
Pushpak Bhattacharyya

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18EEMalhar Kulkarni, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Verbal Roots in the Sanskrit Wordnet. Sanskrit Computational Linguistics 2008: 328-338
17EEManoj Kumar Chinnakotla, Sagar Ranadive, Om P. Damani, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Hindi to English and Marathi to English Cross Language Information Retrieval Evaluation. CLEF 2007: 111-118
16EEAshish Francis Almeida, Rajat Kumar Mohanty, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Semantic Analysis of 'to'. ICCTA 2007: 441-445
15EESrinivas Medimi, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: A Flexible Unsupervised PP-Attachment Method Using Semantic Information. IJCAI 2007: 1677-1682
14EEJ. Ramanand, Akshay Ukey, Brahm Kiran Singh, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Mapping and Structural Analysis of Multi-lingual Wordnets. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 30(1): 30-43 (2007)
13EESmriti Singh, Kuhoo Gupta, Manish Shrivastava, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Morphological Richness Offsets Resource Demand - Experiences in Constructing a POS Tagger for Hindi. ACL 2006
12EEGanesh Ramakrishnan, Krishna Prasad Chitrapura, Raghu Krishnapuram, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: A model for handling approximate, noisy or incomplete labeling in text classification. ICML 2005: 681-688
11EESriram G. Sanjeevi, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: A Connectionist Model for Predicate Logic Reasoning Using Coarse-Coded Distributed Representations. KES (2) 2005: 732-738
10EEAbhinay Pandya, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Text Similarity Measurement Using Concept Representation of Texts. PReMI 2005: 678-683
9EEGanesh Ramakrishnan, Soumen Chakrabarti, Deepa Paranjpe, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Is question answering an acquired skill? WWW 2004: 111-120
8 Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Text Representation with WordNet Synsets using Soft Sense Disambiguation. NLDB 2003: 214-227
7 Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Text Representation with WordNet Synsets Using Soft Sense Disambiguation. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 8(3): 55-70 (2003)
6EEDebasri Chakrabarti, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Syntactic Alternations of Hindi Verbs with Reference to the Morphological Paradigm. Language Engineering Conference 2002: 77
5EEShachi Dave, Jignashu Parikh, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Interlingua-based English-Hindi Machine Translation and Language Divergence. Machine Translation 16(4): 251-304 (2001)
4EEE. A. Fadhel, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Application of a Steerable Wavelet Transform using Neural Network for Signature Verification. Pattern Anal. Appl. 2(2): 184-195 (1999)
3 R. Krishnamoorthi, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Color Edge Detection Using Orthogonal Polynominals. ACCV (1) 1998: 590-597
2 C. B. Bargale, Subhasis Chaudhuri, Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Development of an Audio-visual Database System for Human Identification. AVBPA 1997: 345-352
1 Pushpak Bhattacharyya, G. Nagaraja: Learning Classes of Regular and Linear Languages in Valiant's Learnability Framework. FSTTCS 1993: 444-454

Coauthor Index

1Ashish Francis Almeida [16]
2C. B. Bargale [2]
3Debasri Chakrabarti [6]
4Soumen Chakrabarti [9]
5Subhasis Chaudhuri [2]
6Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla [17]
7Krishna Prasad Chitrapura [12]
8Om P. Damani [17]
9Shachi Dave [5]
10E. A. Fadhel [4]
11Kuhoo Gupta [13]
12R. Krishnamoorthi [3]
13Raghu Krishnapuram (Raghuram Krishnapuram) [12]
14Malhar Kulkarni [18]
15Srinivas Medimi [15]
16Rajat Kumar Mohanty [16]
17G. Nagaraja [1]
18Abhinay Pandya [10]
19Deepa Paranjpe [9]
20Jignashu Parikh [5]
21Ganesh Ramakrishnan [7] [8] [9] [12]
22J. Ramanand [14]
23Sagar Ranadive [17]
24Sriram G. Sanjeevi [11]
25Manish Shrivastava [13]
26Brahm Kiran Singh [14]
27Smriti Singh [13]
28Akshay Ukey [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)