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ICCTA 2007: Kolkata, India

2007 International Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2007), 5-7 March 2007, Kolkata, India. IEEE Computer Society 2007, ISBN 978-0-7695-2770-3 BibTeX

Keynote Talk

Track I: Algorithms and Architectures

Plenary Talk

Invited Talk

Session I.A: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Session I.B: Mobile and Wireless Networks

Session I.C: VLSI Design-I

Session I.D: VLSI Design-II

Session I.E: High Performance Computing

Session I.F: Architectures

Session I.G: Algorithms

Track II: Pattern Recognition and Soft Computing

Plenary Talk

Invited Talk

Session II.A: Artificial Neural Networks

Session II.B: Fuzzy Sets

Session II.C: SVMs and Clustering

Session II.D: Data Mining and Soft Computing

Session II.E: Bio Informatics

Session II.F: Classification and Prediction

Session II.G: Applications in Image Analysis

Track III: Document, Language, and Signal Processing

Plenary Talk

Invited Talks

Session III.A: Document Processing - I

Session III.B: Natural Language Processing - I

Session III.C: Speech and Signal Processing - I

Session III.D: Natural Language Processing - II

Session III.E: Document Processing - II

Session III.F: Speech and Signal Processing - II

Session III.G: Document Processing - III

Track IV: Image Processing, Computer Vision and Graphics

Plenary Talk

Invited Talk

Session IV.A: Graphics

Session IV.B: Content Based Image Retrieval

Session IV.C: Image Processing

Session IV.D: Motion and 3D Vision

Session IV.E: Watermarking

Session IV.F: Biometrics

Session IV.G: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:17:01 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)