
A. K. Ray

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17EETamalika Chaira, A. K. Ray: A new measure using intuitionistic fuzzy set theory and its application to edge detection. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(2): 919-927 (2008)
16EEA. K. Das, P. K. Mitra, S. K. Ghosh, A. K. Ray: Edge Filtering Using Orientation Entropy. ICCTA 2007: 623-626
15EETamalika Chaira, A. K. Ray: Fuzzy measures for color image retrieval. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 150(3): 545-560 (2005)
14EETamalika Chaira, A. K. Ray: Threshold selection using fuzzy set theory. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(8): 865-874 (2004)
13EETamalika Chaira, A. K. Ray: Segmentation using fuzzy divergence. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(12): 1837-1844 (2003)
12EETamalika Chaira, A. K. Ray: Fuzzy approach for color region extraction. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(12): 1943-1950 (2003)
11 Subhash Kulkarni, Biswanath N. Chatterji, Sameer A. Joshi, A. K. Ray: Edgeless Active Contours for Natural Color Images Based On Angular Mapping, Level Sets. ICVGIP 2002
10EEC. V. Jawahar, Prabir K. Biswas, A. K. Ray: Analysis of fuzzy thresholding schemes. Pattern Recognition 33(8): 1339-1349 (2000)
9EER. S. Bichkar, S. K. Singh, A. K. Ray: Genetic algorithmic approach to the detection of subsurface voids in cross-hole seismic tomography. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(5-6): 527-536 (1998)
8EEC. V. Jawahar, Prabir K. Biswas, A. K. Ray: Investigations on fuzzy thresholding based on fuzzy clustering. Pattern Recognition 30(10): 1605-1613 (1997)
7EEC. V. Jawahar, A. K. Ray: Incorporation of gray-level imprecision in representation and processing of digital images. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(5): 541-546 (1996)
6EEC. V. Jawahar, Prabir K. Biswas, A. K. Ray: Detection of clusters of distinct geometry: A step towards generalised fuzzy clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(11): 1119-1123 (1995)
5EES. D. Altekar, A. K. Ray: Exploiting Parallelism in a Sn Transport Algorithm: an Angular Approach. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 4(3-4): 317-328 (1994)
4 S. D. Altekar, A. K. Ray, B. R. Wienke: On the Parallelization of a Sn Transport Algorithm on a CRAY Y-MP. Parallel Computing 19(7): 823-834 (1993)
3EES. S. Biswas, A. K. Ray: Region merging in 3-D images using morphological operators. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(1): 23-30 (1993)
2EEA. K. Ray, B. Chatterjee, Arun K. Majumdar: A formal power series approach to the construction of minimal fuzzy automata. Inf. Sci. 55(1-3): 189-207 (1991)
1EEA. K. Ray, M. S. S. N. Murty: Artificial intelligence techniques applied to maintenance management. IEA/AIE (1) 1989: 112-118

Coauthor Index

1S. D. Altekar [4] [5]
2R. S. Bichkar [9]
3Prabir Kumar Biswas (Prabir K. Biswas) [6] [8] [10]
4S. S. Biswas [3]
5Tamalika Chaira [12] [13] [14] [15] [17]
6B. Chatterjee [2]
7Biswanath N. Chatterji (B. N. Chatterji) [11]
8A. K. Das [16]
9S. K. Ghosh [16]
10C. V. Jawahar [6] [7] [8] [10]
11Sameer A. Joshi [11]
12Subhash Kulkarni [11]
13Arun K. Majumdar [2]
14P. K. Mitra [16]
15M. S. S. N. Murty [1]
16S. K. Singh [9]
17B. R. Wienke [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)