ICAPS 2008:
Jussi Rintanen, Bernhard Nebel, J. Christopher Beck, Eric A. Hansen (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2008, Sydney, Australia, September 14-18, 2008.
AAAI 2008, ISBN 978-1-57735-386-7 BibTeX
- Marcel Ball, Robert C. Holte:
The Compression Power of Symbolic Pattern Databases.
2-11 BibTeX
- Abder Rezak Benaskeur, Froduald Kabanza, Eric Beaudry, Mathieu Beaudoin:
A Probabilistic Planner for the Combat Power Management Problem.
12-19 BibTeX
- Abdeslam Boularias, Brahim Chaib-draa:
Exact Dynamic Programming for Decentralized POMDPs with Lossless Policy Compression.
20-27 BibTeX
- Ronen I. Brafman, Carmel Domshlak:
From One to Many: Planning for Loosely Coupled Multi-Agent Systems.
28-35 BibTeX
- Hubie Chen, Omer Giménez:
Causal Graphs and Structurally Restricted Planning.
36-43 BibTeX
- Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith:
Additive-Disjunctive Heuristics for Optimal Planning.
44-51 BibTeX
- Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith:
A Hybrid Relaxed Planning Graph—LP Heuristic for Numeric Planning Domains.
52-59 BibTeX
- Tomás de la Rosa, Sergio Jiménez, Daniel Borrajo:
Learning Relational Decision Trees for Guiding Heuristic Planning.
60-67 BibTeX
- Minh Binh Do, Wheeler Ruml, Rong Zhou:
Planning for Modular Printers: Beyond Productivity.
68-75 BibTeX
- Andreas Ernst, Gaurav Singh, René Weiskircher:
Scheduling Meetings at Trade Events with Complex Preferences.
76-82 BibTeX
- Na Fu, Hoong Chuin Lau, Fei Xiao:
Generating Robust Schedules Subject to Resource and Duration Uncertainties.
83-90 BibTeX
- Christopher W. Geib, John Maraist, Robert P. Goldman:
A New Probabilistic Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on String Rewriting.
91-98 BibTeX
- Omer Giménez, Anders Jonsson:
In Search of the Tractability Boundary of Planning Problems.
99-106 BibTeX
- Mark E. Giuliano, Mark D. Johnston:
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Scheduling the James Webb Space Telescope.
107-115 BibTeX
- Miguel A. González, Camino R. Vela, Ramiro Varela:
A New Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Setup Times.
116-123 BibTeX
- Inés González Rodríguez, Camino R. Vela, Jorge Puente, Ramiro Varela:
A New Local Search for the Job Shop Problem with Uncertain Durations.
124-131 BibTeX
- Patrik Haslum:
A New Approach to Tractable Planning.
132-139 BibTeX
- Malte Helmert, Hector Geffner:
Unifying the Causal Graph and Additive Heuristics.
140-147 BibTeX
- Gildas Jeantet, Olivier Spanjaard:
Rank-Dependent Probability Weighting in Sequential Decision Problems under Uncertainty.
148-155 BibTeX
- Saket Joshi, Roni Khardon:
Stochastic Planning with First Order Decision Diagrams.
156-163 BibTeX
- Froduald Kabanza, Khaled Belghith, Philipe Bellefeuille, Benjamin Auder, Leo Hartman:
Planning 3D Task Demonstrations of a Teleoperated Space Robot Arm.
164-173 BibTeX
- Michael Katz, Carmel Domshlak:
Optimal Additive Composition of Abstraction-based Admissible Heuristics.
174-181 BibTeX
- Michael Katz, Carmel Domshlak:
Structural Patterns Heuristics via Fork Decomposition.
182-189 BibTeX
- Ugur Kuter, Dana S. Nau, Elnatan Reisner, Robert P. Goldman:
Using Classical Planners to Solve Nondeterministic Planning Problems.
190-197 BibTeX
- Jonas Kvarnström, Fredrik Heintz, Patrick Doherty:
A Temporal Logic-Based Planning and Execution Monitoring System.
198-205 BibTeX
- Hui X. Li, Brian C. Williams:
Generative Planning for Hybrid Systems Based on Flow Tubes.
