alfredo Sánchez, John J. Leggett, John L. Schnase: HyperActive: Extending an Open Hypermedia Architecture to Support Agency. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 1(4): 357-382 (1994)
1 John L. Schnase, John J. Leggett, David L. Hicks, Peter J. Nürnberg, J. Alfredo Sánchez: Design and Implementation of the HB1 Hyperbase Management System. Electronic Publishing 6(1): 35-63 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Rocío Abascal [10]
2J. Aníbal Arias [16] [19]
3Adriana Arzamendi-Pétriz [30]
4Flávio S. Azevedo [4]
5Antonio Benitez [25]
6Nieves R. Brisaboa [27]
7Nohema Castellanos [24]
8Edgar Chávez [32]
9J. Alberto Chávez [25]
10Juan Manuel Córdova [28]
11Rogelio Dávila [12]
12Lourdes Fernández [7] [13] [14] [15]
13María de Lourdes Fernández [21]
14César A. Flores [11]
15Luis Arturo Flores [13] [23] [26]
16Alberto García [14] [15]
17Mahonri Garnica [34]
18David L. Hicks [1] [3]
19Ingrid Kirschning [26]
20John J. Leggett [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
21Cristina A. López [8] [9]
22M. Fernanda Maldonado-Naude [20] [22]
23Ma. Auxilio Medina [27] [35]
24Manuel Montes-y-Gómez [32]
25Yazmin Morales [23]
26Dulcinea Navarrete [12]
27María Auxilio Medina Nieto [21] [24] [25]
28Peter J. Nürnberg [1] [3]
29Yulia Ostróvskaya [26] [27]
30Rosa G. Paredes [31] [33] [34]
31Carlos Proal [15] [22]
32Antonio Razo [28] [31]
33Natalia Reyes-Farfán [17] [18]
34John L. Schnase [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
35Mark A. Spasser [6]
36Daniel Strazzulla [33]
37Kay L. Tomlinson [6]
38Omar Valdiviezo [30] [34]
39Abraham Villegas [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)