
D. S. Guru

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49EEP. Punitha, D. S. Guru: Symbolic image indexing and retrieval by spatial similarity: An approach based on B-tree. Pattern Recognition 41(6): 2068-2085 (2008)
48EER. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Efficient Non-Parametric Corner Detection: An Approach Based on Small Eigenvalue. CRV 2007: 250-257
47EEBapu B. Kiranagi, D. S. Guru, Manabu Ichino: Exploitation of Multivalued Type Proximity for Symbolic Feature Selection. ICCTA 2007: 320-324
46EEP. Punitha, Naveen Onkarappa, D. S. Guru: Indexing of Document Images Based on Triangular Spatial Relationships. ICCTA 2007: 533-537
45EER. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Finite Automata Inspired Model for Dominant Point Detection: A Non-Parametric Approach. ICCTA 2007: 579-583
44EEM. G. Suraj, D. S. Guru: Secondary Diagonal FLD for Fingerspelling Recognition. ICCTA 2007: 693-697
43EET. N. Vikram, D. S. Guru: Appearance Based Models in Document Script Identification. ICDAR 2007: 709-713
42 D. S. Guru, M. G. Suraj: Fusion of PCA and FLD at Feature Extraction Level for Fingerspelling Recognition. IICAI 2007: 2113-2122
41 Bapu B. Kiranagi, R. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: A Symbolic Approach for Classification of Numerals. IICAI 2007: 474-484
40 B. H. Shekar, G. Thippeswamy, P. Nagabhushan, D. S. Guru: Polar-eigenspace: A Linear Transformation Invariant Model for Appearance Based Object / Face Recognition. IICAI 2007: 575-584
39 Bapu B. Kiranagi, D. S. Guru: Pulling Leader Oriented Clustering Approach for Non Symmetric Proximity Matrices. IICAI 2007: 630-642
38EEM. G. Suraj, D. S. Guru: Appearance Based Recognition Methodology for Recognising Fingerspelling Alphabets. IJCAI 2007: 605-610
37EED. S. Guru, H. N. Prakash, T. N. Vikram: Spatial Topology of Equitemporal Points on Signatures for Retrieval. PReMI 2007: 128-135
36EENaveen Onkarappa, D. S. Guru: Modified 9DLT Matrix for Similarity Retrieval of Line-Drawing Images. PReMI 2007: 136-143
35EEH. S. Nagendraswamy, D. S. Guru: A New Method of Representing and Matching Two Dimensional Shapes. Int. J. Image Graphics 7(2): 377-405 (2007)
34EED. S. Guru, H. S. Nagendraswamy: Symbolic representation of two-dimensional shapes. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(1): 144-155 (2007)
33EEB. H. Shekar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Object Recognition Through the Principal Component Analysis of Spatial Relationship Amongst Lines. ACCV (1) 2006: 170-179
32EED. S. Guru, H. S. Nagendraswamy: Clustering of Interval-Valued Symbolic Patterns Based on Mutual Similarity Value and the Concept of k-Mutual Nearest Neighborhood. ACCV (2) 2006: 234-243
31EER. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Corner Detection Using Morphological Skeleton: An Efficient and Nonparametric Approach. ACCV (2) 2006: 752-760
30EENaveen Onkarappa, D. S. Guru: Retrieval of Document Images Based on Page Layout Similarity. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2006: 136-148
29EEM. Y. Ashkan, D. S. Guru, P. Punitha: Skew Estimation in Persian Documents: A Novel Approach. CGIV 2006: 64-70
28EEP. Punitha, Naveen Onkarappa, D. S. Guru: Indexing and Retrieval of Document Images by Spatial Reasoning. ICDCIT 2006: 457-464
27EEB. H. Shekar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Two-Dimensional Optimal Transform for Appearance Based Object Recognition. ICVGIP 2006: 650-661
26EEP. Punitha, D. S. Guru: An Effective and Efficient Exact Match Retrieval Scheme for Symbolic Image Database Systems Based on Spatial Reasoning: A Logarithmic Search Time Approach. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(10): 1368-1381 (2006)
25EEP. Shivakumara, G. Hemantha Kumar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Sliding window based approach for document image mosaicing. Image Vision Comput. 24(1): 94-100 (2006)
24EEP. Nagabhushan, D. S. Guru, B. H. Shekar: (2D)2 FLD: An efficient approach for appearance based object recognition. Neurocomputing 69(7-9): 934-940 (2006)
23EEP. Nagabhushan, D. S. Guru, B. H. Shekar: Visual learning and recognition of 3D objects using two-dimensional principal component analysis: A robust and an efficient approach. Pattern Recognition 39(4): 721-725 (2006)
22EER. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using Perfect Hashing: An Efficient and Robust Approach. CRV 2005: 528-535
