
Jim Cunningham

R. James Cunningham

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34EEHywel R. Dunn-Davies, Jim Cunningham, Shamimabi Paurobally: Synchronization protocols for reliable communication in fully distributed agent systems. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1539-1542
33EEHywel R. Dunn-Davies, Jim Cunningham: Deriving agent-centred representations of protocols described using propositional statecharts. AAMAS 2007: 32
32EEHywel R. Dunn-Davies, Jim Cunningham, Shamimabi Paurobally: Modularity and Composition in Propositional Statecharts. Diagrams 2006: 98-103
31EEShamimabi Paurobally, Jim Cunningham, Nicholas R. Jennings: A formal framework for agent interaction semantics. AAMAS 2005: 91-98
30EEHywel R. Dunn-Davies, Jim Cunningham, Shamimabi Paurobally: Propositional Statecharts for Agent Interaction Protocols. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 134: 55-75 (2005)
29EESacha Brostoff, Martina Angela Sasse, David W. Chadwick, R. James Cunningham, Uche M. Mbanaso, Sassa Otenko: 'R-What?' Development of a role-based access control policy-writing tool for e-Scientists. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(9): 835-856 (2005)
28EEShamimabi Paurobally, Jim Cunningham, Nicholas R. Jennings: Ensuring consistency in the joint beliefs of interacting agents. AAMAS 2003: 662-669
27EELuc Schneider, Jim Cunningham: Ontological Foundations of Natural Language Communication in Multiagent Systems. KES 2003: 1403-1410
26EEShamimabi Paurobally, Jim Cunningham, Nicholas R. Jennings: Developing Agent Interaction Protocols Using Graphical and Logical Methodologies. PROMAS 2003: 149-168
25 Shamimabi Paurobally, Jim Cunningham: Verification of Protocols for Automated Negotiation. ECAI 2002: 43-47
24EEShamimabi Paurobally, Jim Cunningham: Specifying the Processes and States of Negotiation. AgentLink 2001: 61-77
23EEJim Cunningham, Dov M. Gabbay: Editorial. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(2): (2001)
22EEJim Cunningham: Towards an Axiomatic Theory of Consciousness. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(2): (2001)
21 Gulden Uchyigit, Bjørn Carlin, Ewald Quak, Jim Cunningham: Agents in the box. HCI (2) 1999: 157-161
20EEJim Cunningham, Shamimabi Paurobally, Athanassios Diacakis, Lorenz Lorenzen, Gabriel Gross, Stephen McConnell: Satisfying Requirements for Electronic Commerce. Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce 1998: 109-128
19 Miguel Leith, Jim Cunningham: Representing and Reasoning with Events fron Natural Language. ECSQARU-FAPR 1997: 406-420
18 Martina Angela Sasse, Jim Cunningham, Russel L. Winder: People and Computers XI, Proceedings of HCI '96 Springer 1996
17 Jeremy V. Pitt, Jim Cunningham: Distributed Modal Theorem Proving with KE. TABLEAUX 1996: 160-176
16 Jeremy Pitt, Matthew Anderton, Jim Cunningham: Normalized Interactions between Autonomous Agents A Case Study in Inter-Organizational Project Management. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 5(2/3): 201-222 (1996)
15EEJeremy Pitt, Jim Cunningham: Theorem Proving and Model Building with the Calculus KE. Logic Journal of the IGPL 4(1): 129-150 (1996)
14EEJim Cunningham: Editorial. Logic Journal of the IGPL 4(3): 353 (1996)
13 Matthew Anderton, Jim Cunningham, Jeremy Pitt: A Multi-Agent Framework for Inter-Organizational Applications. ICMAS 1995: 435
12EEJeremy Pitt, Jim Cunningham: Making Requirements Specifications Accessible via Logic, Language and Graphics: A Progress Report. IEA/AIE 1995: 655-663
11EEJeremy Pitt, Jim Cunningham, Jong-Hyun Kim: Co-Operative Answering to Natural Language Email Queries. IEA/AIE 1994: 273-281
10 Jim Cunningham, Marcello D'Agostino, Jeremy V. Pitt: Towards Tableau Theorem-Proving with Analytic Cut. TABLEAUX 1992: 23-25
9 M. C. Costa, Jim Cunningham, J. Booth: Logical Animation. ICSE 1990: 144-149
8 Jeremy V. Pitt, Jim Cunningham: Attributed Translation and the Semantics of Natural Language. WAGA 1990: 284-297
7 A. J. J. Dick, Jim Cunningham: Using Narrowing to do Isolation in Symbolic Equation Solving - An Experiment in Automated Reasoning. CADE 1986: 272-280
6 Jim Cunningham, A. J. J. Dick: Rewrite Systems on a Lattice of Types. Acta Inf. 22(2): 149-169 (1985)
5 Jim Cunningham, Silvana Zappacosta-Amboldi: Software Tools for First-Order Logic. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(11): 1019-1025 (1983)
4 Jeff Kramer, Jim Cunningham: Invariants for Specifications. ICSE 1979: 183-193
3 Jim Cunningham, Jeff Kramer: An Exercise in Program Design Using SIMULA Class Invariants. Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(3): 355-369 (1978)
2 Jim Cunningham, M. E. J. Gilford: A Note on the Semantic Definition of Side Effects. Inf. Process. Lett. 4(5): 118-120 (1976)
1 Jim Cunningham, C. G. Pugh: A Language-independent System to Aid the Development of Structured Programs. Softw., Pract. Exper. 6(4): 487-503 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Anderton [13] [16]
2J. Booth [9]
3Sacha Brostoff [29]
4Bjørn Carlin [21]
5David W. Chadwick [29]
6M. C. Costa [9]
7Marcello D'Agostino [10]
8Athanassios Diacakis [20]
9A. J. J. Dick [6] [7]
10Hywel R. Dunn-Davies [30] [32] [33] [34]
11Dov M. Gabbay [23]
12M. E. J. Gilford [2]
13Gabriel Gross [20]
14Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [26] [28] [31]
15Jong-Hyun Kim [11]
16Jeff Kramer [3] [4]
17Miguel Leith [19]
18Lorenz Lorenzen [20]
19Uche M. Mbanaso [29]
20Stephen McConnell [20]
21Sassa Otenko (Alexander Otenko) [29]
22Shamimabi Paurobally [20] [24] [25] [26] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34]
23Jeremy V. Pitt (Jeremy Pitt) [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17]
24C. G. Pugh [1]
25Ewald Quak [21]
26Martina Angela Sasse [18] [29]
27Luc Schneider [27]
28Gulden Uchyigit [21]
29Russel L. Winder [18]
30Silvana Zappacosta-Amboldi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)