
Maria Fox

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49EEKeith Bell, Amanda Coles, Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long: The role of AI planning as a decision support tool in power substation management. AI Commun. 22(1): 37-57 (2009)
48EEAndrew Coles, Maria Fox, Keith Halsey, Derek Long, Amanda Smith: Managing concurrency in temporal planning using planner-scheduler interaction. Artif. Intell. 173(1): 1-44 (2009)
47EEMaria Fox, Sylvie Thiébaux: Advances in automated plan generation. Artif. Intell. 173(5-6): 501-502 (2009)
46 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith: Planning with Problems Requiring Temporal Coordination. AAAI 2008: 892-897
45EEPeter Gregory, Maria Fox, Derek Long: A New Empirical Study of Weak Backdoors. CP 2008: 618-623
44 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith: Additive-Disjunctive Heuristics for Optimal Planning. ICAPS 2008: 44-51
43 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith: A Hybrid Relaxed Planning Graph—LP Heuristic for Numeric Planning Domains. ICAPS 2008: 52-59
42 Mark S. Boddy, Maria Fox, Sylvie Thiébaux: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2007, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22-26, 2007 AAAI 2007
41 Maria Fox, Derek Long, Julie Porteous: Discovering Near Symmetry in Graphs. AAAI 2007: 415-420
40 Maria Fox, Jonathan Gough, Derek Long: Detecting Execution Failures Using Learned Action Models. AAAI 2007: 968-973
39 Muhammad Abdul Hakim Newton, John Levine, Maria Fox, Derek Long: Learning Macro-Actions for Arbitrary Planners and Domains. ICAPS 2007: 256-263
38 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Derek Long, Amanda Smith: Planning with Respect to an Existing Schedule of Events. ICAPS 2007: 81-88
37 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Amanda Smith: A New Local-Search Algorithm for Forward-Chaining Planning. ICAPS 2007: 89-96
36 Andrew Coles, Maria Fox, Amanda Smith: Online Identification of Useful Macro-Actions for Planning. ICAPS 2007: 97-104
35EEPeter Gregory, Derek Long, Maria Fox: A Meta-CSP Model for Optimal Planning. SARA 2007: 200-214
34 Maria Fox, Richard Howey, Derek Long: Exploration of the Robustness of Plans. AAAI 2006
33EEMaria Fox: Planning for Mixed Discrete Continuous Domains. CPAIOR 2006: 2
32 Maria Fox, Alfonso Gerevini, Derek Long, Ivan Serina: Plan Stability: Replanning versus Plan Repair. ICAPS 2006: 212-221
31EEMaria Fox, Malik Ghallab, Guillaume Infantes, Derek Long: Robot introspection through learned hidden Markov models. Artif. Intell. 170(2): 59-113 (2006)
30EEMaria Fox, Derek Long: Modelling Mixed Discrete-Continuous Domains for Planning. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 27: 235-297 (2006)
29 Maria Fox, Richard Howey, Derek Long: Validating Plans in the Context of Processes and Exogenous Events. AAAI 2005: 1151-1156
28 Alexandra M. Coddington, Maria Fox, Jonathan Gough, Derek Long, Ivan Serina: MADbot: A Motivated and Goal Directed Robot. AAAI 2005: 1680-1681
27EEMaria Fox, Derek Long, Julie Porteous: Abstraction-based Action Ordering in Planning. IJCAI 2005: 1220-1225
26 Keith Halsey, Derek Long, Maria Fox: Multiple Relaxations in Temporal Planning. ECAI 2004: 1029-1030
25 Maria Fox, Derek Long, Keith Halsey: An Investigation into the Expressive Power of PDDL2.1. ECAI 2004: 328-342
24EERichard Howey, Derek Long, Maria Fox: VAL: Automatic Plan Validation, Continuous Effects and Mixed Initiative Planning Using PDDL. ICTAI 2004: 294-301
23 Derek Long, Maria Fox: Exploiting a Graphplan Framework in Temporal Planning. ICAPS 2003: 52-61
22EEDerek Long, Maria Fox: The 3rd International Planning Competition: Results and Analysis. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 20: 1-59 (2003)
21EEMaria Fox, Derek Long: PDDL2.1: An Extension to PDDL for Expressing Temporal Planning Domains. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 20: 61-124 (2003)
20 Maria Fox, Alexandra M. Coddington: AIPS 2002 Workshop on Planning for Temporal Domains, Toulous, France, April 24, 2002 AIPS Workshop on Planning for Temporal Domains 2002
19 Maria Fox, Derek Long: The Third International Planning Competition: Temporal and Metric Planning. AIPS 2002: 333-
18 Maria Fox, Derek Long: Extending the Exploitation of Symmetries in Planning. AIPS 2002: 83-91
17 Maria Fox, Derek Long: Fast Temporal Planning in a Graphplan Framework. AIPS Workshop on Planning for Temporal Domains 2002: 9-17
16 Antonio Garrido, Maria Fox, Derek Long: A Temporal Planning System for Durative Actions of PDDL2.1. ECAI 2002: 586-590
15EEDerek Long, Maria Fox, Muna Hamdi: Reformulation in Planning. SARA 2002: 18-32
14 Maria Fox, Derek Long: Hybrid STAN: Identifying and Managing Combinatorial Optimisation Sub- problems in Planning. IJCAI 2001: 445-452
13 Maria Fox, Derek Long: STAN4: A Hybrid Planning Strategy Based on Subproblem Abstraction. AI Magazine 22(3): 81-84 (2001)
12 Susanne Biundo, Maria Fox: Recent Advances in AI Planning, 5th European Conference on Planning, ECP'99, Durham, UK, September 8-10, 1999, Proceedings Springer 2000
11 Maria Fox, Derek Long: Utilizing Automatically Inferred Invariants in Graph Construction and Search. AIPS 2000: 102-111
10 Derek Long, Maria Fox: Automatic Synthesis and Use of Generic Types in Planning. AIPS 2000: 196-205
9 Derek Long, Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman, Blai Bonet, Hector Geffner, Jana Koehler, Michael Brenner, Jörg Hoffmann, Frank Rittinger, Corin R. Anderson, Daniel S. Weld, David E. Smith, Maria Fox: The AIPS-98 Planning Competition. AI Magazine 21(2): 13-33 (2000)
8 Maria Fox, Derek Long: The Detection and Exploitation of Symmetry in Planning Problems. IJCAI 1999: 956-961
7EEDerek Long, Maria Fox: Efficient Implementation of the Plan Graph in STAN. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 10: 87-115 (1999)
6EEMaria Fox, Derek Long: The Automatic Inference of State Invariants in TIM. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 9: 367-421 (1998)
5 Maria Fox: Natural Hierarchical Planning Using Operator Decomposition. ECP 1997: 195-207
4 Chris Reed, Derek Long, Maria Fox, Max Garagnani: Persuasion as a Form of Inter-Agent Negotiation. DAI 1996: 120-136
3 Chris Reed, Derek Long, Maria Fox: An Architecture fro Argumentative Dialogue Planning. FAPR 1996: 555-566
2 Maria Fox, Derek Long: An Efficient Algorithm for Managing Partial Orders in Planning. SIGART Bulletin 7(4): 3-12 (1996)
1 Maria Fox, Derek Long: A Note on Chapman`s Modal Truth Criterion. EPIA 1993: 307-310