21 D. S. Guru, H. S. Nagendraswamy: Matching and Retrieval of Distorted and Occluded Two-dimensional Shapes: An Unconventional Approach. IICAI 2005: 3161-3173
20 B. H. Shekar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Visual Learning and Recognition of 3-D Objects using Two Dimensional Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis: A Robust and an Efficient Approach. IICAI 2005: 3207-3218
19EER. Dinesh, Santhosh S. Damle, D. S. Guru: A Split-Based Method for Polygonal Approximation of Shape Curves. PReMI 2005: 382-387
18EEP. Nagabhushan, D. S. Guru, B. H. Shekar: Eigen Transformation Based Edge Detector for Gray Images. PReMI 2005: 434-440
17EED. S. Guru, Bapu B. Kiranagi: Multivalued type dissimilarity measure and concept of mutual dissimilarity value for clustering symbolic patterns. Pattern Recognition 38(1): 151-156 (2005)
16EEP. Punitha, D. S. Guru: An invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images: Triangular spatial relationship based approach. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(7): 893-907 (2005)
15EED. S. Guru, R. Dinesh, P. Nagabhushan: Boundary Based Corner Detecion and Localization Using New "Cornerity" Index: A Robust Approach. CRV 2004: 417-423
14EEP. Shivakumara, G. Hemantha Kumar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: An Efficient Skew Estimation Technique for Binary Document Images Based on Boundary Growing and Linear Regression Analysis. ICONIP 2004: 659-665
13 R. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using B-tree Index Structure: An Efficient and Robust Approach. ICVGIP 2004: 246-251
12 D. S. Guru, P. Punitha, S. Mahesh: Skew Estimation in Digitised Documents: A Novel Approach. ICVGIP 2004: 314-319
11 P. Punitha, D. S. Guru: Similarity Retrieval of Symbolic Images with Multiple Instances of Iconic Objects: A Novel Approach. ICVGIP 2004: 417-422
10 R. Dinesh, D. S. Guru: Mathematical Morphology Based Corner Detection Scheme: A Non-Parametric Approach. ICVGIP 2004: 76-81
9EED. S. Guru, R. Dinesh: Non-parametric adaptive region of support useful for corner detection: a novel approach. Pattern Recognition 37(1): 165-168 (2004)
8EED. S. Guru, B. H. Shekar, P. Nagabhushan: A simple and robust line detection algorithm based on small eigenvalue analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(1): 1-13 (2004)
7EED. S. Guru, P. Punitha: An invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images based upon principal component analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(1): 73-86 (2004)
6EED. S. Guru, Bapu B. Kiranagi, P. Nagabhushan: Multivalued type proximity measure and concept of mutual similarity value useful for clustering symbolic patterns. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(10): 1203-1213 (2004)
5EEP. Shivakumara, G. Hemantha Kumar, D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Fourier Transform Based Column-Block and Row-Block Matching Procedure for Document Image Mosaicing. WILF 2003: 240-254
4EED. S. Guru, P. Punitha, P. Nagabhushan: Archival and retrieval of symbolic images: An invariant scheme based on triangular spatial relationship. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(14): 2397-2408 (2003)
3EEP. Nagabhushan, Basavaraj S. Anami, D. S. Guru: Dictionary Supported Generation of English Text from Pitman Shorthand Scripted Phonetic Text. Language Engineering Conference 2002: 33
2 D. S. Guru, P. Nagabhushan: Triangular spatial relationship: a new approach for spatial knowledge representation. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(9): 999-1006 (2001)
1EEP. Nagabhushan, D. S. Guru: Incremental circle transform and eigenvalue analysis for object recognition: an integrated approach. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(11): 989-998 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Basavaraj S. Anami [3]
2M. Y. Ashkan [29]
3Santhosh S. Damle [19]
4R. Dinesh [9] [10] [13] [15] [19] [22] [31] [41] [45] [48]
5Manabu Ichino [47]
6Bapu B. Kiranagi [6] [17] [39] [41] [47]
7G. Hemantha Kumar [5] [14] [25]
8S. Mahesh [12]
9P. Nagabhushan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [14] [15] [18] [20] [23] [24] [25] [27] [33] [40]
10H. S. Nagendraswamy [21] [32] [34] [35]
11Naveen Onkarappa [28] [30] [36] [46]
12H. N. Prakash [37]
13P. Punitha [4] [7] [11] [12] [16] [26] [28] [29] [46] [49]
14B. H. Shekar [8] [18] [20] [23] [24] [27] [33] [40]
15P. Shivakumara [5] [14] [25]
16M. G. Suraj [38] [42] [44]
17G. Thippeswamy [40]
18T. N. Vikram [37] [43]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)