
Swarup Mandal

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7EESamir K. Sadhukhan, Swarup Mandal, Debashis Saha: A Heuristic Technique for Solving Dual-Homing Assignment Problem of 2.5G Cellular Networks. ICCTA 2007: 66-71
6EESwarup Mandal, Debashis Saha, Mainak Chatterjee: Dynamic Price Discovering Models for Differentiated Wireless Services. JCM 1(5): 50-56 (2006)
5EESwarup Mandal, Sougata Bera, Debashis Saha: A Technique to Ensure Reliability in a WDM Optical Backbone Network with Contemporary Link Failures. IWDC 2004: 338-346
4EESwarup Mandal, Debashis Saha, Ambuj Mahanti: A real-time heuristic search technique for fixed channel allocation (FCA) in mobile cellular communications. Microprocessors and Microsystems 28(8): 411-416 (2004)
3EESwarup Mandal, Debashis Saha: An Efficient Heuristic Search for Optimal Wavelength Requirement in Static WDM Optical Networks. HiPC 2003: 323-332
2 Swarup Mandal, Debashis Saha, Ambuj Mahanti: A Real-time Search Technique for Fixed Channel Allocation in Cellular Mobile Communications. IICAI 2003: 966-979
1EESwarup Mandal, Debashis Saha, Sougata Bera, Shubhadip Ray, Ambuj Mahanti: An Efficient Technique for Dynamic Lightpath Establishment in Survivable Local/Metro WDM Optical Networks. IWDC 2003: 350-360

Coauthor Index

1Sougata Bera [1] [5]
2Mainak Chatterjee [6]
3Ambuj Mahanti [1] [2] [4]
4Shubhadip Ray [1]
5Samir K. Sadhukhan [7]
6Debashis Saha [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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