206-213 BibTeX
- Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Pedro A. Szekely:
Criticality Metrics for Distributed Plan and Schedule Management.
214-221 BibTeX
- Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart J. Russell, Jason Wolfe:
Angelic Hierarchical Planning: Optimal and Online Algorithms.
222-231 BibTeX
- Blaine Nelson, T. K. Satish Kumar:
CircuitTSAT: A Solver for Large Instances of the Disjunctive Temporal Problem.
232-239 BibTeX
- Yaodong Ni, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
Bounded-Parameter Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
240-247 BibTeX
- Marek Petrik, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Learning Heuristic Functions through Approximate Linear Programming.
248-255 BibTeX
- Léon Planken, Mathijs de Weerdt, Roman van der Krogt:
P3C: A New Algorithm for the Simple Temporal Problem.
256-263 BibTeX
- Emmanuel Poder, Nicolas Beldiceanu:
Filtering for a Continuous Multi-Resources cumulative Constraint with Resource Consumption and Production.
264-271 BibTeX
- Cédric Pralet, Gérard Verfaillie:
Using Constraint Networks on Timelines to Model and Solve Planning and Scheduling Problems.
272-279 BibTeX
- Katrina Ray, Matthew L. Ginsberg:
The Complexity of Optimal Planning and a More Efficient Method for Finding Solutions.
280-287 BibTeX
- Mark Roberts, Adele E. Howe, Brandon Wilson, Marie desJardins:
What Makes Planners Predictable?.
288-295 BibTeX
- Nathan Robinson, Charles Gretton, Duc Nghia Pham, Abdul Sattar:
A Compact and Efficient SAT Encoding for Planning.
296-303 BibTeX
- Sebastian Sardiña, Giuseppe De Giacomo:
Realizing Multiple Autonomous Agents through Scheduling of Shared Devices.
304-312 BibTeX
- David Sarne, Barbara J. Grosz, Peter Owotoki:
Effective Information Value Calculation for Interruption Management in Multi-Agent Scheduling.
313-321 BibTeX
- Julie A. Shah, Brian C. Williams:
Fast Dynamic Scheduling of Disjunctive Temporal Constraint Networks through Incremental Compilation.
322-329 BibTeX
- Guy Shani, Pascal Poupart, Ronen I. Brafman, Solomon Eyal Shimony:
Efficient ADD Operations for Point-Based Algorithms.
330-337 BibTeX
- Matthijs T. J. Spaan, Frans A. Oliehoek, Nikos A. Vlassis:
Multiagent Planning Under Uncertainty with Stochastic Communication Delays.
338-345 BibTeX
- Mohan Sridharan, Jeremy Wyatt, Richard Dearden:
HiPPo: Hierarchical POMDPs for Planning Information Processing and Sensing Actions on a Robot.
346-354 BibTeX
- Jordan T. Thayer, Wheeler Ruml:
Faster than Weighted A*: An Optimistic Approach to Bounded Suboptimal Search.
355-362 BibTeX
- Pradeep Varakantham, Stephen F. Smith:
Linear Relaxation Techniques for Task Management in Uncertain Settings.
363-371 BibTeX
- Ivan Vermeulen, Sander M. Bohte, Sylvia G. Elkhuizen, Piet J. M. Bakker, Han La Poutré:
Decentralized Online Scheduling of Combination-Appointments in Hospitals.
372-379 BibTeX
- Ko-Hsin Cindy Wang, Adi Botea:
Fast and Memory-Efficient Multi-Agent Pathfinding.
380-387 BibTeX
- Martin Wehrle, Sebastian Kupferschmid, Andreas Podelski:
Useless Actions Are Useful.
388-395 BibTeX
- Jia-Hong Wu, Rajesh Kalyanam, Robert Givan:
Stochastic Enforced Hill-Climbing.
396-403 BibTeX
- Sung Wook Yoon, J. Benton, Subbarao Kambhampati:
An Online Learning Method for Improving Over-Subscription Planning.
404-411 BibTeX
- Brian Ziebart, Anind K. Dey, J. Andrew Bagnell:
Fast Planning for Dynamic Preferences.
412-419 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:57:26 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)