Coauthor Index

1Corin R. Anderson [9]
2Keith Bell [49]
3Susanne Biundo [12]
4Mark S. Boddy [42]
5Blai Bonet [9]
6Michael Brenner [9]
7Alexandra M. Coddington [20] [28]
8Amanda Coles [49]
9Andrew Coles [36] [37] [38] [43] [44] [46] [48] [49]
10Max Garagnani [4]
11Antonio Garrido [16]
12Hector Geffner [9]
13Alfonso Gerevini [32]
14Malik Ghallab [31]
15Jonathan Gough [28] [40]
16Peter Gregory [35] [45]
17Keith Halsey [25] [26] [48]
18Muna Hamdi [15]
19Jörg Hoffmann [9]
20Richard Howey [24] [29] [34]
21Guillaume Infantes [31]
22Henry A. Kautz [9]
23Jana Koehler (Jana Köhler) [9]
24John Levine [39]
25Derek Long [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [38] [39] [40] [41] [43] [44] [45] [46] [48] [49]
26Muhammad Abdul Hakim Newton [39]
27Julie Porteous [27] [41]
28Chris Reed [3] [4]
29Frank Rittinger [9]
30Bart Selman [9]
31Ivan Serina [28] [32]
32Amanda Smith [36] [37] [38] [43] [44] [46] [48]
33David E. Smith [9]
34Sylvie Thiébaux [42] [47]
35Daniel S. Weld [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)