
Atish Datta Chowdhury

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7EEKoushik Sinha, Atish Datta Chowdhury, Subhas Kumar Ghosh, Satyajit Banerjee: Efficient Load Balancing on a Cluster for Large Scale Online Video Surveillance. ICDCN 2009: 450-455
6EESatyajit Banerjee, Atish Datta Chowdhury, Subhas Kumar Ghosh: Efficient Algorithms for Variants of Weighted Matching and Assignment Problems. Mathematics in Computer Science 1(4): 673-688 (2008)
5EEMeenakshi Balasubramanian, Abhishek Bhatnagar, Namit Chaturvedi, Atish Datta Chowdhury, Arul Ganesh: A framework for decentralized access control. ASIACCS 2007: 93-104
4EEKoushik Sinha, Atish Datta Chowdhury: A Beacon Selection Algorithm for Bounded Error Location Estimation in Ad Hoc Networks. ICCTA 2007: 87-93
3EEMeenakshi Balasubramanian, Namit Chaturvedi, Atish Datta Chowdhury, Arul Ganesh: A framework for rapid-prototyping of context based ubiquitous computing applications. SUTC (1) 2006: 306-311
2EEKoushik Sinha, Atish Datta Chowdhury: A Distributed Location Identification Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks Using Computational Geometric Methods. HiPC 2005: 62-72
1EEAtish Datta Chowdhury, Shivashankar Balu: Consensus: A System Study of Monitoring Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks. LCN 2004: 587-588

Coauthor Index

1Meenakshi Balasubramanian [3] [5]
2Shivashankar Balu [1]
3Satyajit Banerjee [6] [7]
4Abhishek Bhatnagar [5]
5Namit Chaturvedi [3] [5]
6Arul Ganesh [3] [5]
7Subhas Kumar Ghosh [6] [7]
8Koushik Sinha [2] [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)